Is this Jow Forums approved?

Is this Jow Forums approved?

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>the police are British



>the police are british
>the mechanics german
my sidehs

Attached: 5SBqAD9.jpg (600x315, 13K)

There are some of these stereotypes I don't get
>British cops are good
>German cops are bad
>Swiss people can't love
Are these common?

>the police are British
lmao tought the same

That's fucking stupid reddit tier shit.

>british police

Attached: cCaLfcO.png (595x1274, 1.02M)

Top kek.

>the Police are British
Replace with Danish

>>British cops are good
colonial stereotypes I guess
>>German cops are bad
nazi stuff, g*rmans are close minded
>>Swiss people can't love
capitalism doesn't include love

Never heard the Swiss one, but some people think our police are "friendly" (at least compared to the US). The German one is to do with the Nazis/East Germany I think

ppl in he comments are dumb, the bike wheel was clearly stolen, like the stereo

wtf I want to live in hell now

french mechanics are not bad though

also do you say the police is or the police are??

>british police

all outdated stereotypes from the 1800s

made by a retarded yank

They are all completely different places snd people so fuck off.

Oi do you have a loicence for Dat knoife?

Based Stasi gaslighting the proletariat.

>British chefs are bad
British recipes and cuisine are bad. Our chefs are fine.

>the police are British
would much rather have German police thank you.

itt how to spot if someone is underage and spends too much time on the 4chins

Attached: newscotlandyard[1].gif (1500x1000, 755K)

The stereotype for British police used to be the friendly Bobby on the beat before this whole 'police state' nonsense.

>german mechanics
If they are as good as their engineers then please no. Give me a Nip or Mexican instead.

Oi, u with that tree on yo' flag, where's yo' loicence for posting on Jow Forums?

>They seriously thought that his mother died to a bike wheel

Attached: 1517943790461.png (485x443, 25K)

which European cunt has the best cops?