She found a lonely sound
She keeps on waiting for time out there
Oh, love, can you love me, babe?
Love, is this loving, babe?
Is time turning around?
being a neet isn't a privilege it's a curse
It was really quite hypnotic
should we talk about who won the footy match last night instead? lmao
Love wanking
Love watching movies
Love playing video games
Mixed model
is it though? 20-30 year old professionals living in little cramped rooms, unable to start families despite working 50-60+ hour works in a highly productive society
Ageing populating who need to be paid for, despite a lower tax base
The rich hoovering up ever more wealth, insane levels of consumer debt
It's not working very well, maybe 50 years ago, but it's this bad for our generation, what's gonna happen for the next generation? (if there even is one)
mad that theres actually people who don't accept climate change as scientific fact
People can start families they choose not to
talk to 80% of people our age and they'll outright tell you that they'd get an abortion if they got pregnant in their 20s
Van Morrissey
Mass immigration has fucked Europe pretty badly
Don't care
none of those you mentioned are even widespread problems so yeah it's working pretty well
it's not perfect but the alternatives are much, much worse
t. e$$o
the reason i defend capitalism is because i used to attack it when i was a twatty teenager who saw the world as "leftwing=good, rightwing=bad, no understanding or historical knowledge necessary"
now i see how great capitalism actually is and how horrific the alternatives are, i feel like i'm kind of making up for my past idiocy by helping others grow up politically, like i did
also, it can be fun to watch commies try to defend a system that is based on robbery and slavery and has never produced anything but disaster
>hasn't outgrown the binary
fuck off fukuyama
>Ageing populating who need to be paid for, despite a lower tax base
what do you think happens to the old is socialist societies?
don't give a solitary fuck
>alternatives (plural)
learn to read mate
where did this meme come from that people don't think climate change is real. nobody is arguing that the climate isn't changing. the argument is how much influence humans actually have and if the current costs outweigh short term benefits.
can often relate to Adolf Hitler when things start going from bad to worse for me
nobody wants to because having a family in 2018 as a young person puts you in to poverty
Either that, or you get a good job(in a city) and raise your kid in a tiny 1 bed flat you pay 75% of your income for
I'm not the guy, and I'm not a socialist either, but to defend capitalism so fervently isn't right either
more like crapitalism
either the population is kept young by forced breeding or the old are killed before their natural end
or both
whatever serves the state best
LOVE watching Indian pickup artists in the West
Mixed model, bit like the model a white woman mixes when she gets impregnated by a superior black specimen
imagine getting mogged this hard by your own twin
Hitler almost saved planet earth
that's why I said it's not perfect but the alternatives are much worse you braindead redditor
nice one wacky b
models are white lad
never heard anyone actually able to name one thing wrong with fascism
Based black bull
>is it though? 20-30 year old professionals living in little cramped rooms
>falling for the inner london meme when we have the best commuter rail system in europe
toil is my Stalingrad
>Mixed model, bit like the model a white woman mixes when she gets impregnated by a superior black specimen
>The rich hoovering up ever more wealth
>Not a widespread problem
Retard Yank
Delete this shit you fucking nigger
what a hack
If the native europeans do die out then the continent will revert to the stone age
Just wish I could be there to laugh at it
Why would you even respond to the obvious bait
>I'm not the guy, and I'm not a socialist either, but to defend capitalism so fervently isn't right either
hmm yes you're TOTALLY not that guy and you're TOTALLY not a socialist but we all shouldn't defend capitalism either VERY convincing
nope, it's not
indians are respected more than niggers
post the webm, you know which one.
>>The rich hoovering up ever more wealth
>>Not a widespread problem
>Retard Yank
Knew you'd like that one Tismomick haha
Is the Italy flag a nigger?
paki on a proxy
i don't actually. i'm guessing it's a /tv/ meme?
i don't go on /tv/
Fucking BASED
why dont americans have real festivals
Rich people invest their money and create more wealth, poor people fritter their money away
if you redistributed all of the wealth equally then in short order it would end up back with the people who were wealthy to begin with
if I go to /his/ or Jow Forums will they be talking about British culture then?
proxy. he's used french, moldovan, and german ones in the past
when the Am*rican century ends the Australian millennium will begin
>the best commuter rail system in europe
If you genuinely believe young people aren't having families because it will make them poor you're very out of touch with people in the 18-30 age group
most don't want their social life to end, money doesn't even come into it.
What do I get for lunch lads
Healthy rice/tuna/salad from sainos or break the budget/belt with a katsu curry from the Nipponese place?
Ah i see
based retarded dabbing pepe poster
Lmao what?
pretty sure its the lei feng poster
would be typical of a chinese
brit/pol/ is just /brit/ but with fewer lefties, /his/ is just a battle ground for Jow Forums and leftypol
i don't have it i swear
Are you a nigger?
that's not about British culture either
i hate virgin freaks so fucking much
am I the only one who's actually more or less okay with Islam conquering Europe? i see it as pretty much akin to the Germanic barbarians taking over when Rome fell to decadence and impotence. we need that masculine, virile, self-assured energy to come from somewhere and honestly it coming from Islam is the best bet. Don't really want arabs or pakis here really but I would be absolutely fine of young white men started to convert to Islam by the masses. I find that much preferable to the current degeneracy we have
not liking the amount of forners in this thread
reading the bible
the world is getting richer
people on benefits can manage 6+ kids
people with more money can't manage 2?
Brown hands
Do you believe in the right to die?
As someone who is pre-disposed to alzheimers and having seen my grandad forget who me and my father are, I've come around. Would much rather die with dignity surrounded by family and friends than be sat rotting in some care home for a decade not knowing who I or anyone who has ever been close to me is and shitting my pants
If I ever get to that age, when I start forgetting people, I'd want to be put down
Triptwats ruined brit/pol/. Hopefully he's committed suicide.
it was cheaper in the past to arrange daycare and larger houses, things that minimise the disruption kids cause to your life
not brown, just starting to believe Guenon was right
Yes. Nobody should be forced to stay alive if they don't want to. The entire idea is fucking retarded.
don't know about dying with dignity
but I do like the song "death with dignity"
>am I the only one who's actually more or less okay with Islam conquering Europe? i see it as pretty much akin to the Germanic barbarians taking over when Rome fell to decadence and impotence. we need that masculine, virile, self-assured energy to come from somewhere and honestly it coming from Islam is the best bet. Don't really want arabs or pakis here really but I would be absolutely fine of young white men started to convert to Islam by the masses. I find that much preferable to the current degeneracy we have
Just post the webm, FFS
WHY are there no fucking hospitals in Cornwall I am fucking dying
but islam results in horrific human rights abuses against all but straight muslim men