>Battle of Gallipoli
Is this the biggest wh*Toid fuckup against KARA BOĞA?
Battle of Gallipoli
filthy anzac wh*Toids couldn't do shit against the mighty BLACK TVRKISH BVLLS gunning them down like dirty roaches on the beach, they all died for fucking nothing, and now the pathetic wh*Toid australian creatures celebrate cuckzac day as if it was some victory, talk about mental gymnastic lmaoooo
Battle of Mohacs. Battle of Varna, Conquest of IstanBULL, Battle of Manzikert, Siege of Belgrade, conquest of Moldova, Battle of Kosovo, Battle of Grocka, Siege of Kut Al Amara, Battle of Maritsa
There were literally only around 8 million actual Turks, rest was araps or balkan rape baby slaves
Battle of Nicopolis, Battle of Ihtiman, Ottoman invasion of Otranto, Battle of Krbava Field, Battle of Formentera, Battle of Gorjani, Algiers expedition, Siege of Buda ETC ETC
Also notice how somehow the Ottomans with a turk population of maybe 4 million at that time were able to summon an army of 500.000 in every battle while Europeans fought with """"30.000"""" and were able to inflict massive casualites but losing anyway
This is Euroshit wh*Te history for you
The Ottoman empire collapsed and there is nothing you can do about it.
>one of the most retarded attacks in history, attacking up hills on a beach accross the world right next to the neemy capital
>they still end up with as many dead
Churchill was already bought off by the Jews at this point so he purposely botched the operation.
What better way to insult Christians then to blow their only chance at reclaiming the Hagia Sophia
Of cource not. en.wikipedia.org
were much worse
Based and redpilled
>Is this the biggest wh*Toid fuckup against KARA BOĞA?
Pathetic troll. Ottomans were on the rise at this period, and their empire beame a sick man of europe only later when they've gone to shit. And they're still shit, pretty much.
you forget the best ones en.wikipedia.org
Turkey is a quit strong and modern Army in 2018 and it's getting better every year.
I would argue that modern turkey is better than the 19th ottoman empire, in comparaison to modern Russia for exemple.
the turks lost the war so no not really
No. That would be letting TURK bulls into their homes to outbreed them
they won the war actually
How come the Ottoman empire was broken up?
Turkey won the war against the Ottoman empire and the western allies
as you can see, ottoman empire and turkey were two different entities
Turks consider the 1912-1923 events to be one single war
yeah but you lost the war and Istanbul was retaked quickly
was taken back*
didnt sleep in 35 hours
Different war
on your own link it says "part of WW1 and Turkish war of independance"
Gallipoli was only part of WW1
Many historian, turkish or not, consider the 1912-1923 period of Turkey as one and only one single war.
And for the turks of that period, they didn't really consider 1918 as the end of the war, as the fight contuined.
it's basically First Balkan War - WW 1 - Greek-turkish war - Franco-Turkish War - Turkish independance war as a whole
it's like chinese, WW2 started in 1936 for them, not 1939