I started to practice meditation recently. This has so strong affect on me. I wish my people were buddhists just like our mongolian bros not mudslims.
Is here any actual buddhist?
I started to practice meditation recently. This has so strong affect on me...
Henry Roberts
Jack Morris
Buddhism kicks ass.
Jonathan Gray
Chase James
I think taoism is better for transition from islam cause it still has belief of good and evil with similar views as abrahamic religions man good and woman bad.
Logan Stewart
You can mediate while still being a muslim kipchak subhuman
Tyler Thompson
But taoism doesnt have so large cultural connection to other asian peoples and not so much traditions and schools
Gavin Ward
I better stay an atheist
Wyatt Sullivan
not tengrism
Owen Cooper
Maybe but from outsider look it seems Kazakhstan could actually affiliate somewhat more with Asiatic cultures than say turkmenistan and uzbekistan which seem way more arabic and iranian.
Anthony Baker
Tengrism is pretty good for coexisting with buddhism. Just look at Mongolia and Tyva.