People actually fell for this shit

People actually fell for this shit

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> pic
Are we finally embraced mongol flag? Cool.

When is Kazakhstan going to join

>1st place in GDP
>1st place in population
>1st place in industrial output
>1st place in natural resources
yeah it's gon be fine

This shit should be consists of
Brazil, Estonia, Niger, India, South Africa
So as we could make B-E-N-I-S out of it.

Kazakhstan is above this shity 3rd world countries

Good job on explaining your joke.

Attached: 1515771701396.jpg (400x300, 26K)

I can do it even better.

Attached: beeeenizzzz.png (944x210, 51K)

Pls no passive agresiveness

Attached: Pouting is probably the cutest damn thing ever in anime _3ac266ab6e2c2e8b924a9e0a9ef8f1e0.png (250x250, 62K)

JACIE (Japan, Australia, Canada, Iran, EU) will crush them



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>3/4 by one country

Attached: man-holding-glass-of-red-wine-laughing-XCFRXJ.jpg (1300x957, 86K)

>using english letters for an english anagram, by non english to show how independent they are from the English

Attached: queen_elizabeth_ii.jpg (320x240, 33K)


Their country can be strong, but the Their people can not be rich
They're all just populated countries

>tfw the S in BRICS will stand for Slovenia in my lifetime

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Brazil is a shithole, it's not significant economically, nor in military aspect. No reason to be included in BRICS.

Russia is a military superpower, but pretty insignificant economically. Though it has some geopolitical significance so it's ok to be included in this group.

India has"some" potential, though it's economically and military weak relative to it's size. Most of their people live in terrible conditions and I don't think it's a geopolitical power. No reason to be in BRICS.

China is good, a emerging superpower, capable of being a counterweight to the West.

>South Africa

Nigga if it wadnt for samsung you'd live in river huts

Only retards ever took it seriously.

This is just a meme. Who does think this will ever work?
India and China are regional rivals and were in a brink of war just few months ago.

There was a tv series about this shit. People really used to defend it.

PerĂº replacing Brazil when?

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>Potential additional members

>Afghanistan, Argentina, Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey have expressed strong interest in full membership of the BRICS, while Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, Sudan, Syria and most recently Bangladesh and Greece have also expressed interest in joining BRICS.[59][60][61][62][63]

Kek, but you want to get into this "meme", what are you talking about?

I wonder what they'd be called after that...


You can cry, burger

Attached: GDP.png (373x398, 20K)