My cousin who died last year

My cousin who died last year

Attached: JSwanson.jpg (978x1668, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Was she found wrapped in plastic in the pacific NW?

Did she say the Shahada before dying?

>sanpaku eyes
t-t-this i-is a coincidence r-right? I-I don't want t-to die
unironically whenever I see someone die early I check their eyes and haven't seen a non sanpaku early death

What is snpaku?

fuck off weeb

How did she die?

She lost control of her car and hit a tree.

Rest in peace

She looks like she got stuck in 1989

That's not sanpaku. Either way OP should stop spamming this fucking thread as well as the turquoise tank top thread and the fucking cat thread if that's him too.

Ah wait no it is sanpaku.

top white of the iris isn't showing

thread theme

Did she say the Shahada before dying?

What happened?

Car vs. Tree

she's aesthetic
she's in a better place now

Attached: rip.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

Rotting in a box?

Based and lodgepilled

but surviving in your memory
did you love her?

If I haddn't already rubbed one out today I would have tributed this picture to honor the dead.