Why they are all so similar to each other and still fight?
Afghans are more Iranic than they are Indie
They have basically the same admixture of gypsies.
It's Islam Vs. Hinduism Vs. Buddhism
Afghanistan is rightful Iranian clay. The rest should be one country tho idk
I've seen your trip before
Why do you think they're similar to the extent that they wouldn't fight? There is almost as many cultural differences within India alone as an entire continent like Europe.
No they don't that like saying Italians don't have Arab addmixture
....Vs. Christianity Vs. Sikhism Vs. Jainism Vs. Sarnaism
Based Iranic bro
Google genetiker wordpress
You will see that Pathans = Gypsies after all
There is no christcuck in South Asia, cringe and bluepilled
But basically the difference is religious not ethnical
There are entire communities.
South asians like to fight over religion
Their shit has different consistancies
I'm sorry your country has a burden of many Pathans since centuries.
>have anything in common with Indians
They get offended if you even compare them to Indians.
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Who cares if they get offended? They are islamist gypsies after all.
Imagine being worse than poos...wew
>who cares
Well you should, because for starters they don’t follow the same religion. Or speak the same language. Or have the same ethnic groups. Or the same culture. Etc etc. but yeah, they’re both brown.
I already know that. But genetically south asians are more or less similar. Genetics is everything.
That's a very Materialist Post-Modernist viewpoint mister fashy ebin Abdul
this is dumb
Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikkhism are all Dharmic religions and native to OUR land. We Hindus jave no issue with Buddhists or Sikhs. In fact, marrying one isn’t even that taboo
Islam on the other hand...... We got bad blood from millenium ago
dafuq are you saying? There is bad blood even between hindu castes. You south asians are very prone to intolerance and fighting.
outside Jow Forums memes and marriage, no one cares about caste that much
don’t take Jow Forums banter so seriously
Then read any of your country newspapers, I'm not kidding. I know much about hindustan.
uncivilized barbarian people
Europeans have waged the highest number of wars and caused the greatest number of deaths, though. They all look and behave the same, so why do they fight?
Times have changed. Europeans are basically the most civilized but degenerate. South asians are the most backward population ever.
Present-day wars: definitely not europeans
>most civilized but degenerate
In what way?
>I know much about hindustan
Haven't you heard of the degeneration of western civilization?
>Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Smoke, Stupidity, etc
What do you mean by "South Asians". There are 3 main ancestral autosomal groups found in most south asians- native Indian Hunter-Gatherers (abbos), Zagros farmers (came from North-western Iran, related to Caucasus Hunter-gatherers), Steppe nomads (related to Eastern European Hunter-Gatherers).
So which groups are you talking about when you say "south Asians"- IHG, CHG or EHG?
Everything was better under our control. This was the future you chose.
Looks like you don't know as much as you think. Sikhism is literally half Islam half Hinduism. I can't see joe you can consider it dharmic.
Go away steppe nugger, Ghenghis was fucked.
Paolo is retarded
by hundreds of beautiful women i know
Too bad the Empire melted away to nothingness and the m*ngols were absorbed the same cultures they conquered.
>There is no christcuck in South Asia,
Completely wrong
>Europeans have waged the highest number of wars
zhang... calm down
Afghanistan should be split to Little Iran (Tajik area), Moghulistan (Hazara), Pashtunistan (Pashtuns and other pseudo-Pakis)