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Other urls found in this thread:


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Good post

كس اخت بشار على ايري

Good luck bashar

Syria = russian port.

Russia is gonna make a deal with turkey and disappoint all the ASSadists

good choice


Cringe thread I would delete it if I were you

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Good thread

Excellent and redpilled thread

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>tfw we won

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Wahabist dogs WILL be roused by this

ايري بالعلوية ضيعجية القرداحة و رعاة البقر ، لولا أبو علي بوتين كنتو هلأ عم تشتغلو خدم عند الإقطاع الحموي

Can't mossad the assad

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Why would they need a deal?


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in order for this conflict to come to resolution. Russia wants to come out looking like the victor and foster good relations with turkey.

باين من لهجتي انو مو سعودي ، بس شو ساوي لغباءك ازا انت لبناني

فيك وبلهجتك
خليك عم تلحس طيزو للملك
لأنو متل الشرموطة بكرا بدن يرجعوك على سورية

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Screw bashar al assad he's a dog, long live the rebels

>long live Al-Qaeda

This is basically what you just said. The rebels gave up long ago.

Shiite, Druze or Christian, what are you?

Kill yourself mudshit.

Wallah you are a kalb, kos omk iqn qahba


Attached: HAHaa.jpg (225x225, 4K)

Nah, we still have turkey's attack dogs.


How is Hezbulshaytan any better than Al Qaeda you cock sucking faggot? Also really cute betafag respond to insults with "cringe" like the wimp you are.

Time to go back to morocco, Ahmed.

Si tu tambien eres morito maricón, no se follo mi abuelo a tu abuela pocas veces... No prestaste atención en la ESO?

ليش لأرجع عسوريا ؟ مع الثروة اللي جمعتا بالغربة فيني اشتري بيت بيروت و نيك أحلى بنت بالضاحية ، و انت خليك عم تبيع امك و اختك للمعمم يتمتع فيون حتى تقدر تشترك بالانترنت و تتمنيك علينا

die scum, filthy subhuman.


بشار ابن منيوكة اخو قحاب

>larping as a tough guy on the internet

Everyone knows that mudshits are like hyenas. They're only strong because they gang up on you, and even then they're weak lmao.

>مع الثروة اللي جمعتا بالغربة فيني اشتري بيت بيروت
KEK syrians aren't even allowed to drive motorbikes anymore, good luck trying to buy ANY property as a syrian too. Regardless of how much money you have, you still won't buy your way into a house. That's how much everyone hates you rats.

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Cant wait until Lebanon breaks up into sectarianism and another civil war starts between religious groups. I would pay to see you beheaded

t. whores his mom out for internet connection

يلعن ابو الي نفض امك ياخو المطبوزة

>mudshit dreams of wrecking another nation
Ah yes, yes. So much for a religion of "peace".

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مو مشكلة ، لسا فيني نيك بنات بيروت ، يعني انت بتنكر إنو بيروت عاصمة للدعارة و الشرمطة ، هي من المعلوم بالضرورة

An individual cannot represent an idea, claiming an idea is perfect for how someone acts is a textbook fallacy, why are you so dumb dog? You didn't receive education?

I work and pay for my own internet. Unlike you parasites which leech off whoever you can.
>thinking that insulting my family on the internet will yield anything but a feeling of pity at how pathetic your attempt at insults are

based lebshit, we may turn you into slaves when the levantine genocide goes into effect.

and how pathetic is to insult 1.6 billion muslims? lol you don't even have the balls to tell your creed, huge faggot

You're behaving like a textbook sunni. It's embarrassing when a mudshit claims to be "educated" too.
You're most likely just brainwashed, but fear not. The spaniards hate muslims more than anyone in Europe, your empalement and eventual salvation is at hand.

Yeah sure, you haven't put your poor ass in Europe even once and yet you know what country is the most racist BWAHAHAHAHAHA

i haven't seen an assblasted kaffir this assblasted in a long time, stay mad infidel sharmout.

بدي بعبص خواتك

I was born and raised in Sweden. My friends were also born and raised in Spain, Germany and Switzerland. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

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The absolute state

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Another refugee dog...

>attack en pack like the hyena parasites that you are
>lol ur just assblasted

Attached: durr.jpg (349x642, 40K)

Cruza el Rio de la Plata y vete a mendigar para que algun argentino os compre deuda y os saque de la miseria

Refugee? Nah. My parents migrated for economical reasons, and as you can see I'm back in my homeland, unlike you.
Unless you're a convert, then that is just pathetic.

do you need some ass cream ? i can hook you up with a bit if you want just ask

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Of course why else would you scum emmigrate if not for money? You probably were kicked out kek
Don't push him too hard he's about to cry

>hurr durr

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fastest growing religion kaffir, you will meet a terrible fate, doom for you is coming, keep looking behind your shoulders mnyek.

>You probably were kicked out kek
In your fantasies maybe.

>>hurr durr

Attached: you..png (771x606, 236K)

Y vos cruza el mar mediterráneo y volve a tu país moro

>unironically supporting the butcherer

>muh fastest growing religion
You're also the most hated religion in the world, heck, even muslims hate other muslims because they know how much of a cancer you are.

hurr durr ;( ;( ;( in my dreams ;( ;( ;( hurr durr

lol what a weak ass answer, anyway thanks for the laughs kaffir dog, next time you learn to be more respectful and shut the fuck up

>no u
Simply pathetic.

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Why don't you try coming here, bitchboi. Then you'll learn the true meaning your words carry.

Thanks to 'merca Turkey is in a very inferior position to negotiate now.

cringe central in this thread

Libbe du är en fet gris

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I was promised buttblasted muslims but there's like two of them here. Boo!


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t. diaspora shitskin subhuman

die nusayri rat

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Blueish eyes, ALAWI lies.
Muffled Sunni women's cries.
Sunni children, big and small
Ocвoбoдитeль kills them all
Left, right, right, left
ALAWI sows the seeds of death
Not a stone is left to stand
When ALAWI treks across the land
After starting Sunni Genocide 1979
The ALAWI's work was still not done
So joining with the Russian and Majoosi
He made a new one: Sunni Genocide 2018
To sate his thirst for Sunni blood
That he wanted, that he got
Now Idlib is devoid of cheer
Abdul have fear; the ALAWI is here

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t. S*nni dog

Takfiris need to be fucking hanged.

بشار هو كلب

There's three of them you retarded mong.

Muslims getting literally figuratively blown the fuck out in this thread, and in real life.

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die favela monkey
nice argument kaffir

Attached: you.jpg (244x206, 8K)

Russia is the victor.
Ergoban buying Russian weapons

Hello fellow arabs, Syrian refugee here. I just want to thank Allah for giving us Bashar the lion and Inshallah we will have a thousand years of shiite hegemony once the s*udi rats run out of their oil.

SU-57 is cancelled.

Good news!

>diaspora shitskin living off whitoid gibs
>supports ASShart


S-400 isn't,

He is lying. There are no sh*a in Sweden since they get so bullied they have to go home again.

>Unironically being religious

Attached: religion.jpg (800x7200, 705K)

good, kill all shi(i)te rats leave no majoos alive.

Nice image, saved.

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you have a big brain and a high IQ, you're smart and better than other people !

Thanks for the compliments.

Pls leave, you shill for Salman


new atheism is back with a vengeance bros, and this time it's ready because all the neckbeards became incels, Jow Forumsacks or orthodoxLARPers

I guess swedes would dig gaytheism