
Welcome to Jungle
Grug have fun

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Mos man

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just waggled me willy lads


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smacked richard spencer in a pub in london, put him on his arse

before he was big like so it didn't make breitbart, but I would've been the 'ardest lad in the world to the alt-right if they kneww

went out and bought a spacehopper after i saw this episode
wish they made bigger ones

can someone find that picture where it says like "the victims of white racism" or something and it's pictures of people at Charlottesville and it says stuff like "I saw a black actor on tv"

Need a mentally ill goth gf with big milkers.

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No you didn't
Sod off

this is the type of subhman low-iq negroid scum we are dealing with

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dude sounds like quite the epic pic haha, rorke would be FUMING if someone posted it omg lol

Even if I had it I wouldn't give it to you

yeah that's the one lol thx xx

>can someone find that picture where it says like "the victims of white racism" or something and it's pictures of people at Charlottesville and it says stuff like "I saw a black actor on tv"

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saved that rei picture haha

Literally going to the rally

Gonna fuck up some racists

eating beans egg and bacon on toast

Hey, hey baby
(Ooh aah)
I wanna know (oh ooh)
If you'll be my girl

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>can someone find that picture where it says like "the victims of white racism" or something and it's pictures of people at Charlottesville and it says stuff like "I saw a black actor on tv"

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I believe this is the only model of ours in your price range sir....

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this second Unite the Right rally won't be at Charlottesville, it's gonna be at Washington DC

you know, the city with demographics like these

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why don't white people ever rape anyone

Going to convert the video of you getting heemed to a webm

>Literally going to the rally
>Gonna fuck up some racists

Attached: soyrage.webm (636x360, 2.23M)

Classic year 6 disco track

they do
just not the high IQ ones

>save me britain i need asylum from the bad guys in my country
>haha why shouldn't i rape your girls???
no wonder the leftist media has to cover all this shit up
people would be fucking outraged if they knew

>images (65).jpg

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laughing at fragile nu-right children

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>Literally going to the rally
>Gonna fuck up some racists

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>more ice in my mug than beer

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Would gouge the eyes out of a leftypol poster with my bare hands


business idea: a big white nationalist rally every year until it eventually triggers a race war

>ice in beer
Do gooks really do this?

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>laughing at fragile nu-right children

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reckon we should still take asylum seekers to be honest

>Drinking beer from a mug

Going on lunch, I expect a better thread when I get back.


>laughing at fragile nu-right children

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Attached: Niggerkidrapingwhitegirl.webm (1280x720, 2.09M)

as opposed to the stoic, resilient nu-left?

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Carp are better at regonising bait than /brit/

Just another tuesday in Paris

Disgusting creatures.

don't remember endorsing the nu-left

i think you get what you deserve if you want ice in beer

"haha i was just pretending to be retarded"

whatever you call a glass with a handle
that's not a mug?
its either that or drink 25*C beer

why are right wing people so over-represented on the internet? are the lefties out with their mates?

same, but prioritise women and children and keep them in holding centres until they can go back
if they don't like the holding centre, they can fuck off home
nobody should be able to use an asylum claim as a method of illegal immigration


she's so cute

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fuck t*ump

anyone else get a splash of lime cordial in their pint

jug desu

no they are too scared to talk when the masculine alpha right wingers are talking
they feel intimidated

How do I emmigrate to Vietnam?

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stiens are metal or stone no?

Why dont you go to the politics board to discuss politcs

for me, it's mambo no5, nutbush city limits, macarena, 5 6 7 8
didn't dance with anyone though just sat in the dark corner hoping a teacher didn't drag me in lol

reminder to r*port avatarfagging using the appropriate rule violation

in spain coke+red wine is very popular


Jow Forums is one of the only sites where right wingers are the majority though

hows the plan to marrying sue going

Why can't brit/pol/ fuck off already? Why do they have to smear their shit everywhere like a pox of syphilis?

in Ireland coke + lager is very popular

sites like twitter and reddit are just extensions of real life

>why are right wing people so over-represented on the internet?
They're not
you must go to pretty right-wing sites
the vast majority of social media is lefty


>fuck t*ump

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they also have a drink called...
El Toro Rojo
*guitar riff*

>implying brit/pol/ discusses politics
go looks for thereselves they are discussing height right now

reckon chinks are barely human

oh honey no xxx

>Why can't brit/pol/ fuck off already? Why do they have to smear their shit everywhere like a pox of syphilis?

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according to schedule

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dumb bent crossposter

How about you go back there you sad twat

>Why can't brit/pol/ fuck off already? Why do they have to smear their shit everywhere like a pox of syphilis?

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jugs tend to be dimpled but i'd push for calling any glass with a handle a jug to remove the word stein from our lexicon
note, bruce, that a jug is not a literal jug, it's a style of beer mug

I dislike what trump stands for and can't really believe people voted for him but he hasn't really done anything properly bad yet except getting rid of the federal ACA shit

just woke up lads
had a dream that i was a student and the ex was my teacher and we argued over a homework assignment aha

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These memes make themselves

taking an active interest in politics is PEAK boomer behaviour
get out and enjoy youth you virgin freaks

if that were the case there would be a lot more trannies and open borders communists in real life

repealing the iran sanctions are pretty bad

That's case in many countries. Not just Ireland.

what does he stand for in your opinion?