I've finally came to my senses and realized that im a SERB, Croat brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the chetniks. Would fellow Serb brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Srpska and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Banja Luka suburbs sounds nice.
Didi your country tried to suppress your nationality?
Other urls found in this thread:
What do you think makes you a Serb?
>wanting to be a serb
I've finally came to my senses and realized that im a BOSNIAK, Serbian-Vlach brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the mujahideen. Would fellow Bosniak brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Federacija and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Travnik suburbs sounds nice.
Easy to tell, last name is usually a dead giveaway
Or if they find some Orthodox mementos in their family house
Gonna find me a nice Serbian wife now
what' the difference between Serbia and Croatia? Religion memes aside
>Or if they find some Orthodox mementos in their family house
ove mema mora umrijeti
Serbian last names?
What are the common ones
I've finally came to my senses and realized that im a WINDISCHER, Slovene brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the Heimatdienst and the Kulturno društvo nemško govoreče mladine. Would fellow Windisch brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Kaernten and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Klagenfurt suburbs sounds nice.
Different history for the most part, different military and political alliances, different economy etc. I don't know how hard is this to understand, Austria and Germany have more in common than Croatia and Serbia.
You've found one in the attic, didnt you?
Djordjevic, Knezevic, Savic, Golubic, Krstic...
>I don't know how hard is this to understand,
they speak the same language as far as I know
>Austria and Germany have more in common
bullshit and the further to the borders you go the more bullshit it becomes
>they speak the same language as far as I know
Yes, but so do the UK and Ireland, so do Austria and Germany, the US and Australia, Spain and Latin America, France and Niger etc.
I've finally came to my senses and realized that im a SAXON, Norman brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the SS. Would fellow Saxon brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Sachsen and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Dresden suburbs sounds nice.
And many more...
Like the Austrians and the Germans, they have very minor differences in vocabulary (for instance Croats call bread kruh like us Slovenes and not leb like Serbs and Macedonians) and there are the two Croatian dialects, which are as different from the standard language as Austrian Bavarian is from Standard German.
Ireland was forced into English
Austria and Germany are forbidden to unite
the rest are colonies, far away from each others
ftw crucco ( name for germans) comes from WW1 slav prisoners asking for bread lmao
Austria and Germany have more in common:
-Same language
-Same level of developement
-Both are EU, Euro and Schengen members
While Croatia and Serbia
-Same language but different script
-One is in the EU, the other is not
-One is more developed than the other
I'm a Croat btw
Is Halupa Croat or Serb name?
I am a proud Scandinavian.
Serbs use both scripts both
Who gives a shit about EU we're talking about people
Croats have higher wages, but I wouldn't call them developed
>Croats have higher wages, but I wouldn't call them developed
I haven't called them developed, I just compared the two. Rwanda is more developed than Burundi, it does not mean that Rwanda is a developed country.
Many people give a shit about EU, why is it so important then in every geopolitical and economy topic in the Europe?
What about military alliances? Croatia is in NATO, which Serbia is not really fond of.
A duck in a chicken coop is still a duck
Our differences are political, not linguistic and genetic
Its funny that this slovene retard used EU membership and level of development as factors in his post since both hihgly depend on external politics of other countries and political will. Of course croats rushed to both since they sold their country back to old masters before they even got their independence. Thats what you do when your pick Serb-hating as your national identity.
Now he uses NATO lol
Yes, but countries are political entities, that's why political criteria matter the most. Also i'm not sure about the genetical part, do you mean haplogroups? Cuz the most prevalent haplogroup in Croatia is R1a, while in Serbia it's I2.
Dont move the goalposts now.
If its about political entities you could have said it right away, then croatia is like 90% different than Serbia
I've finally came to my senses and realized that im a DALMATIAN, Croat brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the autonomist party. Would fellow Dalmatian brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Dalmacija/Dalmazia and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Split/Spalato suburbs sounds nice.
>If its about political entities you could have said it right away, then croatia is like 90% different than Serbia
I've answered the Italian user's question, which was Since Serbia and Croatia are countries, not nations, I've listed the differences between the two. And yes, if we compare the countries, Croatia and Serbia have more differences than Germany and Austria. Also having differeces does not mean completely different, Serbia and Croatia are similar to eachother, but nevertheless they have some important differences.
He's bullshitting, 90% of what Serbs think are "Serbian surnames" are just generic South Slavic ones.
>Lmao bruh look at this chart showing how similar slavic countries are by dna
any more news?
I've finally come to my senses and realized that MOGYOR VAGYOK, Slovene brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the Hungarian MP that's required to sit in the Slovenian parliament. Would fellow Hungarian brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Muravidek and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Lendva suburbs sounds nice.
>generic South Slavic surnames
do you actually believe Slovenian and Bulgarian/Macedonian surnames are the same as Serbocroatian ones? That said, Serbocroatian surnames are a reality instead of purely Serb or Croat ones.
I've finally came to my senses and realized that im a ALBANIAN, Croat brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the shqiptars. Would fellow Albanians brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Kosovo and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Priština suburbs sounds nice.
I have one of those surnames
Reading comprehension, ever heard of it?
I've finally came to my senses and realized that im a TURK, Bulgarian brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the turks. Would fellow Turk brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Turkiye and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Rize suburbs sound nice.
I've finally come to my senses and realized that I'M WALKIN HERE, Slovene brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the ezuli ('optanti' is a Slavic fabrication). Would fellow irredentisti istriani brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Venezia Giulia irredenta and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Capodistria suburbs sounds nice.
Oh fuck off
"Croats" with Knezevic or Savic last names are a joke
hey my mum was born there
>What is a Knez?
>What is the Sava river?
Yeah, because knez is not at all a common Slavic medieval title and Sava doesn't flow through Croatia. Kill yourself, you dumb brainwashed cunt. Why did God punish us by having to border S*rbs?
They had croatian nationalists named Milosevic and Krsticevic in their government kek
Croatia didn't have Knez's for over 1000 years
Who are you fucking fooling here?
Is Miloš not a historically Croatian name? I get the other surname with the religious connotation of krst vs. križ, but I'm curious if the Serbs have a monopoly on the name Miloš.
I've finally came to my senses and realized that im a WHITE BRAZILIAN, Slavic brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the favela monkeys. Would fellow Brazilian brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Bahia and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Salvador suburbs sounds nice.
Yeah I imagine all of our castles were built by turks/serbs then. Fuck off Deretić
Knez is a common Slovenian surname, and Kralj too. The explanation offered by Slovenian linguists is that such surnames originated as mocking epithets given to pompous commoners by their fellows.
You stopped using the title in the 10th century you dumbass
You had Kralj and Princ then
>Croatia didn't have Knez's for over 1000 years
Except we did, you stroke victim. You keep projecting your history onto us. Just because Serbian nobility was wiped and the people enslaved by the Turks, doesn't mean the same happened to us. Our nobility and the Sabor were intact during the personal union with Hungary and Habsburg rule. Nikola Šubić Zrinski, for example, was a Croatian nobleman and a, guess what? Knez aka count.
Knez is just a word for Duke, and in Slovenian it was the translation of the German Herzog, tho Vojvoda was used too.
Which is why I'm not arguing that Vojvodic is a Serb last name
Irrelevant, it was a common noun in the Croatian language that never fell out of use. At times, "knez" was a synonym for "vladar". His/your arguement is that there was no Knežević/Knezović because knez is a word that wasn't used in Croatia for a 1000 years or something.
Come to Oberkrain, bruder
The biggest enemy of Croats are family trees and Church records.
I'm arguing because Knez's weren't relevant for 1000 years in Croatia while in Serbia they weren't relevant since 1882
why are balkanites so obsessed with killing each other
Preseli se u Nemacku ili u Ameriku okaci zastavu Srbije na zid, koliko si visok? Mozes da prodjes kao srbin ali prvo moras da se ubrizgas malo dinarskim genima. Da budes crnji, vidim da su hrvati mnogo plavi i bledi.
>Knez's weren't relevant for 1000 years
And I explained to you how that's not true.
I'll borrow you some fuel for your tractor.
I've finally came to my senses and realized that im SWISS, Nazi brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the Swiss banks. Would fellow Swiss brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Zürich and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Basel suburbs sounds nice.
I've finally came to my senses and realized that im a SWEDE, Finn brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be the NMR. Would fellow Swede brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to Österbotten and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Vasa suburbs sounds nice.
All your "knez's" and nobility in general had foreign ancestry and last names, so no.
Croatian isnt a real nationality
Kek, the autism woke up
I've finally came to my senses and realized that im a MACEDONIAN, Bulgarian brainwashing couldn't get to me. I've already told my family and they decided to disown me, but fuck them, my new family will be VMRO-DPMNE and the tvrdokorni. Would fellow Macedonian brothers accept me as theirs? Im planning on moving to the Vardar valley and would also like to hear about comfy cities I could move to, Skopje Aerodrom suburbs sounds nice.
Croats were a real people since before any of the meme ethnicities of your North African country existed.
I'm not engaging with the biggest retard on this board.
The fact that the last name Knezevic or really any last name ending in -ic in croatia and bosnia (specifically in Herzegovina) are dinaric descendants. You are serbs and serbs are your ancestors more or less, you can try to bleach yourself but your blonde mediterranean sunkissed women were shaped into the genetic disaster they are today by us.
>the last name knezevic comes from the word ''Knez'' ili ''knjaz'' jeste dosta korisceno kod nas ali to je Nemacka rec. Opet, kakve veze ima da li smo je svi koristili ako se zna ko jedini ima prezimena na -ic? Nemoj da pricas da su nam deca tamo u hrvatskoj toliko izlapela da ne znaju svoje poreklo.
Croatia? is that some Austrian province?
You are Croats and Croats are your ancestors more or less, you can try to darken yourself but your black-haired landlocked women were shaped into the genetic disaster they are today by us.
Yes, made of catholic Serbs
We got our height from the Dinards
The more Dinard mix the larger the average height
Albanians and Greeks have low Dinarid mix and they are on average much shorter
You are a special breed of ignorant imbecile, and like all Croats, you are aren’t ashamed of anything.
Montenegrins are the only true dinarids
How the fuck do you fall for the oldest bait in the book and a croat memeing as a serb?
>Rewriting what I said to try to make a meme
You manlet mongrels don't even deserve a fucking (you).
Odakle je dinarska rasa onda? Zasto se kaze da je karadordje imao preko 200cm? Zasto sva bosanska dijaspora uvek ide ispod 6'2 a kamoli preko 190 kao pravi dinaroidi?
No, but it was a kingdom within the Habsburg Empire. Now, which Ottoman vilajet is this Serbia of yours in?
>Croatian Kingdoms
You are a special breed of ignorant imbecile, and like all Serbs, you are aren’t ashamed of anything.
He's a retarded Lika Serb obsessed with Croats. How did you miss him? He's shitposting 24/7. His family didn't own a tractor so he's stuck here.
idk I thought this was a new meme pasta thread
>everyone tall is from Dinara
I think
is what you're in dire need of. Get some education.
seems like its about some last names and shieet
I am waiting for the day where Montenegro and Herzegovina join into a single state, only inhabited by pure dinaric peoples.
Imagine if an American whose last name is "Smith" noticed that some Canadians or Australians also have the last name "Smith", and then concluded that Canadians and Australians are, in fact, Americans. That is Serb logic.
I also actually belong to the Fire Nation
Zna ali ovo je pogresno.
>Serbia: 6'
>bosnia: 6'1
>montenegro 6'1
>croatia 5'11-6'
>slovenia: 6'
>albania: like 5'6-5'7
>greece: 5'10
etc etc