Is African food underrated?

Is African food underrated?

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Other urls found in this thread:–33

Probably, I've only ever had Egyptian food

Joloff rice is very nice, and so is Ethiopian food

There's an Ethiopian restaurant near where I live. It's ok but a little too spicy for whitey me

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what kind of egg is this


interesting I want to try scrambled ostrich egg now

I eat Moroccan quite often. Like it a lot.

Yes, very. West Africa especially is a culinary hidden gem.

Yeah, I've heard that Senegalese especially is one of the best in Africa.

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Not for me, I find it delicious tbqh

>Animal Planet

>the reaction at the end

The sweet taste of disappointment

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Speaking of african food, I was just considering getting Chinese. Should I?

Please let that poor puppy live.

Well if it's already dead, what does it matter if I eat it?

Where? I haven't had Ethiopian food in years. I make my own tef pancakes sometimes but it takes days to prepare


I would eat African food if they opened fast food places here like they have in London. Jollof is quite good.

>African food

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Ukraine was once known as the bread basket of Europe. Then they got communism'd.

Yes, but the opposite, lol

but wypepe don't season they food n sheeiit

Yep, then we were the bread basket of USSR. I think that the best food in E. Europe is in Ukraine.

African, the most, eat poisoned potatos

Further down the line maybe. Right when it happened, commies seized the means of production from Ukrainian farmers, and as a result millions of people starved to death.–33

Holy shit yes it's underrated. I get memed on when I try to bring this up. >I make my own tef pancakes sometimes
That's really cool t b h. Are you a Finn?

Eh, you're in no position to be rude to the Africans when you only get to eat one bowl of white rice per day.

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He owns a computer so he's probably rich

Sick trips dawg.

Pic related is a west african dish very popular here, uma delicia

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I think it's mostly looked down upon by people who actually dont know anything about it. Theres a Senegalese cateter at the market i go to every sunday, and I often take something for lunch there.

What food?

Looks good man.

These niggers must be memeing us.

its slightly better than european dogfood

The reason br*wnoids season their food so much is
1. To prevent it from spoiling
2. To make it less disgustimg when it does spoil

Pajeets think peppers make up for the fact that they're using old meat and don't wash their hands.

t. whitey who can't handle spicy food

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Unironically yes. I lived in Ghana for a few months and really enjoyed the food, even though I'm veggie. Wish I could find some of it here in the UK too desu

I put red pepper on everything dumbass. I love spicy food. That doesn't change the fact that pajeets lack hygiene or scruples.

What if African food like in general? I never tried any but I want to expand my culinary horizons.

Don't you have west Africans in the UK dude? If so, surely one of them has set up shop someplace nearby?

Think the only place with a big enough concentration of west Africans for there to be proper west African food places would be London. Admittedly I do live here now and could probably find them quite easily, but I don't like going into those parts of town (don't enjoy being stabbed)

Don't your fellow native bongs stab each other all the time

here is
African food
Rice- food of gods compare to it

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Not really, I don't have any statistics to hand but I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of violent crime and homicide in London is black on black, related to drugs gangs. Whiteys like me can pretty much ignore it completely as long as we stay clear of certain estates, so I was only memeing about avoiding areas with loads of blacks because they're mostly actually very safe if you stick to the main areas and aren't involved in any of the gangs

According to this article, 24% of knife attack victims in London are black, but they only make up 12% of the population of London. So it seems like bongs do stab each other a fair bit, unless it's there is some other large group like Poles stabbing each other.

What food?

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I'm surprised it's as low as 24% desu - whenever you see any sort of story about a stabbing it's always a black victim and perp. I'm guessing a high proportion of the remaining 76% is non-white-British too

Perhaps selection bias

As expected.