Why do Argentine immigrants in Spain tend to be pro-independence and socialists?

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I guess they want to immitate the spaniards they see? Why is your country so full of socialists and separatists anyway? Your recovery after 08 was thanks to the right, and it was far superior to italy's

podemos is full of argentines , i am not even memeing

Because they are Jews.

yaaaaaa de bebe en mi casa habia una foto de peron en la cocina......

how the fuck should I know?

Damn. Why do you think that is?

that tells you everything, they're fucking faggots

>Why do Argentine immigrants
That whole country is a leftist shithole even worse than Bogotá

Argies need one of these

Attached: Pinochet.jpg (1250x1600, 375K)

Also because they are immigrants and don't want to be discriminated against.

I'm right wing m8

we already had it, look for ''Jorge Rafael Videla''
as I said, faggots

They already get a serial killer instaled by the USA years ago

You are the most successful cono sur country beccause of that fella. Be grateful you did not get a Peron or Allende

Good for you man


This guy is right.

Attached: Argentina Garbage Abroad.png (717x854, 597K)

They are mostly dense and insufferable porteños

Jajaj mejor, quedenselos, acá no los queremos

Lol I know Pisarello's family. They are from my hometown

Attached: Argentinean_Go_to_Italy.png (1080x1218, 656K)


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I always wonder why people leave socialist shitholes like Mexico, California, and Argentina to go to places like Texas and the US only to vote for the same policies they’re running away from in the first place. Or why we have to bring third worlders to our nations when we can go to those nations to directly help them instead.

t. American backpacking in Europe

Attached: 8F089E77-4C33-4E2D-A658-337883E33DA2.jpg (639x857, 148K)

Pablo looks like one of these cripples that try to compensate their obvious shortcomings by playing the social hero

>t. American backpacking in Europe
You could have at least turned on your proxy like the "Guatemalan" on here.

I’m on my phone and I’m not connected to WiFi. Pic related.

Attached: 30FBF1F1-5DFE-4BD8-ACD0-6A9483C3B888.jpg (750x1334, 195K)

Actual Guatemalan here sorry to dissapoint

Because the more Spanish blood they have, the more traitous they are. Just see that the war of independence of America were led not by Amerindians, but Spaniards born there.

>muh based helictoper ride man

Liberalizing a country's economy makes it wealthier. Just saying.

Back to pol

Pol is for racists and nazis. Cant you just be conservative on int?

Several Central American countries had one, and look at you now.


Pinochet didn't particularly give a fuck about economic liberalism and even caused a massive crisis due to insisting on fixed exchange rates. Leftists just meme about le evil liberal dictator because he talked to Milton Friedman for 15 minutes or some shit.

>Your recovery after 08
Lmao burning the pension reserves to pay the banks' debts is anything but recovering.

How many argie posters living here do we have?

>Cant you just be conservative on int?
Soyboys don't want people to be conservative anywhere.

Attached: 58finlvi8y6z[1].png (550x816, 607K)

do you have free roaming?

why would expats have any sense of national pride?

Pinochet was a killer and a thieve, how is that conservative?

Trying to explain to zoomers that "conservative" means conserving institutions (including against things like coups) is an impossible ordeal.

no, he's paying like a good goy because he's not from the eu

Jow Forums educated them into thinking conservative means right wing. They get so triggered by the word neoliberal.

So liberal still means what it meant when John Locke was around, then?

You are a self-admitted racist and nazi, though.

Because all argies expat hate their own country, why they should care about ther host country now?