when the US invaded Afghanistan over 2 million afghans came here and that caused a number of economic problems and when the US invades Iran well millions of Iranians are gonna be coming here
hell even right now Iranians are immigrating to pakistan as fast as they can
were right next to Iran so that means when war comes our cities gonna bombed,our civilians are gonna die our soldiers will most likely involved in the initial invasion and die
If the US invades Iran where gonna be the one's to deal with it
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Beef up the border and shoot on sight then.
Open your hearts and borders for all those poor women and children, Rahim.
>Islam a bad
What did they mean by this?
why doesn't Pakistan annex Afghanistan?
Pakistan is a made up country anyway.
don't worry about it. the yuropoors will gladly take those subhumans in for you
Pakistan shall become pashtunish soon enough
Hmmm.... very interesting....
>US is gonna fuck up the middle east even more
All to ensure israel remains the only nuclear power in the region
If the US tries to invade Iran it will be ww3. Your bitching about taking in refugees won't matter because you and India will finally blow each other to smithereens.
Abad is many city names. It means something along the lines of something/someone that lives there. I can't think of a word that directly translates to it. Some towns are named after the people that founded them with the person's name and Abad after it.
why would India get involved in this war
>Shadman town
part of the of the larger North Nazi ma'bad Town
that's not the middle east
their unsatiable hunger for bobs and vegana
Isn't Pakistan a made up country? You are Indian who were forcibly converted to Islam by violence then changed his culture and language and now call yourselfs "Pakistani" even though you are Indian.
>Is lama bad?
>Is la ma bad?
>Isla ma bad
Even the name is made up, it's an acronym.
both India and Pakistan are both new made up countries
The concept of the Indian sub-continent has existed for a while but the concept of India and Indians is relatively new
all the land and people with widely different ethnicitys,languages and religions that British had conquered in south Asia all were squeezed all together into India
Imagine if all of Europe was overnight conquered by an alien species and then in less then a hundred years the aliens leave and Europe is just squeezed together into country imagine how inefficient that would be
and yes if you're wondering before Islam came to the region that is now Pakistan and Afghanistan we were Buddhists,a small minority of Hindu's and some long forgotten regions that didn't make it
>what is global politics
Iran can crash the entirety of the oil market by blocking the hormouz straight. That's one reason why America hasn't invaded Iran. Second, India has very few fossil fuels, the best they have is coal and they depend on imports for a portion of their industry and energy consumption. If war between America and Iran breaks out, not only India but the whole world will get sucked in. Hence, world War.
Yes. Exactly this.
also another point I wanna discuss
what do you call or consider to be Indian culture
cause India has lots and lots of cultures
pic related people in North East India who are Baptist Christians who speak English and look thai and celebrate their tribal native American like traditions would you consider their culture to be Indian culture
India has a oil assam that I hear is enough to last hundred years
I understand your point. I also heard similar, that India shouldn't be one country due to different people and cultures
I do think that both India and Pakistan should be balkanized in some ways
somehow other then troubles in Baluchistan we have managed to stay together India has about dozen separatists movements and insurgency's going on right now
Are there any buddhist temples or sites preserved in porkistan or they were all destroyed by turks and arabs?
a couple left
majority of destruction happened under the Durrani dynasty actually
Iran is already funneling "refugees" through the Balkans, so that bullshit doesn't really change. War creates an excuse, that Democrat media tries to legitimize to shit on Europe with muslims.
Baluchistan should also enjoy its freedom like all the other countries
yeah I do think Baluchistan should get Independence along with various other Indian states
Are there a lot of Persian in Pakistan?
If so, how do they behave there? Are they well liked? Genuinely objectively curious
the Balochi people are different from Persians in Iran
there alright people same as any other Pakistani i.e cynical and pessimistic
the one's in Sindh and Punjab are patriotic as just as any other any Pakistani the one's Baluchistan hate our guts
Get ready for the Big American C-130.