neoliberal edition
Other urls found in this thread:
white people should be killed
what's a neoliberal?
"cave people ate only meat and fruit and they were much healthier than us" is the pseudoscientific part
paleolithic people ate a lot more varied (and less appetising) than what paleo dieters eat today
most of the scientific claims are nonsense as well, basically all the medical claims
you might inadvertently end up eating healthily if you follow the diet but why be a moron doing so?
just eat a varied diet with an appropriate amount of calories
brown hands typed this post
If the EU is so good then why don’t Norway and Litchenstein accede to it?
new (neo) liberal
checkmate, rorke
basically a white person who has become so indocrinated they are now crypto jews
this is what the left defends as free speech and has a fit when a private organisation decides not to allow things like it to be spread through their service
>milo said it was alright to nonce kids
1. he never said that
2. leftists have been saying it for years without consequence
this is a perfectly acceptable statement to leftoids but they go mental when someone posts this double standards much
oh man I used to LOVE this. shame it had to end so prematurely
>1. he never said that
he did though really
if the pope says we should build bridges not walls, why is the vatican surrounded by a huge medieval wall?
Theres no point posting here anymore lads gookmoot has become a crypto leftypol faggot and is trying to monetize nuchan to make it more normie friendly with this new censorship anti free speech report system
Brought it to attention on Jow Forums and was quickly censored and thread moved to qa →
The site is dead this is the final nail in the coffin
>checkmate, rorke
kill all people who discuss politics on brit
rank these directors:
he said he was nonced and didn't hate it
that's not the same as saying it was okay
anyone want to argue with a novice level political enthusiast (me)?
>turkish subtitles
For once, diaspora are finally welcome on /brit/
stop spamming this shit you paddy fuck
Racism has always been banned
Just nice that they are finally enforcing the rules
proposal: let's deport all the niggers and pakis and that
He didn't build it did he
Immediately read this as "kill all white people"
Am I being mi5'd lads.
My web browser keeps closing when I try to post actual important topics.
yeah but he went beyond just ''he was nonced'' and said it shouldn't be assumed as a harmful thing for any young boy to get fiddled by his priest
you can't be racist against white people
that's what the TV told me
favourite beatles album?
counterproposal: promote native births, close the borders and avoid bloodshed.
I think the over-moderation will subside after a while like it usually does desu
>stop spamming this shit you paddy fuck
>Racism has always been banned
>Just nice that they are finally enforcing the rules
you forgot hitchcock (who is below tarkovsky and above kubrick)
well he's bent so of course he thinks that, it's how they reproduce
don't think i've ever listened to a single beatles song in full
just snippets in movies etc.
why not take it down? the more migrants, the better
more like andrei hackovsky
he said his experience helped him or something and then people jump on him as if he didn't have the right to say something like that and that he should apologize for not thinking of himself as a victim
bill maher who was one of the guys who jumped on milo said something about how boys should be glad when their teachers come onto them or something and those same people very oddly didn't rush to the moral high ground on that one
the entire thing was actually incredibly retarded
it's already back to normal it only lasted about an hour when everyone was abusing the new report feature as a gimmick
Still waiting for him to knock them down
made the mistake of turning my virgin detector on while browsing Jow Forums and it disintegrated within seconds
Liberalism is the status quo
And anyone who tries to challenge the status quo is crushed by it
I'm not a racist so this doesn't affect me though?
>WTF I called the owner of this website a racial slur and he BANNED me?? why is this allowed free speech is dead
1 obviously
favourite hitchcock film?
virginity is based.
so long, suenonce
by the marxist definition white people are the only people you can be racist towards because they're the only ones that are discriminated against by law
>oh no I can't say nigger on Jow Forums MUH FREE SPEECH!!!
If you say the N word I shall be reporting you for offending my culture
well he was obviously wrong to imply that
but that still doesn't justify banning him from speaking if there are people willing to hear him
ridicule him, fire him, discredit him? yes
prevent him from speaking in public? no
and he was "de-platformed" by antifa before he said those things anyway, so it's moot
Not one lefty brave enough to spit a mealy mouthed response at me
gf got a bruise on her arse lads
would've thought some paki would have had you while you were in gaol desu
Shadow of a Doubt is a masterpiece
based (same)
so dangerous... how can this man even be alive?
uncultured cretins
jamaal was slapping his BBC on it
aw poor baby. lemme kiss it better x
marx said that? bit cheeky.
Sounds like somthing a virgin would say
that's his personal favourite isn't it
I'm a virgin freak
I'm a weirdo
Think the CIA and plutocrats are planning to overthrow the trump government
Its 4 o'clock. Shouldnt /brit/ be dead because were all meant to be at work or down the pub with the lads?
Nah the new report system changes everything, leftypol are already running bots that flags posts with offensive words in it
Same day Alex jones got shut down this is implemented? Not a coincidence
yeah and i agree tbqh
psycho is overrated
he was never really in charge to begin with. the cia already own the important bits.
I am at work
god dammit my pc's headphone jack is proper spazzing out
>you just unplugged a device from the audio jack
>you just plugged a device into the audio jack
>which device did you plug in?
>*select headphones*
>click ok
>you just unplugged a device from the audio jack
>you just plugged a device into the audio jack
>which device did you plug in?
>*select headphones*
>click ok
>you just unplugged a device from the audio jack
>you just plugged a device into the audio jack
>which device did you plug in?
>*select headphones*
>click ok
sometimes wonder if proper junkies have the right idea and if we're all just stupid
think about it, you're on cloud 9 half the time so much so that you can handle lying in the street and you've constantly got an achievable goal and purpose
the CIA protects the free world from hostile foreign actors
can't be arsed to watch s4 of better call saul.
free speech for white right wing men only
if i die i want to die of morphine overdose
>he doesn’t have a job where he has plenty of time to shitpost on Jow Forums
no idea who any of those kikes are
>he's a japanese enthusiast
if Norway and Liechtenstein jumped off a cliff would you do it?
desu it ended on such a great cliff-hanger but they took a huge-ass break. really turns me off when shows go off air for that long. that's why I prefer to binge-watch stuff. not that I won't watch BCS anymore. just won't watch it immediately
why is sargon so well known among internet circles