European Anons, do you intend to have Children at some point in your life? If not, why?

European Anons, do you intend to have Children at some point in your life? If not, why?

Attached: happy-children.jpg (425x282, 135K)

I am a kissless hugless handholdless virgin.
Even if i wanted kids i wont happen

no, kids and women are annoying

Am I Eanon?

This and i hate women


With that flag your comment is more worrying

No, I do not. The reason isn't that I dislike children, the reason is that I dislike women and refuse to associate with them in the current society.

Are all the gay threads here actually unironic?

then, I think, I'll have kids with a smart girl.

Probably, but I'm not gay, I just don't like women.

Fair enough. I would say though not to give up finding a worthwhile partner though

For me, worthwhile partner means virgin, young, reasonable, smart and beautiful. I might as well be searching for a treasure at the end of a rainbow, so I don't put any effort into it.

I can't impregnate my hand

I might but I'm mostly worried that I won't be a very good dad and that they, in the worst-case scenario, will end up hating me for it.

just don't be like varg and you gon be fin

Whites and asians are too smart to have children. They destroy your bank account, free time, and the planet. Browns either have religious duties to make children, can't afford rubber, or are just dumb.

I would like to have a family but it seems unlikely because of my social handicap.

Do not give up I believe in you.

Your concern alone means you would do a decent job at least.

Hope so but sometimes i wish i could have like 2 sons and raise them alone somewhere out on the countryside for example

I do, but as societal norms are becoming increasingly disgusting and continue to deteriorate, I'd be seriously worried about them getting subverted and consequently turning into degenerates.

literally this and I even want kids

Home schooling is practically impossible in our country, you'd have to move.

Nothing is as influential as a good parent, even if there is rebellion, it eventually subsides

Yes! I want 4 kids, it's gonna be cozy. Need a GF first though.

Good for you! I say go for it

I would actually like to have a family but I'm unironically autistic, so even if I do happen to get a gf (I don't think this would be too difficult as I'm pretty funny but I don't go outside and I don't have hobbies that many girls are interested in.) I'd be worried about having kids that will be socially demented like me. I'm also incredibly lazy, I don't really take care of myself that well so I don't know how I could be responsible for a child. Ah well, I have a brother and three half-siblings so they can breed for me instead if they like.

No, the world does not deserve my superior dna.

That's true, but when I see all the subversive gender bullshit that's being taught to Canadian kids, I can't help but to feel hesitant about sending my future kids to school. I don't want them to be taught how "good" it feels to shove a dildo up your arse by a faggot in a dress.

Attached: JjYn6ZY.jpg (946x720, 172K)

Of course you wouldn't send your kids to school, you would have your partner stay home and teach them responsibly without indoctrinating them.

It might be difficult but stay firm and be a person to admire. Social engineering is not absolute. Keep your traditions. You can raise a good family.

>Canadian kids
Good thing you don't live in Canada then.

It's only a matter of time before that shit starts happening here as well. I've noticed some drag queen propaganda popping up here and there already (NPO).

>all these incels


Some are volcels though

Yes, but only with Asian women

You can't be Nordic and kissless at the same time. Nordic dick is craved by women in many parts of the world. Including Eastern Asia, India and christian parts of the middle east.

hopefully yhose disgusting amoral pieces of shit don't
i want them to go extinct

>he thinks all swedes are 10/10 aryan gods

>see this young american couple, maybe 25-26 year old
>i am on a train next to them for a couple of hours
>they have a son running around
>he began hitting some asian kid in the play room
>ran away all the time, cried when they restrained him
>see the kid run up to the asian family and stare down a the kid before hitting him again
>he eventually shits himself, there is no changing room, the father had to change him on the sink
>hear the mother whisper "i think we should take him to a psychologist.."
>father looked really angry and exhausted by the end of the trip, the mother just sad.

Yeah, well, maybe wait five more years.

Yes, this is why I'm lifting. But it's super hard to bulk when you're a skeleton. Fat people have it easy.
I NEED to have a family in the future. If not it's better to just kill myself right now. Why waste time?
Why work when the government will take all my resources after my death? I need to leave my house or whatever to a genetic family.

Why do you care? Are you a crypto wh*Te?

I am flip and will be having 4 kids at least.

You might be incel in Sweden I understand that. But, no matter how ugly you are. You still have a big change in other parts of the world
Nordcel = volcel

Irish heritage btw so i count as European

14 words


even if he looked like this?

Attached: 6f0e0250.jpg (1280x960, 84K)

Man what happened to you?

Not a euro, but I am glad you want to start a family! I just asked euros because of the low birthrate

The greatest weight to lift is fatherhood. I hope it works out user!

Not uropeen, at least 3 though.

Having shitty social skills is worse than being ugly

Yea, only if I could impregnate my right hand.

>Just travel around the world only for women bro

I really want to have my own kids, but playing the whole peacock dance and humiliating myself for some spoiled average looking woman is too much for me.
I have never cared much for sex or put vaginas on pedestal that much, so it's even harder for me to humiliate myself for a woman to achieve the real important stuff - children and a legacy.
But I must bow the head sooner or later- otherwise it's life of mindless consumerism for 50 years and then death.

you could become a priest or monk. Celibate but without the consumerism

But they don't have kids. If you don't have kids, you're just a biological failure.
In billions of years your ancestors manged to reproduce - even with war, natural disasters, volcanoes, asteroids. This made them evolve and become even stronger and smarter.
How pathetic you must be to destroy this billion year link in peace time? It cannot happen.