What is wrong with Southeners?

Get a 5/8 already, god damn it.

Attached: Unemployment_rate_2017.png (4038x5006, 563K)

What's wrong with northern Finns
Stupid lazy inbred reindeerfuckers

You don't have unemployment because your workers come here to steal our jobs.

we are lazy

You cant get employed as an olive slave anymore, they never were democratic countries with large medium wealth but small land holders the rest slaves, basque country everyone had their own economic autobomy and never had feudalism.

Also below this line is non whites

Attached: Untitled90.jpg (900x720, 120K)

If we weren't net contributors you wouldn't have an EUbux-sponsored railroad to reach your workplace in eastern Germany.

We are subhumans

Whatever Juan

Portugal seems to be improving for once

Westerners just don't want to work for money Eastern Europeans would suck their German master's dick for.

When a Pole is offerred to be paid 1000 eur/month, he pisses his pants and works like crazy to please his master, while a Southerner wouldn't even leave his bed for such pennies.

The principal cause is the lack of labor freedom

Example: cost of compensation for dismissal in Spain is the highest in the OECD

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how could one steal a job....? seriously frog, are you this pathetic?

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It's easy. You accept to work for half the normal wage and then go back to your 2nd world country to live like a king.

Based Southerners.

I don't see any 'stealing' here. Just accept that you are genetically inferior and simply do not feel like working for the most of you time. It is okay to say that, we are like family now (EU).

Is it okay that I have 10-6 tonight ? I sware on me mum Im not a southron

>ethnic difference between Catalonians and rest of Iberia.


slavic inferiority complex

Lots of neets living off neetbux

While it's true that Germany is succeeding because it does it at everyone else's expense, the stats are misleading because germans have quietly developed a new kind of poor underclass of workers who don't really benefit from their form of employment but it sure does make for nicer charts.

Holy shit what the fuck is going on in Spain?

Jokes aside I notice an unusually large amount of blue eyed people in the small isolated villages that remain uncolonised by the eternal castellANO