Steal technology from indians

>Steal technology from indians.
>Kill millions of them.
Indian revenge, when??

Attached: 255px-Flag_of_Great_Britain_(1707–1800).svg.png (255x153, 1K)

As soon as possible I hope

The irony

>Indian technology
Does shitting in the river count as the invention of the flush toilet?

>>Steal technology from indians.

is curry classed as technology?

Are scotched eggs technology?

Is the Brazilian obsessed with us a recognised Jow Forums character now?

>>Steal technology from indians.
>>Kill millions of them.

He literally sounds like he is taking his first colonial studies class and cannot wait to tell us all about it

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>if i put a date on the quote it might make it seem real

poos are hilarious

Honestly, no one here cares about UK. India doesn't really trade much with it, and we don't have any special strategic agreements either.

Only time it gets brought up is when someone's talking about the colonial era.

Do you have an example of this technology?

I thought Indians still think that England is relevant and is ranking 3rd militarily and economically?

Nah, everyone here wants to move to USA nowadays. There really aren't many well known British brands and its media isn't influential at all.

They tried shitting from balconies but did not end well, guess they didn't import the technology at 100%

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what a legend

hue hue hue hue

Indians not realised yet what happen to them. Let me do revenge

Calm down, macaco.

Drink some vodka.