You'll live just in time to assist the birth of a united European Federation

>you'll live just in time to assist the birth of a united European Federation
Is there a comfier feeling?

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Hey can I get EU citizenship? My great great grandfather was Italian.

Just call the Italian embassy, you'll have your passport in mail within two weeks plus an apology of the embassy for white guilt.

No, you can´t, because you don´t have any italian ancestor.
And now you need to know italian language, know the italian history and the italian constitution.


Just try finding all the documents and paying the lawyers, traitor.


What would be the point? What would be the advantages/disadvantages? I think most people still feel more connected to their home country than with Europe. Even though we have a lot of shared history, our cultures are still quite different.

Just in you retarded mind the things work in this way.

And what are you saying. Any african or mena from ex-colonies wanting enter in France can do in reason of old agreements

Based and redpilled

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By Germany's side for the third time!

why are bulgARYANS so based?

Most people living in Europe today weren't even born when Europe rebuilt after WW2. More and more people don't know about Franco or the Berlin Wall. More and more people are able to study and work abroad. Societies grow more and more egalitarian (apart from alt-lite cucks).

>you'll live just in time to assist in the destruction of the United European Federation

Is there a comfier feeling?

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implying shitalians are white

>tfw you will die in the inevitable european invasion of norway

this thing will have ethnic tensions and eventually a civil war

You can always go back
(and I reccomend that as well)

>Hey can I get EU citizenship?
pretty easy, invest a shitton of money in cyprus and you get an eu citizenship, same thing actually works on malta. rich russians and other rich scumbags do that for years.

this, eu will crumble before the end of the century

nah we will protect your fjord anglo brethren

>norwegians are the only european nation which still have an independent culture in 50 years.
feels good

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We're not fr*nch, we don't give citizenship to every nigger that asks for it

When Europe federalises without UK they must chose between uniting with Anzac or being slowly drifting into America

Cool thanks!

How about the passport?


Yes you do.
Half of brazil is Italian.

And 3/4 of Argentina

Literally just apply for asylum. Europe will welcome everybody.

>European Federation

You do know that if this shit managed to exist for 50 more years, it will just expand to Asia and Africa, right? With legal immigration from there and all that jazz.

>tfw you will invade Norway
>tfw you will kill those smug Norwegians
>tfw you will crack their skulls open to lick out their brians and suck them marrow from their bones.

Imagine a continental sized Yugoslavia, what could go wrong?

Italy didn't even exist back then

European federation, realistic vr and immortality in our lifetime. Feels good.

>Is there a comfier feeling?

Yes, Brexit. Being the first country to make a stand and regain our sovereignty from the Brussels bureaucrats feels pretty good desu

World federation even better.

How will the future federal republic deal with the tiny-dicked racist nationalists that won't accept non-white Europeans as their fellow citizens?

What? Fuck them. They don't breed anyway. Meanwhile the new Europeans will breed them into a demographic irrelevance within 100 years.

You mean actual browner looking europeans or immigrants? The first ones are just memes and the 2nd one fuck em lol, who cares

it wont happen, westerners are too greedy

Yugoslavia was a Communist dictatorship which everyone wanted to leave. EU is democracy where everyone wants to move.

What happens when they do move and it changes the native nation states demographics and identity?

Does that qualify you for italian citizenship?

Even if it does, it only lets you into the EU if Italy doesn't get out.

Nothing happens. It's not like UK where racist Englanders beat up hard-working people who speak the local language.

>muh unelected transnational government that wants to destroy my national identity

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>you'll live just in time to assist the birth of a united European Federation
With literally who?

Nope. Can't wait to see a fully developed china and federal EU.

Fuck off you white racist amerifat Republican.

>tfw I join a ultra-nationalist group and put bombs in brussels.

Feels good.

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destroying the shithole called e""""u""""

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Wogs, you will gtfo of the EU
We do not want you, we don't want your lying and backstabbing culture

>talking about backstabbing
Go bail some more banks and suppress more scandals kraut pig

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Sell me the concept of a federal Europe without using economic rhetoric.

If a real brexit does occur, I will feel bad for you retards. Once the economic collapse is felt, only then will you low IQ morons learn your lesson.

> a kraut
>talking about loyalty

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You forgot the part where Godzilla demolishes London.

Being safe against outside influence of any kind. Sparking a new renaissance. Heil Hortler

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>olive oil
>Ancient ancestors that proclaim pedophilia and homosexuality
>look like Arabs mostly
>no wood, only marble


Yeah, but It is not used massively.
>Olive oil

Just in weekends or in holyday.

>ancient ancestors

Ancient Iberians were germanic tier of shit. They were raiding each other all the time. Although we dont know much about them since Iberian languages arent indoeuropean languages.

>Looks like arabs

I guess, It depens on what an arab is. From my experience the concept seems to be blurry as fuck.

>>no wood, only marble

There is a legend that says that a squirrel could cross the Iberian peninsula just by jumping trees. The north is still filled with forests by the way.

ah another sour grape unhappy about the EU even though his country would be 3rd world without EU support.

Nah it's the other way around.
Time to end this shitshow.

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Have you by any chance read Varoufakis' book The Global Minotaur?

how do Germans plan to keep this going? what happens when Europeans run out of money to buy German exports?

I've read some of Adults in the room. Why?

Reroute products to China probably while keeping the indebted under their thumb.

it is elected though. just nobody gives a shit.

we werent the ones who betrayed our allies in the world wars. italy betrayed us twice. and the allies betrayed poland.

add new member states of course :^)

I didn't choose to become part of the European Federation; do you know anybody who did?

thats the beauty of representative "democracy". you dont ever make any decision. no different from regular national goverment.

neither they did. European Union has always been one step back, two step forward. You might remember the Treaty of Lisbon. We held a referendum about the European Constitution and the majority in France and the Netherlands voted no. However, we got the treaty of Lisbon after that which contained the same content in other words. Politicians simply have no choice other than to accept the EU regulations, because the alternative is worse. The development of the EU is so slow that almost nobody notice it changes, even not the politicians. And the alternatives we want are made unattractive to us.

Not so fast!

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Venezuelan with european citizen here you need at least one granpather bro.

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Also i have a friend in your same situation with the italian citizen but he still has his grand grandfather surname, still he was rejacted for not having at least one grandfather

And we gave you a shit ton of titanium and sent spanish soldiers to help you out in Russia, due to the help from the spanish regime, hundreds of thousands of Spaniard died of starvation because of the international blockade. But hey, muh traitor

Danes voted no too, but who cares about what the people want right?
At least it'll soon be over.