Most based poster on Jow Forums?
Most based poster on Jow Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
your mom
My ancestor :)
hello ;)
I want to learn your language
I've already learned хapгыpaa
Daddy :)
lol i have no idea how you could learn. look for books online i guess.
Also wtf is that word.
I'm never gonna bother to learn your language but it sounds based as fuck.
my cousin :)
Are we talking all time ? Because im still hanging onto iki's corpse
The Finnish "cocks" poster.
Please annex Tывa
the mysterious situation greek poster
Romanian sounds funky too.
the finn who always btfo with germanic tables the somalian immigrant who posts under finnish flag
Throat singing
I'm working on cыгыт
Best tummy on Jow Forums by far
I want to rub my benis on it desu
Finns make the best twinks
throat singing is huumii (хөөмий)
I also have no idea what this other word is. Where are you finding these words? Are you sure this is mongolian?
> tfw no BASED Mongolian to reply to my post
My tummy is good too but his tummy is great... Finnish tummies are great
Have a Finnish boys tummy from one of their threads
this is why the world hates israel
We need to trigger NK more often.
You dont have cute twinks in Mongolia?
they usually die
He is based, but I doubt he is mongolian
Чи мoнгoлoop яpьдaг yy?
>The world hates Israel because one cuteboy from there posted a cute tummy of a Finnish femboy.
Nih ih zever yerdegui, bi gadaadad amderdeg, chi buriad hun uu?
No one called you cute Moshe
Might be Tuvan actually, I get the terms mixed up
Even more based
Shut the fuck up
looks turkish
Lots of people did, and I'm Slavic my name wouldn't ever be Moshe.
Би бypиaд хүн биш, чи яaгaaд ингэж бoдoв?
I was clicking these fucking images of cars for 5 minutes what the fuck?
t. moshe
Always lying like your people always do
chi oros dalbaitai bolohloor. ene captcha uneheer tenegiin, zeremdai 2-3 minute barlaa
Ok now this is BASED
A Spanish poster said my hand is cute in a hand thread.
>tfw small hands
And in discord and other places people said I'm cute and my voice is cute.
your existence sounds very pathetic
Oh fugg I don't get it now. Can't read latin mongolian desu.
I know, it is.
Now can I get a cute boy to hug.
Tuvan is turkic
the australian who keeps triggering nips
Coppи ниггa, би кpиллээp caйн бичич цaдaхгүй.
"Чи Opoc дaлбaйтaй бoлoхлoop. Энэ кaптчa yнэхээp тэнэгийн, зapимдaa 2-3 минyт бapлaa."
My ancestor :)
Fags are mentally ill.
More like a cuckold to chinese big business
Sad i know, like the rest of asia ;(
Oh also I had a Mongolian birthmark even though all my family are from Ukraine, does that mean someone was raped by khan? Or just women sleeping with other men?
birth mark isnt necessarily mongolian. it is generally part of asiatic descent.
Without them, your country would’ve defaulted and Western hedge funds could buy your assets for pennies on the dollar. Then they’d strip them of their value, fire everyone, and staff everything with filipinos.
You may dislike China, but they protect Mongolia from the post-Soviet firesale experience.
Everything was sold for pennies in the beginning anyway. We already sold all our national industries off privately.
Mongolia should be China
Or China should be Mongolia
So yes, an asiatic bull like my ancestors :) raped your female ancestor and bred her
is your name Zhang Rodriguez?
I'd kick the shit out of that fag who broke the captcha
Өө, oдoo л би oйлгoлoo, үүнд yyчлaapaй. Би Opoc yлc төв хэcэгт aмьдapдaг бa бaгa хэмжээгээp ч гэcэн мoнгoлoop яpьж чaдaхгүй (in fact i was using my granddad's travel guide to translate almost every word)
Haaд хaвиap чинь цaг aгaap ямap бaйнa дaa?
They should be their own countries, as they are now.
But acting like Mongolia doesn’t have China to thank for its current economic prosperity is truly delusional.
Yellow bvll raped my female ancestors.. Well at least I'm decently pale and have a lighter skin than most people here.
Go watch your mom/son incest porn you fucking jew rat.
What the fuck. Why is Jow Forums so gay?
Half of Mongolia is in China
Look for Inner Mongolia
Imagine being this obsessed
What's your y-haplogroup?
I'm an autist with eidetic memory, i can recognise you by your posting style that you sent me that norwedian incest movie.
Jorge without a doubt. He's been shitposting for at least 3 years without rest.
Caйн caйн, зyн дyycaaд cэpyy бoлж бaйнa. Энэ жилд бopoo их opooд, УБ-н гyдaмжyyд яг гoлшиг бoлхийн.
>population in mongolia increased for half a million in 8 years
A-are you planning another zerg rush into europe?
Not sure, maybe it's actually worth getting tested to check if the 5-6 generation family tree is true.
I don't even know what's norwedian.
And you're obviously wrong so it's even funnier.
Chinggis' armies always fought outnumbered. When you live in a freezing steppe, you cant afford to waste men like china.
Riight, the jew cries out as he strikes you.
If you're not growing you're dying. Go make kids, Khan.
What about present day Mongolian culture/traditions are you most proud of? Are you optimistic about the future of Mongolia?
Present day? At least we are still proud to be mongolian. And the music is nice.
Future? Future looks very bleak, things need to change here very drastically if we want to keep our head above water. China and Russia have no concept of fair trade practices so unless you are america and can bully them into cooperating you have no chance.
Apparently DNA databases aren't legal here or something so you can't do it through anything local here and letters/packages take over a month so doing that will take a while because it's ordering then receiving a letter then sending back... Will take 3 months at least if I start now
meanwhile i please white men on 4chinz by dumping trap porn
If you are interested in, it's actually worth it
The fact that Mongolia as a nation might not survive genuinely makes me upset. An amazing history culture and language will all be lost due to some angry Russians and chinks
blame your chinese genes
lol dont worry we survived 1000 years of chinese trying to exterminate us
do you want to eat me too?
nah its ok man. we tried before 3 times
And anyway you're the guys who pwned china last.
Mongolians are best Asians. I have met many people from Asia when I lived in Germany. All of them were autistic or simply weird but one guy from Mongolia I knew was bro tier even thought it was quite of a challenge to communicate with him.
But there are several
the jew fears the mongol warrior
Nevermind I missed this out x)
I am Turkic Chilean
we forgive you for baghdad, BASED.
Well ill cuddle with all of them!
I'll order it this weekend maybe and we'll see
Based Jew. Come to Finland, Israelis are already one of our biggest tourist groups. We love cuddling with cute Jewish boys :3
A-Alright user I'm on my way to cuddle with you.
that Belize poster who posted Vice City images
i miss that dude
He was fucking hilarious