Culture Pals /cp/

A Jow Forums love story edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(ew) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
Want to banter koreaboos?
Sign up at:

Website with pastas and scripts:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:!QgY0QCaR!w6gTFL2egnqpOgzHeIPXjw

javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension for the betas

Q: Do the scripts work?
A: It seems like they do


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first for smells-like-rice gf

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based & redpilled

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Bitches ain't nothing but hoes and trick.

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I'm suddenly inspired to start going to the gym because of my qt.

>look for latina qt's on interpals
>nogs errywhere

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>By clicking delete, your account will be scheduled for deletion from the InterPals servers. You may re-activate your account by logging in within 30 days, after which time your data will be permanently erased from our database.

I did this a year ago but when I signed into my account everything was still there, my shitty bio. Friends ect.

Is this warning just a lie?

Bio advice lads

Just b urself

So many fucking old creeps on girls' photos
If you're over the age of 25 you shouldn't be talking to 21 and under Tbqh

tfw 25 and have 18 and 19 year old qts


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tfw 26 and same.

I'm gonna unironically kill u brah

bit concerning. are you sure you didn't sign back in during the 30-day period? is there a way to contact the interpals cunts and complain about this?

Just because it's legal doesn't mean it isn't distasteful.

how do you gauge the likelihood of getting a reply from someone you message? what makes you go "yeah I think I have a good chance with her"?

how about you taste deez nuts lol

If the girl doesn't mind who cares?

You don't. You have to try it to know:

Don’t see what the problem is desu. These girls are gonna go with older guys anyway so why does it matter?

You can apply the same logic for 16 year old or 15 year old and a 40 year old guy.

Seems a little predatory when you know that girls go for older guys because they desire maturity and care. You're almost using your age to take advantage of naive girls. Just distasteful.

>I can't get her nudes because she's 16-17 but that's the age of consent in x so we'll just fug
is the most nonce thing ever casually said

If you're 25+, go for 21+
If you're 30+, go for 25+

Distasteful is relative

um no sweetie the formula for acceptable minimum age is age/2+7.

15 and 16 year old are kiddos.

Age is just a number

Can you be logged in without showing up as such?

So are 18 and 19 socially

is 17 ok?

nope, something you'll have to deal with unfortunately

Only real answer

The rest are just faggots.

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what do you mean? you can always use incognito to view profiles if that's what you're asking

I just went through the history of my chat from 2016 to now and I've realised that I didn't give attention to a lot of cuties, because I started concentrating on one cutie. Now, since I am back on Interpals, I have to start all over again.

Pretty sure you just met an autist

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You can't really only the first few pictures, and also you can't reply to your messages.

That's because they know that when you wanna quit and delete your profile, you don't really mean it

15-16 aren't kids either. They're considered kids socially just like 18-19
People are still lenient on people under the age of 21.

Should I get back on Interpals? I am fucking angry and I want to talk with qts.

No. Deal with your own problem first.

rate my filter

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why are you angry

Why are you blocking those countries?

It's the opposite. I just watch profiles from those countries.

I want to block all Argentina, Uruguay and Chile posters but if I do so would it also block my posts?

Also what is that thing? some kind of external add-on/software?

It's the filter from the search engine from Interpals.

>15-16 aren't kids either.
to me they are.


oh, I thought for a moment that I could finally take that filth out of this website.

how new are you? you can do that too. download Jow Forums X

Nonces, both of you

tired of living and people so I want to distract myself

Ah yes, the nonce formula

by talking to people and going on living

Turn off your computer and go outside

Do you guys use a desktop or laptop?

I use my laptop since it has a webcam on it and I can easily whip out my dick after baiting a qt into a video chat



>being this big of a brainlet
I see you've got some Bolivian genes flowing through your veins



Lads, I'm only 20 and under not circumstances would I be able to accommodate anyone, should I search for qts in the 23+ range?


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Why don't you take a seat?

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Friends :)

Post the full pic

I have absolutely no idea what to ask these thots, if I ask what they like they always answer that they like movies or some shit, unironically kms

what porn are you watching

what's your go-to first message

>Are you an archeologist?

and then?

>Because I have a large bone for you to examine

What have your results been?

Not great


man her face is way too serious for that sign :DD

true, she's not very ebin :DD

why so seRISEous? :DD

Get fucked

I'm 29 and the average age of my qts is 19


dude you'll be literally 30 in a year, how does that fucking make u feel?

Here's some ideas

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>Some guy on an Indonesian knitting forum doesn't approve of me getting with prime.

Better reassess my whole worldview

I'm 32 and bang college freshmen from tinder. 30s are the best times of a man's life if he didn't fuck up his studying and career

that's rly shallow dude
you're supposed to have kids already, wtf u doing with your life chasing quick pleasure fucking young girls? get a wife already goddamnit

I am 17 years old . hence no problem.

The opener isn't a problem you can start with "Hey I just lost my favourite pen". What matters is how you get an actual fkn conversation going, reeee


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Fine with it desu, I have a good job that pays well and I can afford to travel 4-5 times a year. When I started visiting here 12 years ago I was a loser but am a semi normie now.

This user is underage.

Thanks user. That's really good to hear and I am getting closer and closer to my 30s as well

literally nothing wrong with what he does.

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Why exactly? You didn't give him a single reason.

>Me:Yo, what's up
>She: sky

Pathetic beta Tbh, and on top of that a bitch

bc when u looking back at 50 you'll be wondering: wtf was i doing with my precious time?

I'm in no rush. When I find one of these girls with a good head on her shoulders I'll see about settling down

big if true