What does Jow Forums think of what prime minister Shinzō Abe announced?

What does Jow Forums think of what prime minister Shinzō Abe announced?

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they need to work faster on building those robots

of course they would have labor shortage with all that radiation around

what kind of workers?

Sex workers for Japanese women

I will help their cause and sacrifice myself to make japan great again

They are trying to solve a shortage issue m8. No wh*tes allowed.

it depends what kind of migrants?
from south east? africa?

cleaners to remove clogged cum out of shower drain

"low skilled workers and lower the bar on the level of Japanese required for workers applying to enter the country".

they particularly need construction workers, farmer labourers and nurses

I think it's very interesting but at that same time feel bad for them because I know those of them will be from third world shitholes

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I’ve been seeing this news for 5 years now. Literal fake news.

Exactly what we need as well.

But instead we get rocket scientists.

South Africa has a surplus of farmers and want to get rid of them, maybe they could strike a deal

looks like lachlan has a very unique career opportunity open to him

Looks like they are already taking in Africans. I don't see South Africa on the list.

He's a cuckservative but Japanese altrights are as stupid as polacks so they always escape from the reality and try to be in denial when they are about to be fucked up.

If Mexico doesn't want their unskilled workers back we'll send them to someone who does :D

Probably means lots of people from SEA or South Asia.

As long as they're not Australian they'll be fine

>construction workers, farmer labourers and nurses
So basically filipinos.