How do Italians feel about their diaspora?
How do Italians feel about their diaspora?
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We feel nothing
We are just empty shells
Unless they know directly someone who moved elsewhere (mostly young people) or have family who moved decades ago, we mostly don't care or feel anything in particular
My grandparents are from Calabria and I’ve met my family in Tuscany. Am I Italian?
you're an american dog
No, unless you know the language and the culture
language doesn’t effect ethnicity.
Nothing unless it wants to "come back to the ancestral land and learn to fit in the culture", in that case i hate it.
I won’t deny that.
Nobody likes the French.
Ethnicities don't exist without languages
Lol btfo
I am Italian not fr*Nch
I am Italian.
If I speak French it doesn’t make me French
shut up american dogs
If you are half french but speak french you will be considered more french than a full french who doesn't speaks the language
zitto animale
go back to your containment thread >>>/ita/
seek medical help swiftly
will a nignog who speaks french be considered more french than an ethnic frenchmen from Vermont who does not?
they are based and nordic women love them
no u
I already said ITT I am not fr*nch
But I think they won't be considered as French as a real Frenchman
Nonetheless if you don't know the language you aren't French either
Unironically yes, but neither of them are desirable.
>pretending you're not autistic for being here
nice projection
language = culture. ethnicity = culture + ancestry. if you miss one you ain't it.
that doesn't change the fact that you're an american dog
>Wop speaking for French
who are you to speak for French?
that’s pathetic, all of west africa is ethnic french then. the ethnicity is meaningless.
can you prove your statement?
Still better than being a mutt dog like you
>wop in france thinks he isn’t a mutt
I am not in France retard
My cucked SIM card has French IPs since it's a new company from France
just check any definition of ethnicity online. it includes culture/language. you can't be a swede if you can't speak swedish.
I am a Greek. No, wait- I am an Italian.
>the arbitrators of whiteness
White is a mutt concept for mutts like you
On Europe we call ourselves with our own wthnicity
Both the """Italian""" from NJ and the Italian-speaking Libyan are foreigners, and even though only the latter could access to genuine Italian culture, talk to Italians properly and avoid busting my balls with stories about his "nona saying mean things about X or Y european nationality, just like you guys do!", i'd rather keep out both of them.
I see nothing about language. in fact, isn’t lingustics considered separate from ethnicity? that’s why terms like “ethno-linguistic” exist, as it denotes the combination of ethnicity and language.
spotted the brown italian man
what is culture but language? social norms, art and communication that make up a culture is all transmitted through language. ethno-linguism is the study of this, of culture and language and how from their interplay rises ethnicity. how can you be a swede and not know the language?
>how can you be a swede and not know the language?
by ancestry and blood. DNA as well.
Why would Italians willingly want to become Spics?
that is not enough, ethnicity has a big cultural element to it and when you lack it you aren't it. a swede who can't communicate with swedish culture is not a swede. he's from some other culture.
DNA isn't unique and isolated for almost all human groups to the extent that cultures are.
i think passionate Europeans go to USA from Europe already a very long time
Have you heard of the Mennonites? There are some 600,000 of these people living in the USA, stemming from a group of Christians who arrived in the 1700s. They originated from the Netherlands and Germany and to this day live in Amish type communities, speaking a kind of older German dialect.
A pretty interesting cultural enclave.
I fuckin wish we had italian diaspora in my state. Imagine not having any med people, just pasty white rednecks and nigs. We don't even have hispanics.
Which state do you live in?
Unironically whiter than you
Why so many in Brazil and Argentina?
You didn't grow up in Italy, you don't currently live in Italy, you don't follow the culture, and you don't speak Italian.
You're not Italian. Fuck off.
Because 100 years ago Brazil and Argentina were said to grow like the USA did
Then CIA happened to them
Ethnicity is primarily language and culture.
Ethnicity is primarily genetics.
Ethnicity = genetics. European aristocrats did not share the culture of the peasants but they shared their ethnicity. Fads and subcultures don't magically change your ethnicity.
>you can't be a swede if you can't speak swedish.
So a deaf mute Swede is not a Swede? What sort of Somali logic is this?
European aristrocrats don't share the genetic makeop of their people retard
European kings also were mutter than your average American
No it's not.
*blocks your path*
no a deaf mute is not a full functioning swede, he's a retard that needs to be looked after, a marginal case that shouldn't affect your consideration when talking about populations.
>European aristrocrats don't share the genetic makeop of their people retard
t. Mamadou
I didn't say kings. The aristocratic lines originated from the warrior classes of the respective ethnic groups.
Yes it is.
>I am forced to reply with nonsense for some reason.
No, it's actually because we lured people here with promises of free land and shit. And also because Italy was really fucked at the time.
You are mistaken burgesois with nobility
The latter rise from knightdom and is still mutted
>hnnnngh me same ethnicity as my subjects of....spanish netherlands?
It's in the first paragraph.
>knighthood was considered a class of lower nobility.
>Yes it is.
A person can be born of parents from a country from a completely different part of the world and not adopt any cultural practices, languages or beliefs of the ancestral origin of his parents.
The lands where Italians migrated in, in Brazil, are the richests of the whole country
Apparently he could barely talk at all, due to mental retardation.
That goes for all the migrants from the late 1800s onward though, they all came to the Southeast and South.
>A person can be born of parents from a country from a completely different part of the world and not adopt any cultural practices, languages or beliefs of the ancestral origin of his parents.
I'm not sure where this is going. A Nigerian who speaks English and plays hockey still appears as ethnically Nigerian on a Canadian census.
You said aristocracy not knighthood
Knights were part of the aristocracy true but still
Nobility ≠ Knighthood
lmao who cares
You really are fucking dense, mate.
Wasn't he Spanish according to your definition?
me grug me no understand
Yes, you really don't understand much of anything.
he was of a habsburgian ethnicity as can be seen from his handsome face :^)
They should all go back to southern Italy.
>Nobility ≠ Knighthood
Ok sure. So how about this:
Lesser nobles, namely knights, did not share the culture of the peasants but were often of the same ethnic group.
ooga booga?
What is the habsburgian language? Is it a chin sign langauge?
>Lesser nobles, namely knights, did not share the culture of the peasants but were often of the same ethnic group.
for example norman knights didn't share ethnicity with anglo-saxons for a long time. things changed when they.....started speaking english, ie. same language as the peasants.
I would like to say the italian diaspora in France is 100% MUH HERITAGE
They are the kind that say FORZA ITALIA when there is a football game.
Same goes for portuguese and spanish diaspora tho
It's ok but we were talking about the whole aristocracy not only the knighthood
Also Italian knighthood is Italian as they had the Italian knighthood culture and spoke a language from the Italian peninsula
You have to have the culture of that place + knowing the language + having your genetic makeup from the place to be considered of that stock
>What is the habsburgian language?
French, German, Spanish, Latin etc. Charles II spoke hnnnnng *drool
>for example norman knights
Yes, there are counterexamples, but before the invasion the anglo-saxon knights were anglo-saxon. Also you pointed out how they were *norman* knights. They were still norman knights in normandy with norman peasantry who did not share the same exact customs like dress or even possibly as refined a dialect of French.
>You have to have the culture of that place + knowing the language + having your genetic makeup from the place to be considered of that stock
People of different classes in England speak English differently, play different sports, dress differently, have different customs, etc. Are they different ethnic groups?
so you be saying that they were normans and didn't share ethnicity with english even after they started speaking english and assimilated? are there still normans in england?
>are there still normans in england?
You tell me. You guys went off track.
My point was that within an ethnicity you have different classes that differ in language and custom. My examples weren't exact but you guys are trying to deny class structure within society. Yes, sometimes a foreign ethnic group replaces the upper strata of a different ethnic group. But within an ethnic group you can have different classes of shared ethnicity that behave differently.
Nationalism in Europe started with the rise/spring of nations in 1848
Before that people didn't care that much about their ethnicity
>Nationalism in Europe started with the rise/spring of nations in 1848
What are you talking about now.
The point I am trying to make is that you can have a shared ancestry but be a member of a different subculture. Is a Chav a different ethnic group than a non-Chav English man?
Is this guy no longer ethnically English (or whatever he was)?
well duh ofc there are different subcultures and whatnot. anti-nationalists like to attack nation states through this, by saying that culture is too fractured to form some ethnic main culture. but ehtnicity, like culture it's based on, is malleable. as long as we believe in it we can will it to be. ethnic nationalism is a new thing. like mussolini said, race is 99% feeling. genetics have little to do with it.
What's your exact point, am I misssing something?
We were talking about that an amerilard will never be Italian unless he knows our language and our culture and having some degree of our same ancestral genetic makeup
>Were normans considered English?
Early normans weren't considered English as they assimiliated they did become English and so English ethnicity changed over time
You're going off track. I don't care about nationalism or politics or mussollini (or evola). Pretend you're a statistician working for the British Government, is a Muslim English convert who now speaks Arabic no longer English on your census?
>What's your exact point, am I misssing something?
I was saying that you can have different subcultures within an ethnic group so there cannot be a 1-1 correspondence between culture/language and ethnicity. I don't care about the obsession with american posters.
>is a Muslim English convert who now speaks Arabic no longer English on your census?
if he can't speak english and can't partake in english culture then no, he isn't english in my census. can a person who doesn't speak english/french and doesn't understand canadian culture be canadian?