Six counties edition
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first for blackpill
Still feel stuffed from the earlier sushi, no idea what to do about din dins
don't eat dinner then you cunt
Is this accurate?
The truth is maybe Britain would’ve been more inclined to making a deal with Hitler if he had played nice with Chamberlain. Ruined it for himself with his own greed in autism. Why make a peace deal with someone that goes back on every deal he’s ever signed?
Wish I lived in the 40s me we had no crime and nobody minded a bit of fire bombing it was a grand old time
sushi is based
hot take: they're both ugly
fat cunt*
Uncle eaten alive by maggots edition
VERY important twitter post
Shows just how anti white television adverts have become (propaganda)
Hes actually right though Ive been doing it with just simple things that used to cost me say 20 a week and so are most people i know are have been convinced to that times up to a possible 17 Million over bregziteers
strawman and a false equivalency. brainlet.
>be me talking to some people minding our own business
>conversation shifts to the topic of our first times
>mention that i've yet to pop the cherry
>some tatted lass runs up and squares me one in the jaw for no reason.
have you seen that new sannex advert with the naked black guy dancing with the naked white girl
literally couldn't get any worse
haha oh man, that's funny
virgin freak
6 bullets in the back of his skull
>Shows just how anti white television adverts have become (propaganda)
you can't speak out against this sort of thing though because you'll just get branded as a racist
what you've got to do is infiltrate the system yourself and make subtle and careful changes from within
thanks for stealing that you utter wanker.
BASED morrisons ahead of the curve
Confirmation bias
feminists teach women that men are evil and that they should hate us and now it's OUR fault that women don't want to shag us and we should be punished for it?
not seeing the problem with any of this
you snooze you lose
British women showing their goods to young Muslim bulls while British men stare at the floor.
Reckon tismomick is paid by twitter to drive up traffic
just a bit weird the blacks are so represented in british media when they're like 5% of the population is all
bit weird that yanks make posts nobody reads
>british women
if muslim men are so desirable how come they constantly have to resort to rape?
need the kikes to stop brainwashing naive young normies with simple minds
*pretends not to read your post and then indirectly replies to it*
think that post was read
*makes other home nations seethe*
literally EVERY these days advert has a black male/white female couple
yes you are
need the jewish sunshines out of business
black people have a younger average age, are more likely to live in major metropolitan areas, and do better in education/have higher graduation rates in britain, so it's not surprising when you consider these factors
in NYC lads
enjoying posting idiotic shite under my new flag to make americans look dumb
Forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter
>do better in education/have higher graduation rates in britain
compared to who
they aren't even close to 5% of the population, more like 2%
outside of london and birmingham it's very rare to see a nigger
need more asian male/arab female couples 2bh
>woman gives birth to baby boy
>some slag with butterface slams open the door
>snatches the baby
>screams at the baby if he's had sex before
>mum shakes head nervously
>slag socks baby in jaw
>baby suffocates
>"another incel bites the dust"
is this acceptable?
is that why they ban gays?
based and redpilled
Popper mental how fast mobile connections are now?
Wonder how fast 5g will be
literally can't comprehend how you can be a lefty today and still see there's no anti-white agenda
your head must be several kilometres below the sand
*has a think*
well well well
bojo for pm
coordinated /brit/ discord group raid estimated 1 twat on his phone and laptop
redpill me on 190cm
>"If we don't crack the problem of low achievement by poor white British boys and girls, then we won't solve the problem overall," said Sir Michael.
>What makes this a more complex question is that it isn't explained by the catch-all of poverty. Children from poor Indian, Pakistani, African and Caribbean families do much better, despite similar levels of disadvantage.
White British kids come from a culture that doesn't respect education, has strong disdain for authority. There are no pressures for them to succeed because they expect to be handed everything, whereas people with immigrant parents tend to feel the need work hard to prove themselves.
This good goy said there's "" nothing that can be done "" about immigration and that the floodgates have been opened and won't be closed
Why is 4g faster than much of the broadband infrastructure?
you're a mong
"straight" muslim men
ugly lesbian feminists: you shouldn't shag men they are evil, you should only shag other feminists
also ugly lesbian feminists: men who can't get laid should be killed
clear kike propaganda, feminism is a clear kike movement
guess again 'pal'
Hypothetically, let's say UK never joined the war, and had made some sort of "peace deal".
Eventually, Germany would have grown so powerful that the UK would have had to either submit to them or go to war with them. But, let's assume the UK submits and joins the Reich.
The UK would be dissolved. England, Scotland, and Wales would be their own subdivisions within the Reich. London and Edinburgh would have probably been given "Fuhrer City" status, making them on the same level as Munich, Vienna, or Hamburg (but still under Berlin). I bet Wales would be given one, considering the Nazis really enjoyed Arthurian literature
British people probably would have faired better than most other subordinates in the Reich. Official Nazi racial scientist believed the British were more "pure blood" than the Germans (but not as pure blooded as the Norwegians). The British according to them were certainly more "pure blood" than the French, who they believed were highly mixed and swarthy
Like I said, you'd be divided up and each sector of your nation would focus on what it does best. Wales for mining, Liverpool for stockyards, etc. The greatest asset would be the fleet and navy.
Eventually, you'd have to wage war against the USA
Give an example of something that is anti-white
Seething virgin freak
this is unironicly true, i went to school in a turk heavy area of north london and they are all repressed homoms
well obviously you won't get (you)'s for both if they're from two different devices
b-black people on my tv adverts...
this can't be happening
Also the "head below sand" thing is a brainlet analogy, ostriches don't actually hide their heads in the sand, it's a common myth
anti-white propaganda machine
Big if true
what the fuck is antipasta? is it pasta from the spirit realm?
then how comes when I get banned and I go downstairs on my brother's PC to shitpost I'm still banned?
you're a mong
0 (zero) uncles
The article is pro-white though, it's encouraging white people to do better in school. Would you rather the BBC did nothing to help them or draw attention to their struggles?
And why would Britain want that?
Why did you post that? There's no statistic in that article to support your notion. Just because some white kids are doing poorly doesn't mean black children are doing better. Give me an actual statistic not some conjecture you've concocted to try and back up a theory you can't actually support.
are you autistic?
I am being attacked by autistic nerds
xbox is starting to make noises its that warm
have you tried listening to Radio 1Xtra
I turned it on whilst flicking through the stations and I genuinely thought they weren't talking English
maybe they weren't, maybe it was some Carribean patois thing. But I couldn't understand
changed the station anyway
then what the fuck is an entree?
state of this pathetic cretin
lol, this is coming from the guy who was vice president during the largest mass deportation in recent history. actions > words
Do native English speakers do dumb mistake in English like us?
I mean dropping articles or the s for verbs that follow she/he/it
a word from a different language you fucking idiot
would laugh myself to sleep every night if london got nuked