
nice weather desu

Attached: 1516655290563.png (1200x1218, 1.4M)

Other urls found in this thread:


2D >>>>> 3dpd

Attached: 1526944368416.png (849x1200, 488K)

>y-you too
>wow I can't understand that but it's amazing
wow thank you just for 100$ each month I will also teach you how to speak it
>I don't
don't worry its not that hard
>Because why??? :) Explain in 5 non-IE languages???? :))))
nah lol

Attached: 1519924884159.jpg (810x810, 80K)

i wish i was that box

Why not? :)

Attached: 1533099827223.png (534x623, 194K)

I wish so too

Attached: 1500868695_3.gif (300x356, 1.62M)

cause lol you're dumb that's why that's clearly too hard?

Attached: 1525717976822.png (792x1116, 422K)

You dumb, yes
>cannot explain in 5 non-IE languages

Attached: 1533147862874.jpg (826x826, 733K)

no you are dumb yes
you really are I agree

Attached: 1519926462848.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Me when reading some of your posts

Attached: 1533098955246.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

don't mention it
>wow thank you just for 100$ each month I will also teach you how to speak it
sent ;)
>don't worry its not that hard
I hope so

Attached: 62357617_p0.jpg (1600x800, 1.1M)

>Me when reading some of your posts
wow stop!

Attached: 05d6e56a98432f9109e00f8cbaf376f5.jpg (1024x1953, 779K)

>don't mention it
yes thanks
>sent ;)
oh okay so 3 is meant as "S" that will be the first lesson
>I hope so

Attached: 1522713333740.jpg (850x1302, 253K)

>wow stop!
Stop what? :) And what if I do not? :)

Attached: 1533097431572.png (554x800, 282K)

>oh okay so 3 is meant as "S" that will be the first lesson
wow thank3

Attached: 5C20506F270F4757A93523A551D643DA.jpg (731x1200, 109K)

>Stop what? :) And what if I do not? :)
you know what dumb boy
will punch you otherwise
>wow thank3
of course
the next lesson will also cost you 100$

Attached: 1521185558791.jpg (2560x1732, 955K)

Tell me anyway? :)
>punch me
>t. caring boy

Attached: kyun.gif (540x303, 1.77M)

sent ;)

Attached: _g41_and_shirasaka_koume_girls_frontline_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_ahokoo_ (850x1198, 168K)

*takes pic*
>Tell me anyway? :)
nah lol dumb boy
>t. caring boy
you really are yes

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.33_[2018.08.07_13.44.53].jpg (1280x720, 312K)

ammm 3 is actually "e"
this guy is a scammer and a fake teacher don't trust him

>sent ;)
thank you but you will have to wait for tomorrow to find out about it desu

Attached: 49489724_p0.jpg (1000x1485, 150K)

>ammm 3 is actually "e"
wtf? don't tell him and I will give you a half!!!!!
>this guy is a scammer and a fake teacher don't trust him
no I am not!!!!!!

Attached: 301824805837c60a7eaa9803e2eca451.jpg (1920x1080, 240K)

Wow, stop it, dumb megane!
Why not? :)
No, you, caring boy
Dumb caring boy

Attached: 1533498117521.jpg (1920x1080, 132K)

make it 65% and I will agree hehehe
>no I am not!!!!!!
just pay me 65% percent and I will say that you are ;) hehehe

cause lol
nah duuuumb shut up lol
>Dumb caring boy
you are yes

Attached: 1462784767-8835d7f37332b1770fd558c8ea9493a3.png (500x281, 106K)

dude he's a professional no way he's lying

Attached: 1530098950296.gif (1000x1011, 1.52M)

>make it 65% and I will agree hehehe
>just pay me 65% percent and I will say that you are ;) hehehe
only if its 60%?????

Attached: 64647073_p0.png (818x1000, 398K)

yep I am not lying :)
no problem

Attached: 1523143300805.png (480x1024, 73K)

are any of you watching Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro desu?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.34_[2018.08.07_13.43.56].jpg (1280x720, 296K)

Stealing from me-bad
No, you
>t. kind
LOL, kind?

Attached: !!.gif (540x455, 1.88M)

yeah sure he is hehehe sorry my bad :)
(what an absolute baka hahaha)
Okay deal! now give me my share :)

Attached: 41ace7c85c62ebb33c330514370eee9c.jpg (700x1051, 288K)

you in gif
lol excited much?
>Stealing from me-bad
why? :)
nah still you
>LOL, kind?
you are yes
>Okay deal! now give me my share :)
*gives you 59%* there you go :)

Attached: 1526076886449.jpg (1280x881, 271K)

gonna fap now desu

Attached: 1520878451367.png (1600x900, 930K)

>you in gif
>lol excited much?
Shut the fuck up
>why? :)
Cause I hate you and hate sharing stuff with you? Lol.
No, not me

Attached: RvOaDqG.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

thanks! *counts the money* wtf one jewro is missing... give me my EURO!

Attached: b5c97bddd02b301c1b0056727b40b1d4_01BGHE5R8SA5B81QMJMHEAQA85.1024x0.jpg (1024x1444, 136K)

alright cool
huh? you're being weird

Attached: 64138166_p0.png (1400x1024, 950K)

have fun

Attached: b383c06bcab87479aa1cf3e8490fe569.jpg (750x800, 56K)

I just made mistake he is fine don't worry about it heh

Attached: 6f75b729b04ad51509fab2f77ef26f41.jpg (744x1052, 137K)

Gonna watch overlord

Attached: 55107c2001a1a94c67778b2ffce34657.jpg (898x1252, 366K)

hmmm you're acting really weird

Attached: 567567576567.jpg (1209x1918, 402K)

>Shut the fuck up
why? :)
>Cause I hate you and hate sharing stuff with you? Lol.
wow rude
you are yes
very cute image she is very pretty
>thanks! *counts the money* wtf one jewro is missing... give me my EURO!
I think you lost it somewhere you liar!!!!!

Attached: 1507079476194.jpg (2111x3033, 3.93M)

Ugh, annoying
Yes, very rude :|

why do you think so? I'm always like this
indeed, but don't forget that she is mine and mine only :)
>I think you lost it somewhere you liar!!!!!
no! I'm always careful with money! you just gave me a bit less!

Attached: 2346d3139ff7dcbfb2775834938b13dc.jpg (750x1000, 315K)

>alright cool
thank you it felt really good desu

Attached: [SubDESU-H] Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai - 05 [7BA05986].mp4_snapshot_14.32_[2018.08.07_20.14 (852x480, 213K)

Very nice hentai this girl is mine!(along with all others hehehe)
>thank you it felt really good desu
very good

Attached: 1e5b18988688bd6b6a4598291aba0d95.jpg (858x1227, 360K)

Lol, she's a tsundere, like you

Attached: 1533131358243.png (1280x720, 1.37M)

goona download it too now
you are yes
you are rude yes
>indeed, but don't forget that she is mine and mine only :)
no since I claimed her same with koume and holo :)
she isn't since she is mine
>very good

Attached: __narberal_gamma_overlord_maruyama_drawn_by_tea_nakenashi__1aadfb167afa7d260d1b116aa847d883.png (590x900, 126K)

yes I really like her

Attached: [SubDESU-H] Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai - 04 [A23A7866].mp4_snapshot_15.11_[2018.08.07_20.05 (852x480, 190K)


Attached: 14678597677740.png (1280x720, 646K)

you are a tsundere yes

Attached: 68322577_p0.jpg (693x1200, 102K)

>no since I claimed her same with koume and holo :)
wtf just stop doing this!
>she isn't since she is mine
nope I claimed her first! I always let you have the girls that you claimed, but you don't let me! what a baka
you just admitted of being a tsundere lol

Attached: 47363f9c3842cfdb7f2d58d14f800931.jpg (1949x2500, 446K)

that's hot
>wtf just stop doing this!
unless you stop claming my girls?
>nope I claimed her first! I always let you have the girls that you claimed, but you don't let me! what a baka
because today you just started claming my girls baaaka!!!!!
>you just admitted of being a tsundere lol
no I did not I just said that YES I like her

Attached: 1521840038492.jpg (850x1505, 302K)

No, you >_yes

Attached: 1352723918457.jpg (800x600, 221K)

didn't say "Yes" to that

Attached: 37eace3c23c7f5d6efd6e457a4af9017--girls-und-panzer.jpg (710x760, 47K)

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, sure you did not :)

>unless you stop claming my girls?
>because today you just started claming my girls baaaka!!!!!
ugh.. you still haven't proved it that they are yours. You never claimed them!
>no I did not I just said that YES I like her
yeah but you implied that you are hahaha

Attached: 4e302991140e0f8fe7855264e5004d4d.gif (1280x720, 3.06M)

hmmmmmmmmm btw you download hentai? you don't just watch them online?

Attached: 12fa3ff6216ab33d681832022d138d5b.jpg (1751x2538, 691K)

also I just realized that I watched it in 480p fuck
also I like how they were giving away "Euphoria" too at their booth lol
yes I did not

Attached: [SubDESU-H] Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai - 05 [7BA05986].mp4_snapshot_15.56_[2018.08.07_20.16 (852x480, 217K)

>yes I did not

Attached: 1533374976010.png (827x1167, 717K)

very good gif
favorite girl
>ugh.. you still haven't proved it that they are yours. You never claimed them!
but neither have you hahahahahaha so its just fair that you give the ones that I claim to be mine to be mine and yours are yours? :)
>yeah but you implied that you are hahaha
s-shut up b-baka!!!!!
I thought they'd be a better quality if I downloaded them no? (it wasn't for some reason)
>streaming anime

Attached: 49170950_p0.jpg (627x885, 110K)

yes you are a tsundere yes

Attached: 1529079739007.jpg (640x833, 95K)

*hits miku with a bat*
Mmmm, any ways to prove that? :)

Attached: 1533375108578.png (850x757, 518K)

yes has been proved

Attached: 1529177347852.png (358x416, 126K)

yes mine too and I claimed her :)
>but neither have you hahahahahaha so its just fair that you give the ones that I claim to be mine to be mine and yours are yours? :)
ammm but I just did it today?
>s-shut up b-baka!!!!!
kawaii hahaha
>I thought they'd be a better quality if I downloaded them no? (it wasn't for some reason)
not necessarily
well I always torrent anime, but for hentai I watch it online

Attached: 1526114556433.png (855x987, 1.26M)

no she belongs to me
>ammm but I just did it today?
not Holo and Koume I claimed them first same with Utaha :)
>kawaii hahaha
>not necessarily
yes because streaming is much worse than downloading
>well I always torrent anime, but for hentai I watch it online
online has worse quality though

Attached: 1527363599324.jpg (720x720, 123K)

Wow, is that a fever?? :(
You said that you are a tsundere, yes, nice proof

Attached: 5GlALn8W2-8.jpg (898x1280, 81K)

>Wow, is that a fever?? :(
yes :(
that's bad
nah not at all lol

Attached: 1531167122693.jpg (1900x2250, 509K)

Wow :(
>that's bad
Ohhhhh, futon, comfy futon.... youtube.com/watch?v=dG2k-BX-z5k
Going to shoot normalfags in hitman

Attached: 1533664332214.png (1280x720, 1.39M)

yes really sad :(
cause it is
lol nice yes
yes god shoot dumb boy

Attached: 54313072_p0.jpg (1000x1399, 996K)

RIP psycho

Attached: 1520168356738.jpg (1407x1080, 81K)

no she do not! I CLAIMED HER FIRST! ugh..
>not Holo and Koume I claimed them first same with Utaha :)
>yes because streaming is much worse than downloading
yeah I don't think you would notice much difference on 720P and you even download 480P LOL

Who is psycho?

Attached: 8a30f81f07343c0eea935146f91e4c31.jpg (763x800, 235K)

>no she do not! I CLAIMED HER FIRST! ugh..
she belongs to me yes
shut up you baaaaaaaaaaaka!!!!!
n-not funny!!!!!!
>yeah I don't think you would notice much difference on 720P and you even download 480P LOL
u-ugh... still its better to download because then you can take screenshots of hot scenes... my mistake does not refute that streaming is much worse

Attached: 1427842526402.jpg (2480x3500, 1.14M)

no one, just a name that i like to say
why are you asking?

Attached: 1529701025566.jpg (1280x720, 479K)

>shut up you baaaaaaaaaaaka!!!!!
>n-not funny!!!!!!
yes it is funny!
>u-ugh... still its better to download because then you can take screenshots of hot scenes... my mistake does not refute that streaming is much worse
okay how many terabytes of hentai porn do you have mr. pervert? heh btw not hard to capture it even online...
oh nothing just curious heh, but why do you add "RIP" then?

Attached: 0460880e4ff952b1ffc16d455cfd4946.jpg (898x1252, 442K)

yes she does !
awww are you angry? haahhahahaha
>yes it is funny!
not for me baaaka!!!!!
>okay how many terabytes of hentai porn do you have mr. pervert? heh btw not hard to capture it even online...
not that much lol I only have like 2 dozens of hentai downloaded desu and I know but still
download > streaming
>oh nothing just curious heh, but why do you add "RIP" then?
because I like to give a story to fictional characters and this char is dead :(

Attached: 1522335964883.gif (540x289, 715K)

going to watch overlord now
found the 720p version will watch that one next time

Attached: when eating ice cream.jpg (852x480, 221K)

no NO no!
>awww are you angry? haahhahahaha
YES arghh
>not that much lol I only have like 2 dozens of hentai downloaded desu and I know but still
download > streaming
Oh okay
>because I like to give a story to fictional characters and this char is dead :(
hmmm so you gave a story to this character where he ends up dead? and now you are sad? hmmmm yes indeed very weird heh. You should create character with more happy story then sad boy lol
you eat icecream LIKE THAT? oh wow just wow...
have fun :) and she is still mine...

Attached: b9c4af3cfe5a08d7d3e5710b04f29bf1.png (949x1298, 885K)

>no NO no!
>YES arghh
hahaahha kawaii!
>Oh okay
hmm I thought you should already have known this...
>hmmm so you gave a story to this character where he ends up dead? and now you are sad? hmmmm yes indeed very weird heh. You should create character with more happy story then sad boy lol
s-shut up b-baka! I c-create what ever I want you baaaaka!!!!!!!!!
>you eat icecream LIKE THAT? oh wow just wow...
yes I do...
>have fun :) and she is still mine...
thank you I did and no she is mine!!!!!

Attached: 1518289589679.png (849x1200, 1.48M)

mmm no you're definitely being weird
do you know why he's being weird?

Attached: 1528317810561.jpg (1000x900, 97K)

>hahaahha kawaii!
no you !
>hmm I thought you should already have known this...
yeah I knew
>s-shut up b-baka! I c-create what ever I want you baaaaka!!!!!!!!!
hahahah kawaii tsundere! *paaaaaaats*
>yes I do...
kek that is weird
>thank you I did and no she is mine!!!!!
very good and no she is not!
>mmm no you're definitely being weird
but how? I don't understand what is so weird

Attached: d5f2f27e883de1a1c6f71e63f2a8fb22.png (729x1000, 614K)

I don't know, something is fishy

Attached: redditisbetterthan4chan.jpg (474x474, 41K)

>do you know why he's being weird?
I think he's just paranoid that's it

Attached: 67359786_p0.png (1000x1367, 255K)

No everything is fine..
No I'm not

Attached: 947d1333b0f4b2dc680ba52c0a75f46a.jpg (793x979, 332K)

paranoid about what
are you sure?

Attached: 1532779543181.png (800x800, 271K)

>no you !
still you lol
>yeah I knew
its good that you did hahahahaha
>hahahah kawaii tsundere! *paaaaaaats*
n-no s-stop b-baka!!!!! s-stupid!!!!!
>kek that is weird
why so?
>very good and no she is not!
yes and she is!!!!!!

Attached: 1531258812467.png (850x650, 319K)

Yes I'm!

Attached: f687463863b06abd023e2f44c328519c.png (1280x1804, 1.78M)

you really are hahahaha
>paranoid about what
that I will take his waifus hahahaha

Attached: 61155189_p0.png (1053x1500, 1.5M)

are you keeping something from me?
I'd trust you if I were him, we've made good deals before

Attached: mugika.jpg (764x1000, 157K)

>its good that you did hahahahaha
>n-no s-stop b-baka!!!!! s-stupid!!!!!
hehe no you were a bad boy! *pat pat pat*
>why so?
you make a weird face like ahegao while eating those icecream hahaha would be funny if you ate like that in public :D
>yes and she is!!!!!!
I claimed her and she is my forever. period...
no i'm not...
hmmm no I don't you are the one who acts weird not me...

Attached: 4121.jpg (700x1000, 89K)

hmm maybe you're right, sorry

Attached: IMG_7429.png (882x1197, 502K)

no problem hehe :)

*very silently whisper to myself* phew that was close... now he will get off my back I will be able to go with my plan..

Attached: creepy-smile.jpg (2141x1206, 85K)

I visit this general when i feel down, then I get happier seeing all nice and friendly posts and posters :3

Attached: 1 - PsNcnj8.jpg (2020x2906, 506K)

>I'd trust you if I were him, we've made good deals before
yes we have indeed desu
exactly ahhaahha
>hehe no you were a bad boy! *pat pat pat*
s-stop that you idiot! *pats you instead*
>you make a weird face like ahegao while eating those icecream hahaha would be funny if you ate like that in public :D
s-shut up n-nothing bad about making that face its very normal u-ugh....
>I claimed her and she is my forever. period...
nope she is mine desu
>no i'm not...
hahahaha you truly are tsundere! :D

Attached: 66470914_p0.png (759x1180, 817K)

yeah sorry man, wait did you say something just now?
same desu

Attached: fc550x550black.jpg (550x550, 45K)

thank you!

Attached: 1532296298099.jpg (500x469, 72K)

yes you can also pay me for other stuff if you wish

Attached: 68880938_p0.png (700x1186, 1.53M)

>s-stop that you idiot! *pats you instead*
argh stop it!
>s-shut up n-nothing bad about making that face its very normal u-ugh....
hahaha would love to see you eating ice cream lol
>nope she is mine desu
>hahahaha you truly are tsundere! :D
pffffffff not an argument
everything is fine yeah :) don't worry
and no that is just your imagination I believe :)
*mumble to myself* shit he almost heard what I said I will need to get rid of him if he suspects something more...

Attached: 1mclnt.jpg (591x409, 30K)

such as?

Attached: _original_drawn_by_tokino_makoto_fbd64392b102de9f4be0e7b4c8de30c8.png (750x1052, 1.26M)

uhh ok hey you were talking to yourself again, stop mumbling

Attached: 8861B18653F949CCA1642E9538C939D2.jpg (900x1435, 655K)