
Eagrán back to slavery

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Watching anime is gayer than being homosexual.

>Eagrán back to slavery
Say it all in Irish.

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Sure, I just need a loan of your phone to check my spelling and such...
You have the Google on it right?

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>Sure, I just need a loan of your phone to check my spelling and such...
Why my phone?

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Don't want to be wasting my data, and I'm sure a high-ranking manager such as yourself has a company phone.

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>implying I'd be using my phone for Jow Forums

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I never implied such a thing desu. Merely checking the spelling using the Google, not posting from your phone. Also...
>not jacks-posting

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>being able to afford a computer

I'm back.

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Bounced the GF's head off the wall this time lads. Taught I'd spice our love life up a little


You're back!

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Getting fucked over by the HSE again, lads

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Got rude up the arse again lads

>CGI humans

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I’m sorry, I’m not the real Lux but the other guy here for work

You'll do, fear not. You'll learn on the job.

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How big is yer willy lads

anime is gay and so is ireland

Nothing left to live for now, I guess

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Why do i love girl's underwear so much? It's so aesthetically pleasing.

It smells good

I was just wondering the other day what had happened to you. There's a distinct lack of Luxembourg flags in /éire/ lately.

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>anime is gay

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I’ll be home in two weeks and when I phone post I still have my Irish flag, but I haven’t seen Lux post lately. Maybe he died of heat stroke

He was here the other night. He's been on holidays in Thailand and Myanmar.

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>but I haven’t seen Lux post lately
He has been posting under south east asian flags.

hows the FUCKING lads

*bounces trolley off your head*

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Wouldn't catch Mayweather doing that.

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>never used tinder
S-should I?


hello fellow old man

Unironically got laid off tinder. She was good looking too

>Unironically got laid off tinder
>She was good looking too
Lies make baby Jesus cry, user.

No. Tinder is for messing with people only.

>thinking 25 is old

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I wonder what he's up to these days? Some say he is still walking forward.



How old are you know? 29?

could be worse, you could always be 27 and be actually old haha

There is a stigma with tinder and online dating in general, just go out to a nightclub if you want to pull

I'd consider 25 to be the start of the decline
t. 20 year old

It all goes downhill after 21. Every year feels the same and flies by.

>just go out to a nightclub if you want to pull
Bad advice.

Boomers dont belong in clubs

Nobody does. Except for degenerates.

I think I'm already at that stage desu. Time seems to be accelerating and aging depresses me so I try not to think about it. That said, I often come remember things only to realise "Fuck, that was 4 years ago" even though it might seem like last year

>Bad advice.
How? Many girls go out looking to pull so they would be more receptive to advances from lads, especially when they have drink or perhaps yokes in them (wouldn't like a girl that does pills myself). Plus the lighting is generally favourable so it makes you look better. You can strike up conversation in the smoking area with strangers and people won't think it's contrived or you can dance beside a girl on the dance floor to initiate contact. Nightclubs are very much conducive to pulling

Go to a boomer club then, like House in Dublin. The single women there are looking for men to settle down with so they'd be easier to pull

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>Nightclubs are very much conducive to pulling
See: >Go to a boomer club then, like House in Dublin

>dance beside a girl on the dance floor to initiate contact.
Never doing this again

Yes, I'm sure the general public are degenerates and in the wrong because they disagree with your specific tastes that are only shared by a minority within society

Something happen? Mind you, time heals everything so nobody cares about it anymore

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>I'm sure the general public are degenerates and in the wrong
They usually are.

>I'm sure the general public are degenerates
Glad you understand.

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>I'm sure the general public are degenerates
Consensus on eire, neat

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>general public are degenerates
You suggesting the Irish public are degenerates? Won't have you tarnish the name of this country and those who live in it like that!


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>You suggesting the Irish public are degenerates?
Yes. Dublin has led them astray with the promise of free abortions and drugs on demand.

>You suggesting the Irish public are degenerates

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Just an embarrassing experience for everyone involved.


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Reminder that it's Tomoko's fault that Fang is no longer popular.

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Insulting the democratic majority is akin to insulting the nation itself. Unacceptable.

Dublin is the bastion of republican nationalism in the South. Shan't be tolerating this.

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Don't associate Erika with your Dub ramblings.

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Her yuri harem has made her too powerful.

>don't associate trash girl with trash place

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Will consider it.

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>don't associate trash girl with trash place
Erika would never set foot in Dublin or Dublin-related locales.

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She already lives in a one-room shack, how's that different from the average Dublin housing?

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Horny for Dublin.

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>how's that different from the average Dublin housing?
She isn't sharing it with 40 other people.

Source pls.

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>She isn't sharing it with 40 other people
She is, everyone else went outside when she called Maho because her lesbian urges made them uncomfortable.

>Source pls
Unfortunately I've only been able to find that and the other one on /a/. Think it might be a stray drawfag.

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Careful, that's how you get AIDS.

>She is, everyone else went outside when she called Maho because her lesbian urges made them uncomfortable.
But everybody at KMM is a lesbian. That's why Miho left.

>Unfortunately I've only been able to find that and the other one on /a/
Well do you at least have a source for that pic?

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>But everybody at KMM is a lesbian
It's not about the lesbianism, it's about how Erika expresses her yurilust.

>Well do you at least have a source for that pic?
Itsumi-San Loves To Masturbate.
Disappointed in you for not trying saucenao.

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Who's that cutie second from the right?

>it's about how Erika expresses her yurilust.
In a healthy way?

>Disappointed in you for not trying saucenao.
When iqdb fails, I tend to just give up.

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>In a healthy way?
In a has one hand under the table way. They have to share that laptop too.

>When iqdb fails, I tend to just give up
You should know by now that iqdb is only good for finding images that are on boorus. For manga, doujins, un-booru'd Pixiv art and basically anything else it's saucenao. Even Google images can be surprisingly helpful when all else fails.
Also remember that the search button in the drop down menu only searches the thumbnail, which does work 90% of the time but always worth trying the full thing.

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>Also remember that the search button in the drop down menu only searches the thumbnail, which does work 90% of the time but always worth trying the full thing.
What's the way around that again?

>Erika claiming that Maho's swimsuit is a good fit on her

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>What's the way around that again?
Delete the "s" at the end of the filename in the url. If it gives an error then the full image must not be a jpg (as all thumbnails are jpg's) so change it to png or gif, whichever it is. Or just go to iqdb and manually search the image there instead of from Jow Forums.

>Maho's swimsuit

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Also that image is a sample. I'm VERY disappointed in you.

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Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah river
Life is old there, older than the trees
younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze

This is better sung with a Scottish accent while standing on a landmine.

Ever notice all 21 year olds have the faces of teenagers but the bodies of porn stars

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Wish I was in a band

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Who here is going to J con?

I know that guy

Went last year and hope to go this year as well.

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What's fun to do there?

Go to panels, watch people play old video games, take 10 minutes to work up the courage to compliment a girl on her cosplay. desu I didn't do very much there last year and I'm hoping to stay for longer this time.

>take 10 minutes to work up the courage to compliment a girl on her cosplay

Who here has wanked?

Who hasn't?

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