what is the peak age of female beauty
What is the peak age of female beauty
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Making sure this pedobait thread does not have a fpbp
11 =)
13-14, unironically
also thought about legal lolis
In this case 12 is the perfect age
her face looks almost the same besides some development. her body has definitely changed a lot though.
ideal is 16-20
12 or 16 apparently
is this a real profile or something an user made to describe an ideal? it's too perfect to be real.
9-14, unironically
11-13 like I've always said.
Her brother is cute
it seems real for me
but 140 cm that could be a mistake
Broadly, 18-27. Specifically, 21-24.
What the fuck is DDLG?
> 11
> looks like 18
> 16
> looks like 25
Nice bait.
>18 year olds in Russia look like that
brb buying a ticket to Moscow
Daddy Dom / Little Girl
Unironically 28-35
69 uhhh, grandma gives me stiffy uhhh
young Laura
t. feminist
old Laura
Nah, just a gerontophile.
would be better if not pig nose
are they scandis? because only scandis have pig noses
Young mommies make me horny, what can I say
6-12, im not a pedo its natural you scumbags.
They're dutch.
11 and 12 isn't prepubescent anymore, and since pedo is defined as exclusive or primary attraction to prepubescents, you aren't a pedo by definition.
i know, even if girl was6 7 8 or 9 she has tongue she can say no if she say no ill go away
What is a pig nose? If you mean the holes are showing, you haven't seen the shit that I've seen.
pig nose is nose that looks like nose of a pig
12 - you can see the downgrade when she's 13 already.
11 and 12 are like totally different persons.
That's puberty for you.
>pig nose is nose that looks like nose of a pig
Id never have guessed that, thank you man.
You're a pedo by law.
Good thing being a pedo isn't illegal then.
>is a sub
>((((((other)))))) """""""""religion""""""""""
>white in korea (i.e probably koreaboo)
>"im shy at first but i open up once you get to know me xdd"
Pretty punchable to me. Just her being a sub makes me hate her. They all think they're so unique and kinky, not realizing that every other girl is into that shit as well.
Law doesn't say anything about pedophilia, only about sexual crimes on minors.
No shit, only severe burn victims have noses that start resembling pigs
that's not a white it's a happa or some russian from the eastern parts
this is what he meant
>Young mommies
Should it be 16-22 in your country?
14-26 more or less
Fuck teens who cant even hold a basic conversation. It would feel like fucking animal.
>>Fuck teens who cant even hold a basic conversation.
Then why would you discuss with women in the first place? Also, kids are surprisingly insightful, unlike grown women. I'm convinced that you can have a more interesting conversation with a 11 year old girl than a 25 year old woman.
13-17 is the peak of a woman.
If it bleeds, it breeds.
Ohh tell us more.
It depends. Some women can actually banter and or have actual opinions backed up by facts, but they are rare.
Most women use their looks to flow effortlessly through life and arent used to actually "fight" for stuff, including having debates with somebody who disaggre with them. But some are simply (ex)fat or ugly and these ones can actually stand their groud.
About what, how post-pubescent females are unreasonable, emotional drama queens?
Of course there are some irregularities and outliers, but my point is that generally talking to a 11 year old girl is more enlightening than talking to a 25 year old woman.
>14 years
>Fuck her is illegal
Why politics are so unnatural?
Number 12 and Number 16 look best to me
Am I the only one that notice that all these girls look the same
About the kind of discussion you have with your 11yo girlfriend.
>missed out on teenage love
You've never been around IRL 11 year olds, have you?
Anything from your pov. I am not FBI btw.
I don't have a 11 year old girlfriend, unfortunately.
They're all sisters.
I stopped caring cause once they open their mouth they're all annoying and dysfunctional.
Not a lot, but I have been around them, and every time it was memorable and enjoyable. Conversely, I have been around adult women way too much.
Why do the pictures start with 12?
SJWs and jealous grannies and their influence on society.
its ok man. its a bit overrated desu my teenage love was a huge cunt and broke my heart.
hang in there, love will find us soon enough.
if it is overated then parental love is overated too.
parental love is very important but teenage love is not needed for a fulfilling life.
what i thought was love back then is not what i consider it now. i wasnt mature enough to really experience true developed love.
all im trying to say is the much sought after teenage love is more often than not superficial.
12 for most girls.