It takes 1.5 hours to drive through an American city

>it takes 1.5 hours to drive through an American city

What the fuck

Attached: image.png (772x484, 1.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:,_New_York

You're driving through 5 in that picture. Urban sprawl conjoined them.

If you’re lucky.

>granada hills


The city doesn't end if you're constantly surrounded by the city

Takes longer than that. I do drive like that for work sometimes and to go from one end of LA metro to other is usually 2 and a half hours. Its even worse on fridays. The map you have here isnt at rush hour.

Why don't Americans just incorporate the sprawl into the city proper. City borders are just painful to watch.

Attached: Why.png (1366x768, 770K)

>not having a radial system that allows you to travel from 1 corner of the city to another in 40 minutes instead of 1.4 hours

I'm fascinated by LA. How much do your average normie ever travel over the city? I assume you just attend school, do your shopping, work etc etc where you live more or less? Would someone living in Orange County ever travel outside the county? Or even to the other side of the county?

>tfw live in the city with most km of road per capita in canada

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Because of taxes.

It's the same here while our cities are a lot smaller, because you cannot drive in that 2nd world country: France.

>why is a mega city a mega city
Are you autistic op ? This distance in tokyo is smaller than what you posted and even with no traffic it still took more time

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I can drive from Philly to NYC in the same amount of time.

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LA must be an awful place to live

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8/8 would nuke, in 40 years or so.

In LA , you survive by driving only in your 5 mile range. However , work is not always gonna be near your place . So people in La travel out of their county mostly for work.
nah it's not that bad.
North east is truly superior baby

oh look, an derrorist irrationally hates america, color me surprised!

I live in OC and yes people do travel outside the county all the time. People usually live in the outer areas of the metro because its cheaper. If they're lucky they have a job there or work from home. Others make the commute to LA county proper. I have to travel all over the metro area for my job. So I'm a bit of an exception in that. OC is big enough that many people live and work within the county though. If you grow up here like I did you're just used to the driving.

it's almost like you're driving 70 miles


no one drives in tokyo

also that's from the city center.

Gerrymandering is the cause for all modern border gore, user.

We have a town called Jordan and it's technically older than your country,_New_York

Hard to imagine for people who never lived in a city with more than 100 000 people. Is OC just a giant suburban white upper middle to upper class community then? Seems amazing to me, put all the problem areas so far away you'll never interact with them.

You can drive across the whole state of Rhode Island faster than you can from one portion of LA to another

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South OC is. North OC is a lot of spics but also intermixed with white upper middle class areas There arent truly problem areas anymore in OC, not like LA anyways. Santa Ana used to he really bad in the 80s and 90s. Spic gangs turned it into a warzone. But it calmed down in the 2000s and nowadays its being heavily gentrified.

orange county is white only for La standards because it has more whites than hispanic (44% vs 34 % I think) , it also has alot of Asians and almost no blacks

How does things work here?

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santa ana and anaheim are shitholes
but yeah OC is nicer than LA but expensive and a bit soulless

That's what happens when everybody has his own McMansion

Jesus fucking christ wtf. Mega cities are cancer

>a bit

they don't

mcmansions are in suburbs not cities dumbass
LA is mostly apartments

Bull shit, go check the area posted in the OP, it's all individual housing.

me when I play Cities: Skylines