What was the greatest mistake of your cunts history?

What was the greatest mistake of your cunts history?

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submitting to turkish subhumans

Letting the fenians be independent.

Not driving the the natives into the Pacific.

Passing the act of union 1800, and giving westminster our silver.

The colonization of Africa.

federal reserve act
income tax

Leaving Spain, then leaving Mexico, then leaving Ourselves

Attached: captguatemala.gif (672x565, 13K)


exporting scotts to NI
letting scotts into the union
colonizing Canada
not splitting up Germany after ww1
betraying Poland after ww2
letting the mutts win the revolution
becoming cunts towards the indians after the industrial revolution
not giving HKers refugee status
betraying Rhodesia
invading the boars

other than that nothing

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>exporting scotts to NI
Scots did that to themselves, actually. England wasn't involved.

not killing all poles

Being my birthplace.

Creating Jow Forums

our king marrying the danish queen fucked us over so much its ridiculous

submitting to turkish subhumans

Thinking about grabbing more than gookland, Taiwan and Manchuria, because if it didn't happen Japan will have a weak China neighbor and independent government that doesn't need to listen to USA at all

Every injun should have been executed back when we actually could have gotten away with it.

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1965 immigration act

what a beautiful image

The Existence of Russia

The empire was a big mistake desu

You cry like white pussy, bitch.


Eating fries with mayonnaise.

>colonizing Canada

lol no
it was a chiefly scottish venture but that's pushing it

Picking the wrong side in ww1. Britain should have made an alliance with Germany on the condition they give up their naval ambitions and in return we won't bother their continental ambitions

This but also add they have to compensate Belgium for invading.

Belgium isn't even a real country, it should be divided between France and Germany

Attached: british army.png (1950x1789, 1.65M)

>cherrypicking mutt

welp mexican hands wrote this post
and paki hands wrote yours

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>List of wars Britain won


>welp mexican hands wrote this post
>and paki hands wrote yours

except Mexicans are the majority in your 3rd world shithole
now fuck off tyrone
also what delusional mutt logic do you use to assume we would be buthurt about russia
i won't deny leftists are buthurt about muttistan though


and northern countries are enjoying it

>except Mexicans are the majority in your 3rd >world shithole
>now fuck off tyrone
>also what delusional mutt logic do you use to >assume we would be buthurt about russia
>i won't deny leftists are buthurt about >muttistan though

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Social Democracy

Cromwell not finishing the job

People starting a civil war


>war of 1812
>british victory

Not supporting the Whites in the Russian Civil War.

1812 was classic, we literally burned your poosidents home LOL

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was really not a viable option looking how the northern intervention by usa and britain and vladivostok campaingn ended up

and of course the horrible shitfest that was the heimosodat

>burning the white house
>overall victory
remember new orleans pal

Believing the f*ench were our friends

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Cherrypicked: the post

Heimosodat was a small bunch of nationalist hotheads and German agents running around on their own. Of course it was a shitshow.

If we had taken the whole 100,000 men of the White army to support Nikolai Yudenich and his attack on Petrograd, we easily had enough to tip the scales. Of course we could have only really made the difference for Petrograd and the Reds still would have had Moscow so it wouldn't have won the war for the Whites but point is, we did have a time window to attack when Petrograd was barely defended by Reds and the Russian Whites were closing in on it.

Radical catholicism, by far.

Two mistakes:
First: let the British and French lead the Versailles treatment, which lead to Fascism taking over in 1922.
Second (and by far the worst mistake in all the XX century): joining ww2

being created when this nation shouldn't exist
>t. byproduct of frog colonial bullshit

Just this, really.

Attached: ao_74302.1.jpg (1920x1280, 1.29M)

>the fall of Singapore 1942
>the Suez cuckening 1956
>Surrendering Hong Kong 1997
>Various policies to inflate property prices 1980-present
>Brexit 2016


October 1492.