Why are we so fucking obese?
Why are we so fucking obese?
Stop fucking eating
Because we are rich!
But also poor.
High fructose corn syrupe
Lack of fat shaming
Positive body acceptance movements
Culture of eating whenever anything is happening (wedding, funeral, party, watching football, executing nigers...)
Water fasting right now lad.
Why is Canada on there? Sure we're fat but less so than USA, Mexico, Australia, UK, New Zealand, Chile, and Ireland.
I don't think that least obese country in the Anglosphere deserves to be included with America and Mexico.
How do people even manage to get fat? I feel stuffed really early when I start eating and have to force it down in order to not be too much of a skelly.
Well others of us don't have that problem.
Not eating doesn't make you less fat
Are we going to have this thread every day?
Yes. You have a problem?
Why? People already told you the answer in all the other threads: lots of sugar + sedentarism.
Why do you guys eat so much junk food anyway?
It's cheap and people have shit taste.
Aren't tacos cheap? And tacos are way more delicious.
>and people have shit taste.
Because it's addicting. The chemicals in it are designed to get you addicted to the dopamine release to the point where you can't even recognize actual hunger from desire.
Speak for yourself, we're the least obese anglos (and no it's not because of frenchies, they are right in the middle of the pack obesity-wise)
Walking just a little every day curbs obesity by a huge %.
Unfortunately Republicucks want you depending on your car to get everywhere (because that sells more oil). So naturally heart disease is the leading cause of death in America.
We produce a lot of food so it's relatively cheap for us. Also some of our typical dishes are really high in calories because a lot of our ancestors were farmers.
tasty af
Also in every party, people instead of making food sometimes prefer to simply buy junk food
how many times does this need to be repeating, the best way to lose weight is to eat better, which for most americans means eating less(and drinking water instead of something else).
>High fructose corn syrupe
Pretty sure Mexicans just use sugar.
The American suburbs with no sidewalks look so surreal to me. What if you WANT to just go outside for a walk? Where do people take their dogs? Why can't there be a bakery store next block where you can buy some bread? What if your car engine fails? These are just some of many questions that I have.
No Takis?
Also I love how this ignores shit like dorilocos and elotes.
>What if you WANT to just go outside for a walk? Where do people take their dogs?
There is a often a nearby park for this
>Why can't there be a bakery store next block where you can buy some bread?
Because it's a residential zone, not a commercial zone. That's the point. They don't want to live in a city with businesses.
>What if your car engine fails?
Call roadside service and have it towed to tje nearest garage while you take a taxi to wherever you were going. If the car will tale a long time to fix rent one.
Shut up fatty.>Unfortunately Republicucks want you depending on your car to get everywhere (because that sells more oil). So naturally heart disease is the leading cause of death in America
>He thinks only Republicans are involved in big business.
Most of the finance and corporate people I know (including the greedy ones) are Democrats.
t.NYC resident
Actually excercise is easy too. It's basically calories burned > calories consumed. Also muscle burns calories even when sleeping.
And which side of the chart do you think dorilocos belong to? Never mind that it's a meme garbage most people don't eat, unlike all the other shit, which most people actually eat.
Also, which side of the chart do you think "elotes" (preparados you mean, because they can be roasted anyway) belong to?
Hint: one goes in the left, one goes in the right.
>Most of the finance and corporate people I know (including the greedy ones) are Democrats.
Cool statistics bro.
Republicans are the ones who shut down mass transit and infrastructure projects while subsidizing oil and highways.
>it's a residential zone, not a commercial zone
OK fair enough but you don't have to shove business so far away. In here most residential neighborhoods still have commercial areas in the center so that you can still walk over there and get to a market or something in a few minutes, and then go back to your cozier house-only area.
Imagine how fucking rich you would become if you build a shopping mall in the middle of that suburban hell.
Too bad that the communists wont allow you to do that. There goes the freedom.
>And which side of the chart do you think dorilocos belong to? Never mind that it's a meme garbage most people don't eat, unlike all the other shit, which most people actually eat.
>Also, which side of the chart do you think "elotes" (preparados you mean, because they can be roasted anyway) belong to?
Dorilocos are definitely on the left. Elotes depends on how much shit they put on it. Theexicans around here sell them and it looks pretty gross.
No chicano, eating takis doesn't make you Mexican. No chicano, takis aren't the only snacks that exist in Mexico. Yes chicano, sabritas are more popular overall.
And Democrats gentrify and speculate
Generally you should combine the two but the heavy lifting is going to be done by changing one's diet.
That's fine, there are lots of areas like that in the U.S. too. The surburbia with no sidewalks os specifically a car culture thing, which is very prevalent in the U.S. they would rather drive 5 minutes to a store than have one within 5 minutes walking distance.
There's a reason. Today a bakery goes there, tomorrow it's a 7/11 that brings low income jobs to the community, possibly crime, etc. They specifically want to avoid this and do so by keeping it all middle class homes with no nearby commercial businesses for people on foot or public transit.
>Cool statistics bro.
>Republicans are the ones who shut down mass transit and infrastructure projects while subsidizing oil and highways.
How many of them would have jobs with a crashing stock price? Who deals with stocks? Did Wall Street banks pay for Hillary or Donald? Finance people when it comes to politics and business have a split personality. They like liberal ideas until it affects profit.
>A larger group, about 15 or so, represent massive, mainstream, blue-blooded publicly-held, Fortune 500 companies. These are not members of the bi-coastal tech and entertainment elite, but giant employers and industrial forces like General Motors, ConAgra, DuPont, and Avon.
Because we eat too man carbs and don't exercise enough
t. retard
business idea: steep fat tax for anyone over a BMI of 18
you stopped caring
Is this picture from Czech Streets?
It's like the pupil of a dead world.
>No chicano, eating takis doesn't make you Mexican. No chicano, takis aren't the only snacks that exist in Mexico. Yes chicano, sabritas are more popular overall.
Stop jumping to conclusions. I'm not even remotely Chicano, I'm. 6'3" blonde/blue eyed wh*toid. I live around a lot of your diaspora though so a lot of Mexican shit is all over (junk food, street vendors and restaurants).
A guy from Juarez told me the ones around here are mostly from Puebla.
>this delusion
Our food is greasy as fuck and high in carbs. Stop living in denial and blaming junk food
>hurr durr antojitos are the only mexican food that exists
>hurr durr sugar is not what makes people fat
>sugar is only what makes people fat
I've seen this picture posted a few times now and it looks god tier.
A big heart demands a large body to support it.
Uh, sure, we'll go with that.
Too many sugars and carbs.
A thing of beauty, really.
Yes, that's the reason most fat people are fat: large amounts of sugar (mainly from fucking junk food or sugary beverages), combined with sedentary lives. This is not a secret.
Sugars are carbohydrates.
>18 BMI
user we're trying to solve the obesity problem, not make everyone underweight. 24-25 BMI would be a better limit
I admire its...purity
Mexicans in New York?
There's a lot of pipopes in New York for some reason.
It's geometrically pleasing indeed. Everything flows to the centre, a pivotal focus.
cheap fast food is a meme
it's all under a dollar and takes no time to prepare
What kind of stuff do you get for under a dollar ?
Under a dollar as in under an American dollar?
Fast food is actually rather expensive in Australia, in terms of what you actually get, so the idea of cheap fast food in other countries is something I've always been a little skeptical about.
Sounds like hell these people are robots
what's the difference between "junk food" and "fast food"?
i think junk food is the stuff you find in supermarkets like sodas and candies while fast food is stuff like KFC McDonalds and stuff like that
I think Ireland has us beat for not being disgusting pigs, actually. Being "only" a quarter obese isn't really something to be proud of.
Don't "lay's" have different names everywhere?
Same in murrica.
Cheap food that tastes good because of the high levels of sugar/sodium/corn syrup. Don't forget that physical exercise outside of a gym setting is rather rare or looked down upon because it makes you look poor (e.g. walking or biking to work), or simply unrealistic due to the huge distances between places. I used to walk to the grocery store when I lived in the UK but now that I'm back in America I have to drive to the store.
They're probably too drunk to hold down food.
A shame there are only 8 layers instead of 9, this is almost hell as described in the Divine Comedy
My local park sells 3 hot dogs for 1 USD
Get out of Bushwick, gentrifier
*blocks your path*
This is called "Holanda" here.
hotdogs here are absolute shit usually it's a quarter of a baguette with one sausage and some cheese if you're lucky and they cost like 3 dollars
That's around 18 Pesos; how does that factor into average wages, etc.?
I think Unilever calls it their "heartbrand logo" strategy for brand recognition, since they're all made by the same corporation. They have some 40 odd different brands under this umbrella of products, kind of crazy.
I wish the weather in my area was milder so I could go out for walks more often. I miss being able to walk around and enjoy nature all day without dying from heatstroke.
Average part-time job a student or something can take, like a cashier or so, pays around 3,000 to 4,000 pesos a month.
Food in Mexico is extremely cheap.
If you are out of your home, a proper meal (comida corrida) in small restaurants called "fonditas" that serve home food, with like 3 different courses, costs around 2 dollars (40 pesos). It's much more nutritious, and cheap as fuck considering quantity, but it also takes a lot of your time. Besides, people will still eat junk food and fast food anyway.
56% genes + easily available unhealthy trash to consume as food + physically lazy lifestyle
Cool, that does sound cheap.
>It's much more nutritious, and cheap as fuck considering quantity, but it also takes a lot of your time.
Is that the sort of place you'd go for a meal with family or close friends for an evening? Do these places generally serve or permit alcohol on the premises? In a way it sounds a little like the American family diner experience.
t. Marinela CEO
>Is that the sort of place you'd go for a meal with family or close friends for an evening
It's where you would go with your office wageslave friends during your free hours if you don't want to eat fast food. You can also order food to be delivered in your place if you want. The ones I've been to do sell beer, but I don't know what kind of permits they have, I imagine they are allowed. The meal usually comes with free water anyway.
In that case it sounds a little more like smaller Japanese Korean BBQ places where you can sit in smaller, semi private stalls, sit down and eat/drink for a while. Wageslave friendly.
Comfy, in a way.