Are these the 2 best countries in Europe?
Which one of them is better?
Are these the 2 best countries in Europe?
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thats not the flags of Greece and Cyprus
We're both good but I think Switzerland might be a little better unfortunately
I think it's these two
prolly switzerlandiums
The one with cold weather
in what regard is switzerland better?
I heard it can get pretty windy and rainy in Norway.
What areas are drier/have less chance of rain?
Cheese slicer < CERN
Nope. Best is Spain.
both are suck.
oiled pig vs Black money washers
Spain is superior to either
based Korea
Both are completely on EU leash despite being "neutral"
Norway is better because they have only one shithole neighbor (Sweden)
Switzerland has 3 shithole neighbors (DE, FR, IT)
I don't see how that would affect the quality of life of the average Joe though.
Norway is not neutral.
Russia because they are based and repilled, not to mention white.
>one shithole neighbor (Sweden)
Must be German education though
excuse me, my grandfather comes from Zermatt, and therefore, I am Swiss.
Who is supposed to get triggered by this, Hans-Ueli?
>based and repilled
>pic related
never been to swaziland but I'm sure we have better nature here
they banned muslim towers thought so that's pretty cool
>they banned muslim towers
Before it became mainstream
Norway is the best.
how many hours do norwegians work p/week on average?
I heard it's really low compared to most other countries
Only one of them is a jew and the other a nigger.
We have a lot of vacations and high wages, it's good to be white.
38 or so I believe
you are complete peaklets compared to them so yes
Norway is far superior in terms of
peaks only matter it they are near a fjord or a lake
>Are these the 2 best countries in Europe?
No, just places noone cared enough abt so they could be left alone
>Which one of them is better?
I like the swiss mindset a lil bit more but since I'm an antisocial loner who likes to be alone and cold weather, I would prefer living in norway tbqh
homogeneous society, beautiful women.
I said nothing wrong and I work like 10km away from the Swiss border.
its not you dumb polack, i got served by a paki, an indian or negro in every mcd or bk, trashpicking ppl was black, there was not a single town without a muslim or african
maybe they are more succesfull integrating them but honestly, ive seen more foreign ppl in norway than in sweden
>beautiful women
theyre pignosed and dye their hair so much its repulsive
if you're into staying in your room and doing nothing all day, sure...oh...
umm every peak counts sweaty
Having been to neither of them and having had no personal interactions with citizens of each of these countries, I'd have to say that Turkey is the best country in Europe. Close behind Turkey I would say Kazakhstan.
Achmed, I...
you wish
and where was i wrong tho? they definitly are pignosed and dying your hair is common as hell among women here
This is true though, Norwegian women are not hot at all. There is a reason people on here only use the same pictures over and over again.
The four high school girls (only one is good loking)
That's literally it.
mohammed it is then
And this is the most common phenotype in Norway, round faced pig nosed women.
fucking hell, even voe got a fucked up nose
Fuck off Abdul, can't wait for when the European race wars start and we kick your kind out.
still better than the average Swiss "beauty"
You're really pathetic, you know that?
Easily switzerland, most based type of government in the planet
mr. chang, I presume?
Yes, she just has a thinner face but most Norwegian women have round faces.
I don't think there is a Swiss look though, there is a Norwegian look that is very common.
is this the sequel to the pointy elbow meme?
go back to your cage autist
whats wrong with this, cute
is that woman Norwegian?
why is she orange
We can't handle the sun
what did he mean by this
Netherlands is in full development and therefore the best
but your capital is full of dudeweedlmao tourists and even natives. It's annoying.
Also too flat and will be underwater in a few centuries.
True, that's why the municipality should ban low budget flights instead of cruise ships. The municipality wants less tourists, but they're too stupid to understand that rich tourists are not the ones that cause nuisance.
Switzerland has lax gun laws so there's that.
You can get guns in Norway too but I think you need a hunting licence or something like that.
Maybe you should propose that to your politicians?
If we only had a referendum...
Spain is shitty tho. Not too bad, there's worse, just shitty
I thought this kind of shit was easier to do in advanced European countries.
Isn't there a platform where you can suggest policies? There must be a way other than a referendum. Maybe you can talk personally to one of the municipal assembly's representatives?
in what way is it "shitty"?
>Isn't there a platform where you can suggest policies?
the platform has no actual influence. Politicians don't take advices from that platform seriously.
>Maybe you can talk personally to one of the municipal assembly's representatives?
It's really hard to get in touch with someone from the municipality, only if you have a objective, personal, own, direct and current interest by their decision.
However, less low budget flights to Schiphol is a matter of national interest I guess which could have been a good referendum topic, but the current parties abolished the referendum, because it didn't do what they expected from it (the results weren't always in line with their policy).
Noruega wins. Suíça has too many toilet cleaning P*rtagees.
Switzerland has better weather
Oslo area and the rest of the south east is less rainy, as well as the rural center of the country, but I would say it's still way too rainy in all of Scandinavia. All of Europe besides the med, really.
I think it's just a Norway thing. We get a simillar thing here by being a west-facing mountainside country.