Why do Black guys have such big cocks?

Why do Black guys have such big cocks?

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compensate for tiny brains

Because they are the peak of masculinity which include a big penis.

Of course a German would start this thread.

I, too, would like to know

Why not?

Of course a Lebanese would come to this thread

Of course a Swede would defend the German

Ofcourse the german would not defend himself


i fucking HATE niggers

it’s an ugly, clownish feature that befits them. Ancient Gre

*Ancient Greek aesthetics remain the superior choice.

Why is cuckold mentality so pervasive on this board? Serious question.

shills, shitposters, shitskins. Do you really have to ask? cuckposting is cancer,

Jow Forums has a wh*te problem

Keep coping. BBC rules the world.

Is interracial cuck stuff like blacked.com popular in Africa itself?

it’s not popular anywhere. that’s why it’s shilled.
>rawwwr, i’m angry cuz you don’t like cuckposting

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That's what speaking the manliest language in the world (French) does to you.

Hot climate

Most of Africa doesn’t speak it

How does that affect dick size?

>Using a dating website as proof of anything.

>pewresearch center is a dating website
White girls are also least likely to racemix.

the dick is like a radiator. they need a big one.

>Ok Cupid match scores.

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WE BLAX are god bloodline we have power between legs to make other nations worship us

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Shriveling in the cold is actually beneficial, less surface area so less chance of frostbite. Even if the nurses are laughing at your shrunken cock, it's still better than having no cock.

If there's no environmental pressure however, it's better to have a big flaccid cock to impress females, humans walk upright with a ridiculously conspicuous penis showing when naked.

t. armchair anthropobiologist

>big cocks
don’t make me laugh
t. gay who USED TO have a fetish for maghrebies

that doesn’t really make any sense
if hot climates made your peepee bigger then besides africa, everyone from morocco to indonesia would have big peepees but they don’t

Why did you color Western Sahara?


>t. moroccan

Humans in general have fairly big peepees in proportion to their bodies. Also I'm talking more about flaccid size than overall dick size, you know the whole "shower vs grower" thing. I've seen a study showing that women respond well to bigger flaccid dicks, which makes sense since we display our dicks so blatantly when naked. It's still just a trend though, and even in a hot place like a desert you can be cold at night, or other evolutionary pressures would have made dick size less relevant. Cultural preferenecs probably go a long way too.

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Damn Lebanon is on fire today

Why are sandn*ggers such huge faggots? Go get blown up by Israel you filthy pigs

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What happened to it?

everyone on dating sites are picky when in reality they are the most desperate people.

delet this immediately

For peeing and fucking.

Long dicks must suck for peeing, so much urethra to have droplets stuck after.

Excess blood from a missing brain.

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do people with big dicks get pee stains in their underwear?

I'm small and it can be a bitch to get all the droplets out, having all that extra room can only get in the way. On the other hand they might be easier to shake.

Because in true negro fashion they lie alot

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So this is why I was told to wear a diaper.

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I have a fairly medium dick and I don't really struggle with this but I don't know, you raise a good point.

Why are HUNGarians so hung? Either way even the measured ones might be sketchy, bigger guys are more likely to accept being measured.


i'm also small and i don't really have trouble with it, at most i get a drop sometimes

ITT: So many insecure white dudes.

is that from wikipedia?

It's mostly a problem when I don't lower my pants, like just open the fly and stick it out without unfastening the belt and untucking my shirt, it's too short to shake properly without removing any clothing in the way.

>Harder life
>Bigger dick
That´s all

i just squeeze it

SEETHING whiiteboi

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that would mean afghans and yemenis have gigantic cocks but if I remember correctly they’re both under 5in

but you're just a tiny-dicked insecure white guy making shit up

>Black men


Dating sites are literally the worst statistic to use honestly only autist and spergs go there. Better to use Tinder. OKcupid was never for normalfags

That wouldn't matter if everyone else is also small though.
>tfw small in an above average country

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I’m hispanic and I was talking about this they’re not actually under 5 (barely) but they’re still small and nothing to write home about

don’t know why you’re so offended?

yeah but I was talking about what the colombian user said

Horners aren’t big desu, they’re more like Arabs in that regard

They don't.
t. seen a lot of guys naked

Is there any truth to only New World Blacks having BBCs while African Blacks are just average?

I disagree. Black guys have huge dicks.

Most of the black guys whose packages I've seen are average. Then again it's a small sample size.

I'm pretty sure it might have something to do with their bushes being low and tightly curled so more of the shaft is visible.

(((they))) started the myth, niggers today are continuing it, since it's the only thing a woman would want from a nigger

Except they they actually measured sample sizes from various countries.

them self reported measurements
even so, africans =/= afro-americans
but you still use the myth because it still is the only thing a whore would want from you
just look at any famous actresses most viewed videos, nearly always BWC, but it doesn't need the tag, because it's actually more common than your bbc


i know porn selects the biggset dicks but in all interracial amateur porn i watch the black guys also have huge cocks...

yeah, because dick pumps and props can't be used by non-profissional actors, right?
use a pump before fucking a girl, and if you are average you will see how strange it is when you look down, you almost think you're a porn actor
it's all in the dick pumps


I don’t think that’s really relevant when most people trim or shave.

They’re always ridiculously big

Holy shit why the fuck are you so triggered by this? Get a grip


why are YOU so triggered by my posts?

why is a man not allowed to have a small or a average penis?

The black guys in porn usually have bigger dicks than the white guys.

Very few white guys come close to what Mandingo, Shaun Diesel, Drake and some of the other brothas in porn.

The only one I can think of is Danny D but his dick looks pencil thin compared to them.

all the right wingers went to better sites
bbc is a myth and youre a retarded if you unironically believe it

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You're the only one who seems triggered. Your posts scream of insecurity over the fact that black guys have huge cocks.

It's only west africa.

would you imagine that i actually have a 16cm cock? but seeing myths being spread around by subhumans makes me want to question them?
it's not about having a big dick, it's about seeing little dick subhumans thinking they are superior because of a literal porn meme

It really not africans specifically west African devopled longer limbs in proportion to their torsos making them fast sprinters.

So you're an insercure beta who's made that africans have bigger dicks than you.

Bantus are descendants of West Africans, though? Meaning almost of Black Africa has big dicks


You are correct. The Bantu penis is massive. Shaka Zulu and other Zulu kings were known for having huge black cocks. They even fucked some of the British colonial women and brought them to their most intense orgasms.

What does that have to do with dicks?

mandingo and shane diesel porn is always so boring...its always the same and it just looks uncomfortable


None of those countries are African

go back reddit

anikka albrite took a huge portion of Mandingo's 12 inch cock inside of her.

That phat ass blonde bitch was lovin it.