Jow Forums in 2028

Jow Forums in 2028

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lots of gay porn and pretty much a Jow Forums international grindr

are you John Connor?

fuck bl*Ckoids

I still can't believe Trump built the wall, deported 3 million illegal immigrants, and dissolved Congress.
I've been kind of down since his passing but I know Donald Trump Jr will be a great leader in his own right.

I can’t fathom how anyone would want to spend 10 years on here. I’d rather kill myself than actually be on here for 10 years, I mostly just check this cause I’m bored.

السلام عليكم

Damn, the war has just ended and I already miss them.

Attached: 800px-flag_of_russia.png (800x533, 975)

cringe and yakubpilled

>Macron w-won't turn France into empire
>Macron w-won't annex Germany for sure
>Macron won't fist-fight Putin and Donald at once and win, c-can't be fathomed
>Macron w-won't nuke the UK
Kek, I still remember 2017 bright as day back when he was elected. Now 11 years later, the French empire shines across Europe.

Probably I would've offed myself by now.

It wouldn't suprise me at all if you'd still be here screeching about Russian women in 2028

i just actually, genuinely cringed at this

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Pourquoi tu fais tout le temps ce genre de topics, Seph ?

404 Page not found

>most wh*Te europeans have died due to heat
>EU is now unironically BLACKED

Last spot to finnish spacecruiser to leave this planet for the search of "New Finland" who wants to come?

i miss the netherlands ;_;
too bad the dykes couldnt handle the warm weather so they broke
ah well, spitsbergen isn't so bad, at least it has dutch histroy

Sure Trump caused WW3 and enacted a monarchy, but at least he’s not Hillary amirite?

WW3 was wonderful, firsties are dead and we made a lot of profit selling our corned beef.

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Anyone remember the amerimutt meme?

>tfw living in Franco-Siberian border.
Getting real tired of these border clashes, lads. Just yesterday during one of these clashes some siberian mongoloid "accidentally" shelled my fields again.

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>30 year old neckbeard loser in 2018
>40 year old neckbeard loser in 2028

Feels bad, tbqh

Been a couple of months since I've been resisting the urge to open 4chinks. I do expect orange to build that wall desu, I hate him, but that just means more mex hawtties coming down to us.

Problem is, when one sees, in a presidential republic, some fucker asking for a desolvement of congress, one can't help but to wonder about 'it''s level of stupidity. A testament of absolutely poor education can be drawn from such a request, in which the poor and ill educated can't possibly comprehend the seriousness of it's entailments. You, sir! Seem to have gone from a citizen of a softly colonial empire, to simply some peasant complaining about it's workings. "Save the working class", they say; "Save white america" they repeat. While the lower classes seem to have this conception of the world, those holding power laugh at it, attend some of the whims shouted from their peasant constituents as a means to sustain their support, while maintaining them at their deplorable status. It's a win-win for them and you, considering their power is sustained by your applaud.

I do, sir; hope you get what you deserve. That clad clear, I sustain a position not possibly comprehended by this kind. Best of luck in your endeavors, american friend. From your superior.


whiter than you achmed

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Why do you still call the caliphate "empire"?

cultural appropriation

Frenchies, please give us Lithuania. You have an entire Europe anyway, and this Lithuanian peasant is crying due to constant shellings between us, because his crops are dying because of that. You know, living in Eastern Europe is not easy now since we both used nukes and bioweapons to get rid of g*rmans and p*les. So, we ask you to give us Lithuania. For that we will send you more tons of soy that you guys are eating in numbers, apparently.
Sincerely, your Ahmed Wang Zhao, president of Northern China.

China pls no, i already done my job in cyber-gulag today

going on vacation to the tropical island of Newfoundland tomorrow excited

أنا أحب أن تمتص محمدز ديك. الله يحبني.

This is wrong dialect of French, you filthy G*rmanoid.

Please come to Siberia. It's so big. Did you know we have elefants and giraffes?