
our year lads

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Other urls found in this thread:


tfw a fucking yank gets it bc the brit is too stupid to do it properly, sigh

Gf search day 4876: Still looking bleak

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been to both of these cities

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you've never been to nottingham you fat cringefest cunt

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wacky bruce choon

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Wank before or after run?

you don't know me

You may be wondering why I'm posting city skylines.

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hotel i stayed in is visible in this

What's one city I've forgot to include?

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yeah i do, you're football yank, a 30 year old virgin

Watching the scene in GoT where fat Sam fucks gilly with my mum

That's right!
Fucking London.
What excuse do you guys have for this?

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How do you guys even build this with a straight face?

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Just realised I’ve been posting in the wrong thread
Shan’t be posting here any longer


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>Order a disgusting amount of Chinese food
>Answer the door in my pants
>Deliverer was a cute 18ish white girl

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what it's the opposite that's great did she smirk/go red

The runt cage

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*melts your car







Based moment

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geriatric edition more like. why tf is the thread so slow?

This is the wrong thread you terrorist paedophile

why the fuck would you tell it that you absolute scrotum

only cool guys can post here

Express yourself
Create the space
You know you can win
Don't give up the chase
Beat the man
Take him on
You never give up
It's one on one
Express yourself
It's one on one
Express yourself
It's one on one
Express yourself
You can't be wrong
When somethings good
It's never gone
Loves got the world in motion
And I know what we can do
Loves got the world in motion
And I can't believe it's true
Now is the time
Let everyone see
You never give up
that's how it should be
Don't get caught
Make your own play
Express yourself
Don't give it away
Express yourself
Its one on one
Express yourself
Its one on one
Express yourself
You can't be wrong
When somethings good
Its never wrong
Loves got the world in motion
And I know what we can do
Loves got the world in motion
And I can't believe it's true
Loves got the world in motion
And I know what we can do
Loves got the world in motion
And I can't believe it's true
You've got to hold and give
But do it at the right time
You can be slow or fast
But you must get to the line
They'll always hit you and hurt you
Defend and attack
There's only one way to beat them
Get round the back
Catch me if you can
'Cause I'm the England man
And what you're looking at
Is the master plan
We ain't no hooligans
This ain't a football song
Three lions on my chest
I know we can't go wrong
We're playing for England {In-ger-land}
We're playing the song
We're singing for England {In-ger-land}
Arrivederci its one one one [Repeat: x 4]

word salad that dpesn't say anything concrete

Laqqwanda Dpesn't

taiwan edition

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had a nightmare last night that I went "blind" but what happened was it was like optical lag where I was seeing something I saw 10 minutes ago and then it would finally update and I could see again and then another 10 minute delay and so on. Very grim.

sam doesn't know how to pronounce "periphery"

Intolerable drivel from a certified retard

Bumped into ex missus and kids today. Saw her with new fella. Kids pretending they don’t know me. Hiding behind their mother. Snarled at all of them. Gnarling. New fella tries to act tough. I show fists. He backs off. Idiot. Hopefully restraining order hasn’t been breached

just perusing /fa/

don't have a go at me because your dreams are low iq

Love saying shite like "Ahh, the pizza I ordered!" when I answer the door. Makes me feel like a bog man

It's me again the football yank. The one you all like, just checking you didn't forget that I am here, and that I like football, and that I am also a yank. Isn't that quirky? Imagine that, a yank, in the USA, supporting a low level football team, how humble. That's why you call me the football yank, because I support an English football team. Notice how I call it football and not soccer like the rest of the yanks in my country. That's because I am a special yank, a football yank, the football yank, and that's why I am also ver well liked, because there's not another football yank. There are other yanks, but they're not me, I am the one you like, which is the one you call the football yank, that me, the one you like. You like me, the football yank.

Big. Not bog

/fa/ is a bit of a joke outside of basic info graphs and wardrobe tips

Wtf are you doing this thread was linked first

Don't care.


all the inspo you need

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he ordered? no pepperoni *click*

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kill yourself Nebraska-kun

Not related to British culture

Is it better to be Norman or Anglo Saxon? I’m bald does that make me Norman? Also I’m a prole mutt from manc

recycles take precedence over new threads

Reckon I've got beriberi

Thatll be the door.

Ah, my Chinese order. Thank you! Now, how much has this set me back?

What do you do for fun in Jersey?

wtf camera was this taken with lmao

inspo stuff. learning to be effay me.

Traffic kids, spread islamist propaganda

socialise with other rich people, maybe go out yachts a bit
t. grew up in jersey for 18 years

You're thinking of Albania lad



That'll be $28 boss.

No they don't. It's only because the mong op spammed pictures of cities that people thought this thread was in use. Honestly think I'm the only real person in /brit/ with a brain and your all dogs with a laptop shoved up your backends

beaches, wander around town. eats. shopping is a bit shite here to be honest though.

Bimringham is grim

Birmingham is grime

Birmingham is Crime

Been watching this Jujimufu guy. Didn't expect a fitness channel to be sorta charming and fun.

bet you went to vic college.



I've got secrets that would make you lads shudder. Not crimes. Just things Ive seen and done. Morally deplorable. Physically insane sometimes. Beautiful things. You wouldnt believe me if I told you. Marvellous sights for the small price of eternal dread and fiddled dreams.

Me and my friend. Shared lives. Fantastic things. You would not believe. Hold hands sometimes. Marvellous things.

hey now I don't wana dox myself. How old are you? We probably know some of the same people

I've only ever driven through Birmingham. Seemed alright

Do you speak that mad froglish dialect?

Should I go and see Ant Man 2 or Mission Impossible Fallout tomorrow?

Quite annoyed at the dearth of quality kino atm

>not yelling to pretend people in other rooms when you get your delivery
not going to make it

i didn't go there. just said that because you were implying you were rich.

no. english only for me.

Can't believe Ant Man is a real thing. And that it was apparently popular enough to get a sequel. You should go see that it sounds like total shite

>Should I go and see Ant Man 2 or Mission Impossible Fallout tomorrow?

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tell us la x


u memeing me lad? doesn't matter what school you went to if you're in the same age group and u ever left the house we will have mutuals

Hereditary if it's still out