The only nordic country that is actually relevant historically and culturally in Europe and that has managed to...

The only nordic country that is actually relevant historically and culturally in Europe and that has managed to accomplish shit on the world stage

>inb4 muh vikangs from d*neshits

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Other urls found in this thread:

>has managed to accomplish shit on the world stage
Like what? Ikea?

sweden is just denmarks shitty abomination.
by transitivity denmark must be more relevant.

Literally only reason why sw*den is shilled over norway or denmark is the fact that jews like how they want big black cocks up their ass.

only danes and norwegians were vikings

Sweden literally only managed to have a fucking local empire

Swedes were the real Vikings.

Why is it always Swedes and Americans that make the unironic mega autist reddit tier threads?

Doesn't Denmark historically have more achievments?

because they are greatly overrepresented here

Yeah but this is still like winning gold in the special olympics.


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Rurik was a finn

>Implying X nordic country isn't just as cucked as Sweden
This is the shit I hate the most, and also the most accurate in your image. Fucking trying to pull us down in the dirt, niggers

forest danes

Nigga what all they did was lose battles to literally who tier countries while we were singlehandedly defending protestantism in Germany from catholics

You might have a cool history, Sven but the main difference is that we other nordic countries actually have a future

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Don't forget catholic France kek
But I mean more scientifically, like Nils Bohr

We have Lars Hörmander.

We don't have a future any more than Swedes do. It would be delusional to think so. We are as dead as one can be. We have unironically made the world record in voluntary population replacement.

Atleast you have plenty of Swedish flags placed on the periodic table.
All we have is one or two famous authors/writers, 1 famous playwright and 1 famous composer.
Oh well, atleast we have oil today

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Only Norwegians were Vikings(Danes were soft Vikings in England drinking tea) and Rurik was a Finn

You have Niels Henrik Abel too.

Oh yeah, the mathematician? True.
We also have viKANGZ.
Honestly though, Grieg is my favourite composer (not just because I'm norwegian) so I'm happy with it.


Sweden has a lot more scientific achievements than Denmark. Celsius, Linnéus, Nobel etc.

Bravo Sweden. That will be a source of pride for New Swedes.

How about Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and the reason why we hand out nobelprizes out of our ass to all respectable scientists and writers

Actually, we hand out the nobel prize.
Atleast the peace prize.

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Sibelius is better.

Yes, and that's why the peace prize is a joke

Grieg is top comfy. You also have built one of the best countries to live in.

Oh yeah, I'm sure THAT'S why it's a joke.
Not because of (((international pressure))) or anything.
No, my opinion is better than your opinion.

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>Andrés Selsíus, Karl Linnason and Alfreð Nóbelsson
>not Icelandic men of science
Typical of scandis to steal our achievements and pride, disgusting

Handing out the nobel prize is not very impressive. It seems to be much circle jerk about it.

Did you know? Henrik Ibsen is considered to be the father of modern theatre!
Also, don't listen to the d*Nes, Ludvig Holberg was Norwegian.

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You are scandis, so your post makes no sense.

Why start fights and making people hate us?

They aren't scandis actually, neither geographically nor ethnically. They are mixed scandi-gaelics and not located in scandinavia.

based and redpilled
wacked and bluepilled

Scandinavia for the most part isn't a geographical term (see: Denmark).
Ethnically they have a bigger % of celtic/british isles blood, possibly, but their language and history MORE than makes up for any flaws.
They've done better at conserving our ancestral language than any Scandi nation.

>speak a germanic language
>over half the population carry Western Norwegian DNA

Sounds pretty Scandi to me Pekka.

In hindsight nobody really cares about it but you can't deny it's one of the most reputable and highest award a scientist can get that will get them a lot of recognition and praise

It's not only a germanic language, it's our origin.

*bigger % of celtic blood than Scandi nations

>Norwegian will literally never ever be mutually intelligible with Icelandic again
bretty sad desu

That is kind of cool.

Really bloody fucking sad.
We lost our way. Sorry.

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Give me two weeks and I'd be fluent in icelandic

That is true, it is very prestigious.

How come our languages changed so much compared to icelandic?

>Implying the Icelandic Empire won't force Norwegians to learn Icelandic (real Norwegian) in schools

Yes I know their history, they're basically half Norwegians. I just don't think that alone makes them scandinavian.

>How come our languages changed so much compared to icelandic?
Languages change fast as fuck. Try to read old English.

Germanification. Our proximity to the continent and its dealings fucked us in the ass, all of us.
Didn't help that we were in a union with the ACTUAL continental danes for 400 years either, things might have turned out differently if we never accepted the Kalmar union in 1397.

ABSOLUTELY based and thoroughly redpilled

We live on an island that was mostly isolated for about a 1000 years, that's the biggest reason
The mainland nordic countries were influensed by each other and other countries, shit like that
Ég trúi því þegar ég sé það og heyri.

>swedish word for boot comes from finnish

"I'll believe it when i (see) and hear it"?
No googling, for real. Close?

It is correct that the Icelandic empire will rise in our time, along with Norway and the Faroes we will also reclaim rightful norse clay, Ireland and Scotland
Megi sólin skína á nýju konunga norðursins

How are YOU prepared for the Icelandic century

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Icelandic should unironically replace Bokmål as the second official Norwegian language.

Grieg is great, as is Vikernes if I must be honest. Although a Swede (Quorthon) may have invented the black metal style, Norwegians perfected it. And one Oystein Aarseth brought Attila Csihar to international notice.

How about a deal, we help you in your conquest and get Sweden in return?

yeah you got it exactly right, very good!
That would take ungodly amount of work and finance, and it would take generations to fully implement that.
Not saying it's impossible though

Cringepilled and red
We don't want to even touch that gay ass country

Wow, it's amazing what you can understand given context. Thanks!
And yeah, it would take probably decades to fully implement. As you know however, money won't be an issue. :)
By the way, the oil fund should be open to anything that the Faroe Islands and Iceland needs in terms of economic boosts after the 2008 crisis. As much as is sustainable to give away, of course. We need to provide for our kin.
All hypothetical scenarios, naturally, but a man can dream.

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I unironically wish we'd share the same country so that you could fix our mutt language


Honestly so mad at myself for hating nynorsk in school. (I'm from Bergen)
Had I not been such a bluepilled faggot normie I'd encourage Nynorsk at every turn.

I didn't know Sweden invented ANGRY BIRDS??

Don't even like Sweden but I can't deny that.

We hate you and that's based

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I used to be the same
>hurr durr this is stupid why do we learn this
We should be only taught nynorsk or even better, högnorsk. I am still kind of bad in nynorsk but I'm trying to improve. It does help a lot that I live in West-Norway though.
If we did for real switch to Icelandic though, it would only help the Icelanders too. They would get a lot more language support for their media.

Agree. God, now I feel bad that we tried to make bokmål the hovedmål for the new vestlandsfylke, even though Bergen is literally the only kommune using Bokmål in the new fylke.

>accomplish shit on the world stage
an icelandic volcano kickstarted the french revolution

whatever you can boast of is insignificant in comparison

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>this plebbit tier circlejerk
Go back to plebbit, you morons!

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gay homo

I wish Finland would see us so, alas our love for them remains unrequited. One can but dream.

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You post like a burger.

Thankfully the similarities haven't been wiped out alltogether, you can make it
dat oilmoney would be of good use to the fourth reich
I've read some of these western dialects, sognamål is incredibly similar to Icelandic. I had gotten some material to learn it but sadly I lost it all, feels bad man. I'm going to visit there though whenever I decide to come over

It helps to have been separated for 800 years.
It's like rediscovering your first love.

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you are just mad you're being excluded in your own thread, son of basterd bitch

What the fuck is that flag with red cross inside?

Fantastic to hear. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

Fucking VPN poster

it sucks, my small commune used to learn Nynorsk primarily in schools until some nigger from the local city got it changed somehow. All the neighbouring communes are taught in Nynorsk and it makes me jealous desu. It's a shame bokmål is winning against nynorsk. How do we stop this? Fucking everything media-related is bokmål. No wonder Nynorsk is taking so much influence. (Hence why högnorsk is the true master race grammatical language.)

It's called municipality.

Skyss has had everything in nynorsk for a long time, which is a good thing.
Other than that I'm not sure. Vote for SP next election?

If people just knew how much Sweden played part in the jewish genocide by the nazis. Better to stay low key though.
Btw. Look at your pic again.

I unironically wasn't sure it was Åland. If you are a taffel nigger you need to kys asap. Independence when?

Seriously you are like parasites to us. We aren't allowed to buy land there, you don't have conscription but we have to defend you, we can't even build defences there, people and companies are harassed for using Finnish there...

We unironically hate you but I guess it's mutual.

what does norwegians think of nynorsk today? it's easier to read for me desu

Yeah, I wouldn't go around bragging about Sweden's WW2 effort too much if I were you.
You'd face better odds flying a sildesalat on 17. mai.

Currently it's our only connection to our real linguistic identity. And even then it's just a whisper of a language in a time when Norwegian and Icelandic were mutually intelligible. (1200s)
LOTS and LOTS of fucking bluepilled little shitkids in city schools calling for it to be banned from schools, that it's too much work learning 2 languages, etc
They should be censored by the state if I could have my way.

Classic hobby historian, only knows his Eurocentric military history.
Watch this documentary (English cc), and learn the hidden history of ww2 sweden so you can hate us even more.

I've seen it.
Your king denied our fleeing royal family entrance into Sweden to not be captured by the invading Nazi force in Norway, and had to risk everything to barely make it to the UK.
You didn't even talk about it in your riksdag, much less discuss it.
You transported Nazis, their weapons, artillery and other supplies up to narvik, where a major battle in the war for Norway was.

Give me a fucking break. You're lucky we forgave you for the shit that happened betwen 1904-1945.

finland is the best nordic

denmark is the best scandi

ruotsi is just paska

it's interesting that you would understand norwegian dialects. Are you sure it's not because you learn danish in schools though that you're able to recognize it? (not trying to make fun of you, if anything, this sentence can be used to make fun of us too, lel)
Off topic but what does the average Icelander think of us? I've tried researching it but I find nothing online about it.
Thank you, I thought "commune" sounded wrong
Yeah we really need more translations, not only for nynorsk even bokmål. English is getting too influental and nynorsk is getting crushed even harder.
Most people dislike it at first when they grow up because they're already so used to bokmål but you eventually learn to appreciate it or don't give a shit, atleast from my experience. It is currently our only real language sort of as bokmål is basically just "Ny-Dansk".
>LOTS and LOTS of fucking bluepilled little shitkids in city schools calling for it to be banned from schools, that it's too much work learning 2 languages, etc
They should be censored by the state if I could have my way.
This so fucking much

The thing is that no one in Sweden knew. Only to government. You saw in the movie that Per Albin Hansson with his government censured the press. The same government we have now actually. Socialdemokraterna.
They also built up our education system to what it is today and we're only told the good things about our ww2 history.
>Le based neutral country
>le saviour of the jews

Danish very likely helped a lot but Sognamål in particular is just so similar, and if it's easier to understand than faroese when spoken than I'd wager it's probaby the closest thing to Icelandic.
I can understand a bit when I listen to standard norwegian, so I assume it's similarly clearly spoken.
And it even has the á dipthong like Icelandic