Why are southerners so stupid?

Why are southerners so stupid?


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what the FUCK is with her voice?

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It's a personal matter that is really irritating me.

>then I guess I'll talk to my fans about it
>331 subs

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Southern accent

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Starting to notice a trend among these pornstars comments that get posted here. They're all borderline retarded.

Nigger she's a fucking popular porn star, her youtube subs aren't her fans.

>tfw no slow gf

Just imagine it took hundreds of thousands of lost lives to beat them into submission during the war


>Jow Forums
Yeah she really us retarded

>her pet lizard
Is it an actual four-legged reptile or is it her Jewish lawyer/manager?



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>I hope they read this and find out how is really the retard.

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She needs to fix her teeth. She'd look even cuter with braces while sucking on some big cock

Jesus christ, I can't watch that shit. Why is this girl even doing porn, she's mentally a child.

Why do Americans think southerners sound any worse than Americans in general? You all sound like whiny retard children

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Probably why kikes focused in on her. Easier to get them in if they're dumb.

>Just imagine it took hundreds of thousands of lost lives to beat them into submission during the war

That was because the armies of the south lived off the land, taking what they needed while on the move, while the armies of the north respected people's property and had to get all their shit from their supply lines. The southerners ran circles around the northern armies because of this (and also the fact that they knew the territory better).

>You also remember well who first burned the bridges of your railroad, who forced Union men to give up their slaves to work on the rebel forts at Bowling Green, who took wagons and horses and burned houses of persons differing with them honestly in opinion, when I would not let our men burn fence rails for fire or gather fruit or vegetables though hungry, and these were the property of outspoken rebels. We at that time were restrained, tied by a deep seated reverence for law and property. The rebels first introduced terror as a part of their system, and forced contributions to diminish their wagon trains and thereby increase the mobility and efficiency of their columns. When General Buell had to move at a snail's pace with his vast wagon trains, Bragg moved rapidly, living on the country. No military mind could endure this long, and we are forced in self defense to imitate their example.

w. t. sherman

Southern and New York accents are pleasant to listen to, LA accent on the other hand yikes

Double kek my frek.

Why is she being discriminated against? She's right, lizards are less likely to chimp out than dogs. Plus she's a hot girl so she shouldn't be facing these difficulties.

I can't wait for that crakchead whore to commit suicide or die by overdose

So this is what white people with black people IQ levels talk like

Wait she does porn? Wtf hahahaha. She seemed like such a sweet girl.

>only 1.6k views
>Oldest video is only 3 days
How did you arrive on this newfag on youtube? Is she your sister?

All women are whores user.

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Shame you didn't exterminate the lot of them.


jesus christ she sounds like a retard basically, how fucked up do you have to be to push this kind of person to porn.

Is she a pornstar?

Wtf that is actually Hannah Hays?

There's whore and then there's taking dick on camera in a professional setting.


>while the armies of the north respected people's property and had to get all their shit from their supply lines
>what is Sherman's march to the sea

There is nothing wrong with southern girls accent. It makes my peepee hard.

hannah a cute!

lol northern parts like New England have higher IQ averages than anywhere in the UK you subhuman retard.

If based merchants didn't take advantage of retarded thots I wouldn't have anything to wank to.

You're talking about kikes here user. They actively hate and despise goyim.

If it makes you feel better about your Dad then sure

Oh my. Poor girl.

This board has an obsession with pornstars. You porn addicts need to get help.

>native speaker

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Slavery created a weak and effeminate race of idle rich and underemployed white trash

Yeah that was towards the end of the war, when they went "fuck it, let's just destroy Georgia" for some reason. I never understood the explanation for why he decided to do that since by that point they had basically won, I guess Sherman just hated Georgia in particular?


>car accident ruined her noble athletic career and drove her to porn

Not memeing she’s literally retarded

>UK has higher average IQ than the US


Why the fuck do mutts try and compare specific demographics in their country to other countries as a whole? White South Africans don't do it and they're one of the richest demographics in the world.

People that have any implication with pornstars beyond knowing their names and fapping to their vids is a mystery to me.

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Where do you think blacks got their accent from? It’s derived from the American South. Now pay your debt.

Mm tfw 140 iq Iberian

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>there are porn whores younger than you now

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There have been for 10 years now for me.

>I hope they read this and find out how is really the retard.

gonna check out her videos now

American education and conservatism.

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Feels disgusting man

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I’m 132 what percentile is that?

Southerners do not qualify as humans

She is right though. It is discrimination based on false assertions, she can't bring a cute little lizard but some retard comes in with a huge pit bull is no problem.

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Is the left an asian nigger?

Less than me boi

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Imagine being the father and seeing this. Grim

>those women 2-5 years younger than you that look 10 above your age

Blasian my boy.

Nah man, that's Jordan Peele. You living under a rock or something?

Dios mio

Under the sea.


Am I the only one who feels genuinely sorry for this girl?
>I was just stayin at the house, helpin out mama
>I am gonna graduate high schoo soon n move on to a two year college

Fuck I'm so sad we allow this kind of exploitation...

First time I’ve felt like I’ve seen a girl in porn exploited

>imagine being wh*te

She looks really cute and innocent.

Her father must be proud that her daughter is getting demolished by big black cocks on camera.

Indeed. Blacks don't have the problem of having fathers.


No, empathy to retards is for low iq.

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Why the fuck would any production company choose the name of "Dog Fart"?

Putting all your money on an athletic career is fucking retarded. You'll end up like those nignogs who neglect their education for highschool sports but then don't get a scholarship.

Dude, she has a decent job. This is pornography, not a picking cotton on a plantation in 1845. She's hardly being taken advantage of.

Yeah I know what you mean man. This shit is not funny and it's sad some people are just laughing at this girl.

She ain't comin back is she bros?

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she's so cute

Because they're the most insecure people on Earth.

I love her jav

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>I came from Finland. I am studying computers.


Low empathy is actually demonstrably and heavily linked with low IQ

They're such a trashy company and the name fits them honestly.

Listen to her talk. Shes legit retarded. You can easily imagine how some greasy kike groomed her.


Pornography is inherently degrading. It's not a decent job. Go watch some of Sasha Grey's more niche videos and tell me that's a "decent job."

Having dumb hick racist parents who homeschooled her, doomed her well before porn.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting piece of shit.

>too stupid to form a superego
>me am smart

>muh Joos
Sasha said it was empowering

She wasnt homeschooled or schooled at all her parents are just subhumans

90% of the """Dutch""" porn is filmed in east europe with slavs.

It's usually so obvious to any Dutch person that I have no idea who they even cater to. Then you see some slavic head, with mountains in the background, some slavic high pitched voice, and then the Dutch flag painted on their cheeks or clothes. It's quite silly.

>She's hardly being taken advantage of
She's being put into bizarre and sleazy sexual situations with tons of strange dudes, obliterating her sexual market value for the few years that she maintains some semblance of attractiveness, before she's going to be left high, dry and totally alone, unable to find a man who is willing to support a literal retarded hick girl who has been plowed my miles of strange cock all her life.

Don't fucking tell me this is moral

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