Jow Forums stereotypes the US

ITT non-americans stereotype American states and Americans rate based on accuracy.

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>implying i know or care about anything else than los angeles and new york

hot dogs and tortillas pretty much

t. redneck from Eastern France.


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pretty basic desu
Not really how we americans stereotype ourselves

>Walmart in Texas

We aren’t Arkansas man

Put a lot of effort into this

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Out of the states you labeled which would you rather live in if you must?

what the fuck does a black man have to do with minnesota?

Somali man*

Somalis in Minneapolis

Don't really know too much about any of them, but I'd probably pick northern Calfornia for the fishing spots and national parks. I imagine they all have nice areas though.

looks pretty accurate to me desu. Im just offended you didnt include long island

631 for lyfe

then he should look like a terrorist instead of a european soccer player

Michigan -
>emirate of Dearborn
>Little Finland in the upper peninsula

Give me a state, I'll give you some crappy stereotypes from my head

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West Virginia

New york

hard mode: not the city


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>very white
>but full of white trash
>shrinking population
>Nature is amazing, especially in autumn
>Charleston is a capital

Upstate NY
>emirate of Utica
>Syracuse has somewhat famous university
>Albany is a capital
>weather is kinda depressing
>Rochester got Black'd
>Buffalo has very mediocre sport teams

The Mormon stronghold is one state to the right, although they do have a significant presence in the states around Utah too.

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Lmao. Pretty accurate.

Got a good laugh from these;

>we wuz a country
>south nascar
>im walkin ere

Good job leaf fren

I tried to show the main stereotypes that most russians have.

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Honestly this state is more rednecks and white trash than anything else. Which is a shame, considering how stunning the nature is here.

Why is Virginia incels?

Obama’s from Hawaii.


Where i live is nearby Silicon Valley theres a crapton of russian codemonkeys and their blonde trophy wives from russia. Surprisingly while riding my bike i saw a family passing by on bikes that was speaking russian and one of their kids was riding in a bike with the gay flag and tranny flag on a pole so one of their kids might be a tranny. I thought russia was anti fag?

W Virginia being known for John Denver is probably their best possible outcome


They got Americanised, that's why.

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This took me an hour

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Photograph of a Californian responding to seeing a supersized Big Mac meal for only $5 at the local golden arches(colorized, 2018)

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>all those potatoes

citycuck detected

Don't worry, you're not supposed to know about our state or that it even exists. It's better that way.

South Carolina

New Hampshire

Accurate. Duck Dynasty are southerners though.


Yall niggas wish you were Arkansawers

If it wasnt for niggers id want to live in the South. I prefer warmer winters compared to fucking New England winter.

Walmart isn't from Texas and there's a lot more to Chicago than nigs shooting each other

Stay out of East Little Rock And the West Memphis and to a lesser extent the delta area you can live pretty nigger free

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No we don't

btw nebraska and alaska are the best individual states

East Little Rock is cool man
The niggers aren't too harmful if you're white

Maybe I should do russia

That's true. The lynching years were very effective

>Lesser extent the delta
Wut, the delta is nigger central. But they aren't thugs like in cities

California is full of insufferable types
Colorado is being filled with Californians
Connecticut is filled with WASPs and white trash, no middle
Wisconsin is the best state.
How did I do?

youre strangely good at this

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Dios mio...

>muh niggers
Literally kys.


Colorado is never mentioned and when it is its always either ??? Or Dude Weed Lmao

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>turbo flyovers
>southern southern alberta
10/10 this is pretty accurate

South Carolina
>Southern state
>Mt. Pleasant is full of folks from Ohio
>Generally carpetbaggers are everywhere
>Charleston has a quite noice old town

>highest IQ among all states
>Greenville is one of wealthiest place in the US
>using "wicked" instead of "very"

>simply the nicest place to live
>very red-leaning for New England
>noice gun laws

Colorado is full of Californians is one I hear a lot

new mexico is unironically more mexican than california

That is also true. We have a lot from other states too but its primarily Californians

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Mes flancs s'en vont en orbite

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and also

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100% accurate

Who the hell wishes they were from Arkansas?

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Why are there no stereotypes for Eastern (coastal) Virginia

What stereotypes could there be? Cheasepeake doesn't have any internationally known sterotypes.

This one is pretty accurate

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dq is pretty good though for fast food

southwest if full of beaners but the south is completely absent of any blacks. interesting

I like their chicken strip basket

you're not wrong with everything but Mormoms, that's in Utah, to the right, or Idaho, above Utah + nevada. prostittuions legal in sme parts of nevada

unironically very accurate, but i'd switch washington state and oregon

For state of Nevada and the state-where-Phoenix-City-located-in, are they subordinate to California just like Canada is to America?