Germany and Spain hands out citizenship to all Azkhenazi and Sephardic Jews.
That is exactly what the EU needs. Millions of jews!
Germany and Spain hands out citizenship to all Azkhenazi and Sephardic Jews.
That is exactly what the EU needs. Millions of jews!
To be fair millions of jews would be better than millions of africans and muslims.
>millions of jews migrate back to europe
>israel falls
bls habben :DDD
Are you telling me that Germany is no longer becoming a Muslim country ?
Israel will fall within 15 years.
Better than Muslims, I don't remember Jews pulling any trucks of peace or bombings.
inshallah akhi
>Germany and Spain hands out citizenship to all Azkhenazi and Sephardic Jews.
Only to the sephardics, the russian larping mutts cannot get spanish citizenship
Jews are the reason there are muslims and shitskins in white counties.
Uh does the King David Hotel ring a bell? The Cave of the Patriarchs? Sabra and Shatila?
Citizenship in one EU country = live and work in any EU country.
And with enough time passing you can get citizenship in the new EU country.
Why would an akhenazi move to Spain of all the places? I kinda understand why some sephardics are moving back to Spain, since some of the have strong connections with Spain and even have preserved spanish as their mother language for centuries.
random arabic gibberish
But spain is already filled with spics tho
No, low-iq among shitskins such as yourself is what causes these problems, since your people can't form stable societies on their own, so they flock to europe because of gibs and low work ethic
>your people can't form stable societies
It's your tribe that controls US foreign policy and uses it to destabilize muslim countries.
Burn in hell rat.
He fears that your countrymen will jew the shit out of our country as they have done in the states.
would be cool with this if they drop the zionist shit, way better gene pool than muslim dogs.
umm the general belief here is that europe is doomed , so if we get citizenship it will be mostly for investing in property.
Why not to all latin americans?
>preserved spanish
Literally no.
Yea king david hotel and sabra and shatila is our bad.
The Cave of the Patriarchs tho? what happened?
Ladino, m8. Not spoken by much people, but that is spanish.
>Literally no.
it's called Ladino
some insane burger-Israeli shot a bunch of palis to death at the cave of the patriarchs
this. fuckers will be back where they started.
How much jew blood do you need to qualify for this?
send them to USA
they have their own gibberish spanish accent just as ashkenazis have jiddish wich us just weird german. fairly easy to understand too.
>sephardics have strong connections to spain
Literally no, sephardic jews are from turkey and north africa.
Wiki doesn't say what his specialty was. I can imagine my ophthalmologist doing this desu
Why not give Americans spanish citizenship for the vandals that werw expelled from.spain by visigoths?
>live in a place for over a thousand years
>no connections
Please, amerimutt.
Then please take in ALL the jews. PLEASE.
די מופתע שזה קיים אבל גם שמח זה מצחיק רצח
>live in a place for a thousand years
Do Nowegeians people have a "connection" to sicily because some norwegians went to sicily?
i bet these are the renowable energy sources while we get the ovens going
Based and Redbilled
>lad + latino = Ladino
really caresses my cortex
im iraqi and i can get a portuguese passport , it's gonna cost like 10k shekels so fuck that.
This "connection" meme is nonsense, sephardics all g g g g g g g grandparents all speak arabic and have never spoken spanish or are Spanish, every latin american had ancestors who lived in spain so do English Americans and all Germanics and celtics.
Don't worry my crazy grandmother doesn't want to get her German citizenship so I can't get it myself.
Norwegians lived in sicily for over 2000 years.
they're conspiring lads
be wary
>German citizenship
Why would polish jews get german citizenship?
Ashkenamiz were east european.
Since when do reparations include citizenship to people from.the other nation?
Born in Germany, that's what the documents from Berlin say.
And I'm mostly from Ukraine so it is eastern European.
Not sure about citizenship but I think Germany offers some sort of residency program with benefits such as healthcare to jews born during WWII. After some time inhabiting a place I'd imagine you're granted citizenship.
They werent German citizens nor does the German state have to give any reparations to the survivors of such attempted crimes other than any tangible wealth lost given to them in Poland.
Yet, it does.
You're not Ukrainian/Russian.
You're a kike. Don't come to Europe. Just stay and die in your shithole.
Why would German tax payers have to pay for the survivors of some criminals?
What crime did any living people do to Jews to warrant the theft of their money.
hehe...j-just a joke cleetus , nothing's going on i swear
>my grandpa got killed by Germsn nazis
Not the problem of anyone in Germany who did no such thing, dead people get no reparations from anywhere nor is it a un law.
The ones who did such alleged crimes and murders are all dead and you have no evidence anyone in Germany is guilty of sny crimes, is what I said correct or no.
*jew york
Biggest jewish community/city in the world
Yeah, misread your post.. sorry. The way I see it is, it's the german government that was responsible for the genocide of jews, so it has the responsibility of paying for its crimes.
Half of my family aren't Jewish and live outside the country the only one from there here is my father.
The German state of today represents politicians and citizens who have done nothing.
Was any if that in the West? I don't really care if /MENA/ things stay in /MENA/. We don't do school shootings in foreign countries and our nig nogs stay in their containment zones.
>ashkenazis have jiddish wich us just weird german
IIRC it's technically "Vulgar Deutsch".
>Why not give Americans spanish citizenship for the vandals that werw expelled from.spain by visigoths?
WTF. How many of us have substantial vandal ancestry like 1,000?
No one in Germany is guilty of any crime thus the government of these people has no legal obligations to resolve any legal issue with anyone who call themselves Jews.
No, I guess not. But they do nonetheless.
>It's your tribe that controls US foreign policy and uses it to destabilize muslim countries.
Nah, its the teachings of your retarded prophet that makes you high on camel urine. Even without DA JOOZ mudslime countries would be inbred hellholes with zoophilic addictions
>weird german.
It's just another frankish dialect since most of them lived along the rhine, it really sounds no different to low frankish.
How can I thank you for your service?
All the reconquista and inquisition, FOR NOTHING.