Why didn't the Japanese government buy air conditioning for all the old people who died? They're rich
Why did so many people die during Japan heatwave?
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>all the old people who died
Because you can't know in advance who will die, and once they die it's too late dumbass.
Japan's economy is declining rapidly and so is their population growth, so no, they're not rich.
Their "ganbare" culture is retarded.
tons of elderly japs die from literally anything literally everyday
killing the elderly is a good thing though, they eat up our taxes, vote left wing, and hoard houses for themselves under 100yo+
there should be mandatory euthanasia
so they should have purchased air conditioning and ice cream and ice cubes for ALL older people
they're in the G8, they're first world, they're rich
no, they died from overheating
Sounds like this heatwave is helping japan lower their average population age.
The heat is saving japan. It is culling the elderly so japan can become a younger healthier naton
Even if they have an air-conditioner, they do NOT use it.
Why didn't the US Government give medical care for all the people who died?
They're rich.
What the fuck is the ganbare culture?
Whatever. Just thinning the herd.
What's that water ceremony?
Mississippi has a higher GDP per capita than Japan
> hot in Japan
> sidewalks hot
> sidewalks making Japan hot
> pour water on sidewalks
> sidewalks becomes cold
> Japan becomes cold
>swamp cleti live better than japs
How can a country be so shitty, did I get memed on when I thought japan was actually first world?
Do japanese have windows?
Japan GDP per capita is $38,000
Mississippi GDP per capita is $31,000
Arkansas $36k
Alamaba $37k
Kentucky is $38k
Florida is $39k
New Mexico $41k
They were, and then they stopped having kids before the robots could do the job.
Have you seen their cities? It's basically just concrete and asphalt. It's a microwave
but they also died from coldness while they forgot turning off electric fans, falling into small creeks during heavy rain, entering freeway from exit and driving in opposite direction, choking after mochi rice cake, etc
A typhoon is hitting eastern Japan today, and I bet some of them die again for stupid reason
Just plant more greenery in between all that concrete. It really cools things down. I've noticed that here
t. floridian
i don't think there exists a household that isn't equipped with an ac in japan except maybe some contrarian fags'. thing is, old people don't turn on ac, as their sensation is failing and they don't feel heat so much.
>Imagine those who "Lonely death"
They love concrete too much. They need more trees in their cities.
Old people dies a lot during heatwave in all countries, dumbasses.
The climate change reduces areas to be able to live.
This is an epilogue.
The Noah's ark is full.
Most of them are elderly people. The average life expectancy of Japanese is long.
They don't die with sickness and cancer, so they needed a new reason to die.
>confronts death on a daily basis
>smokes cigarettes
doesn't make much sense. surely he must realize he is hastening his own demise, and increasing his risk of stroke and vascular dementia, among a host of other diseases and insults
I can't even convince a Japanese relative to stop smoking when she's trying for a baby.
wtf man you need to stop her immediately. have a family intervention or something
Is that plural form of Cletus? That's fucking hilarious user, I actually laughed out loud
that's me when I'm 80
Is there a difference between ganbare and ganbette?
>mandatory euthanasia
Unironically this but for cats and cat owners
We have tried for 2 years,but she's grown up into it all of her family smokes, Any suggestions?.
Has she talked with her GP about medications for smoking cessation?
I think both are the same shit.
This. Look up Chantix. I quit a fifteen year pack a day habit with that. Great drug.
>Old people in Japan vote leftwing
Ahaha stupid gaijin
culture of not bothering others with your problems
hey gareth
Japanese have a long life expectancy. There are many old people who don't work.
Therefore GDP per capita doesn't increase.
It is wrong to measure richness only with GDP per capita.
is air conditioning common in Japan? I know euros don’t typically have them
Don't they drink water? And it's their fault for being all old, collecting lots of dust and releasing it at night instead of nerve gas like in the attacks in Japan will probably kill more because people won't think much of it.
It is. Japan normally has hot, humid summers and mild winters, so having AC makes sense there.
>falling into small creeks during heavy rain
That honestly made me sad desu
I have come to the conclusion that the Japanese government is incompetent for a developed first world rich high tech country. They regularly have high death toll to natural disasters but treat it as normal. They place no value of human life, probably due to the belief in reincarnation into harem isekais. Yet the Japanese people accept this incompetence by their government as is their sheep-headed tradition to obey at all cost.
Unironically, because even the gov wants old people to die.
Pretty sure in other part of the world people die to heat wave too.
Old insects are a burden for the hive and should therefore be suppressed in dire times.
They're weak 'people' who can't handle the heat
>old people
>vote left wing
this some new epic FACT Jow Forumstards came up with?
Believe this as well.
Netherlands had a big flood in the 50s.
At least a thousand people died. Then we built a big fuck off sea wall and strengthened our waterworks, and not a single person has died from sea flooding since. 2006 had one of the worst storms in a decade in the North Sea, yet not a single genuine flood happened because of the sea wall.
Now Japan?
Year after year after year, earthquake, flooding, landslides, etc. All things whose impact could be lessened with proper engineering and planning. For a nation full of intelligent STEM savants, they sure as all hell seem to be incompetent at trying to alleviate any of it. The apathetic "just let it happen" attitude they take in life is really annoying.
It's all old people or young kid that's dying desu
Not to mention that there's too much of diaster in Japan continuing since like last year so the government is running out of budget
based and redbuttonpilled
Letting old people die is a good thing for the economy.
It's because Abe spent most of the money to help fight international terrorism. You should thank him, Japan's terrorist problem got decreased by 0 percent.
Run out of budget? This country has enough money to produce all the world's anime, 60% of video games, and 50% robots.
Why don't you spend money on public and free "Ubers" for old people, disabled people, children? Why don't you make safe shelters from heat and floods and earthquakes, so the free taxis can take vulnerable people to safe zones? It is shameful so many Japanese people die from normal natural events, like flooding and heat
japan is an energy poor country. most houses don't seem to have central heating in winter even. With them phasing out nuclear power after fukushima, I think energy consumption is a big concern. Plus their economy is in decline to the point people don't have real jobs and are living in internet cafes and shit.
>that Aussie flag
but your dream is raping japanese girls as korean, right?
>central heating
because our summer is fucking hot and humid
>their economy is in decline
just worry about your miserable leaf economy
While that guy/those spammers are autists on the last one the Prime minister of japan in the 1950s apologized to Austarlia.
Go back to where you came from, tojo
sorry about what?
Don't be so arrogant. Tiny ass earthquakes in Groningen are already making houses collapse. One good earthquake and we're fucked as well.
So much this. 2 last generations ruined nacionalism in my country and indebt us for the next 5.
How many have died
One earthquake that's pretty overdue in the Tokai region could kill hundreds of thousands if not millions
>the highest mountain of his tiny swamp niggerland is 300m
>surround their microland with 14m tall walls
>'muh, we don't have landslide thanks to great engineering!'
>believing he could survive M9 megaquake and 40m Tsunami
Dutch education...
They don't have central heating because they don't really need it. The real question is why do they refuse to insulate their houses.
it seems like Japan has disasters every other year where many people die. why is Allah punishing them so hard?
I think in France older people tend to vote left, while it's the opposite in most other countries.
Jesus that depressing
Also, why are japanese rooms so messy? Even the workspace at 2:32 looks like a logistical nightmare to sort through.
hes just white ozy
Jesus is that a fucking teen getting roasted by a flame thrower?
Speak about a penal colony.
I know that the japs have done fucked up shit to your POWs (unit 731) but that is just cruel
But I thought the japanese gov spent a shit ton for the care of old people.
>Uganda has higher GPD than West-Virginia.
>be from land of the rising sun
>die from the sun
That can't be fucking true right?
maybe you're counting total gdp not per capita
GDP means shit.
yeah, hdi is more reliable, not to mention that gdp doesn't even include taxes.
what's the point of having a high ass gdp per capita if the government takes away a third of it.
yes, but the government cannot fix stupid
btw I feel sorry for you for having to carry the load of a bunch of useless entitled boomers, I heard japanese boomers are especially shit and entitled.
I mean the same is happening in our cunt, but not as badly.
They die from the cold as well, dying from the heat shouldn't surprise you American-kun.