Why do europeans have an inferirority complex towards them?
Why do europeans have an inferirority complex towards them?
Boggles my mind. Should've helped Byzantium, not ransack it and leave to the will of Ottomans...
back to your country.
Yeah especially the balkanlar faggots.
Back to your shithole
fuck turkey
I couldn't jack off or shitpost because every fucking site is blocked by erdoshit
This picture makes no sense, Giorgios
Turks are 99 % Sunni muslims
They are still subhumans, just as any mudskin pedophile
lol they got btfo by fucking austria. It's the other way around mehmet and you know it
Azerbaijanis man
>visiting Turkey
Foreigner detected
Italians are so proud and redpilled, they make only vacation on their own country
The guy on the picture looks Central Asians
Azeris are just Persians in denial, they look different
>Turks conquered and Islamized Anatolia and Constantinople and had been fucking the christian Balkan for centuries. But, Hooray they couldn't conquer Vienna because Deus vult.
You're a faggot
Based muslim brother
You first john
You first sven
Fuck shitaly
They did jackshit
They bullied some Southern Slavs, nothing more
Albanians, Greeks, Jews, Armenians
All of this people were highly needed in the Ottoman Empire in fields as the military, politics, economy and trade
Oh yeah I wouldn't mind reconquering constantinople. But at the end of the day I don't really care lol. On the other hand Turks are still seething about losing their empire
Just going to post this.
The entire > > > was shaking, german nobles were shitting their pants, spaniards and shitalians had to combine their navies to put an end to constant ottoman raids, and europeans literally had to come together every time to stop ottoman advances. But yeah totally didnt do anything