Why do europeans have an inferirority complex towards them?

Why do europeans have an inferirority complex towards them?

Attached: turkey-flag-picture-id475898833.jpg (612x357, 10K)


Attached: 8.jpg (997x700, 291K)


Boggles my mind. Should've helped Byzantium, not ransack it and leave to the will of Ottomans...

back to your country.

Yeah especially the balkanlar faggots.

Back to your shithole


Attached: 1507421085940.jpg (960x720, 90K)

fuck turkey
I couldn't jack off or shitpost because every fucking site is blocked by erdoshit

This picture makes no sense, Giorgios
Turks are 99 % Sunni muslims

They are still subhumans, just as any mudskin pedophile