I took a shit in Ibiza

I took a shit in Ibiza

Attached: 147.jpg (630x1032, 291K)

we didn't need to know that

And another one

Attached: 208.jpg (566x1066, 226K)

Another one
Your taxes payed my shit to get flushed lmao

To show Avicii you were cool?

based german coprophile

Attached: 20246.png (1080x1372, 1.52M)


>no poop shelf
Wow, what a shame.

Attached: GORDON1.jpg (490x268, 59K)

Wtf is wrong with this site
Why cant i upload pics anymore This but unironically

You need to improve your diet, hans.
These shits show an overabundance of oil and sugar.

based germanic shit expert

Attached: 11.jpg (1080x1120, 418K)

why are germs so fascinated with shit

Post a pic of a healthy turd please, now you scared me

Those are some good shits


ITT: feces of Jow Forums

taking the shitposting a little too literal are we

Best German post I've ever seen

I take a shit in Ibiza daily, sometimes even twice a day

awesome thread
you are doing gawd's work


I want to see the 61 photos in between

Don't give them any ideas