My race is slowly colonizing the United States

>My race is slowly colonizing the United States
feels great

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once the US is secured as a catholic state, destroy the wh*te house and move the Vatican brick by brick in its place
then nuke the pr*testant filth off the face of the earth



>once the US is secured as a catholic state, destroy the wh*te house and move the Vatican brick by brick in its place
>then nuke the pr*testant filth off the face of the earth

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>implying Catholicism isn't a dead meme in Latin America at this point
We've been mostly brainwashed by burger-sponsored protestants.


What are you happy about? Once this place becomes Brazil #2 nobody's gonna support your bankrupt negro shithole.

nothing to be happy about desu. once america becomes mexico 2.0 your turbo shithole of an island will become haiti like fallen state.

proxy samefag

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Hispanic isn't a race, my brethren.


pathetic little samefag
enjoy being replaced lmoa

Why is it 3rd world beaner mutts without fail that talk about our hispanic minority? Projection? Inferiority complex? Don't w orry, we'll never look like you.

cry some more while my race replaces yours lmao

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here at least religion is going extinct, catholic faith in particular due to sexual abuse scandals involving priests and bishops

> hispanic minority

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>move vatican to US
>then nuke prots (living in US)
I don't understand this plan.

>us set to become the next south africa and brazil
can't honestly wait. this nation needs to balkanize fast

>retards still use this analogy
We're no getting anymore Africans you fucking dumbass

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Unironically based

I’m going to race mix with a Nordic phenotype QT

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Dumbfuck, look at Brazil. A spic majority nation will turn us into third world status.

We aren't the same race.

>look mom i posted it again!

Fuck what you think

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>only 1 white kid
>all those beaner kids
we're fucked


that's unironically browner than my spic city


imagine how sad your people are that they have created and done nothing and their only merit is piggybacking off of a superior race

the fact so many Puerto Ricans want to come here isn't an insult

>talking about race every fucking day in every fucking thread
>same flags, same shit day after day
why can't i leave this fucking place

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It's nice to see the tables turned. My people have taken over Canada's west coast as well as it's largest city out east.

ok whatever dude now where is my brown gf

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>my race that, my race this

life ain't a medieval fantasy RPG faggot

I hope you enjoy the United States becoming another generic third world Latin shit hole, was it worth it?

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>My race

>tfw Hispanic gf
>tfw parents are upset that I, their only child, will give them brown grandkids

>My race is slowly



latinos arent black people though
worst-case scenario it becomes an OP argentina

there is like 5 white people in that picture (in the back and one is off the picture)
5 latinos
rest is black

unironically brazil has more negro blood tho

>"who cares if the whites lose the most powerful nation in the world? not me, haha.."

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>tfw I live in a 90% hispanic community




>be lazy for years
>wait till white slaves out and build great nations
>take them as i see fit
Thx bro

Bro unless you live in a highland community you will have more whites in a school than on this photo in Peru

Do people actually believe that the elite families in USA will ever be gone? How mentally ill are you guys? Just because you move there doesn't mean you're part of the country's elites

>Brown grandkids
Should we tell him lads?

The elites in the USA are the most fluid in the world, people come and go at the fastest rates ever
My bet is whiter Hispanics will mix with the elites while more average ones will mix with the rest of the population.

The USA will end up being a castizo country pretty much like Argentina.

>all of America is going to look like a combination of inner city LA and inner city Detroit
>it's going to be ruled over by (((them)))
The thirteen colonies were a mistake

>The USA will end up being a castizo country pretty much like Argentina.
If that ever happened Russia or China could easily take over. You should realize that the reason America is on top is because of the Anglo-Jew elites

>mexican girl
>looking like that
Are you actually retarded? A Fit, young mexican girl must be like a fucking Unicorn, Mexicos female Obesity rate is >80%

No, America is fueled through a system called American exceptionality, which is based on international marketing and protectivism which causes people to emigrate there towards the fantasy of an American dream, American exceptionalism feasts on international crisis and brain drain, if you look it up 50% of innovators and people of brilliance are first generation Americans, an additional 30% of those are American Jews. Which make of average ethnic white Americans the least performing demographic in the western world.

America was doomed the mentioned new economic global powers arised and most countries developed an stable middle class, cut brain drain into the USA and you destroy American exceptionalism through asfixiation

to be fair, actual white people are so rare in america

based catholic poster

It's funny because 200 years ago Gobineau wrote that nothing of value would come from the indiscriminate intermarrying of the Irish, the English, bavarian rejects and other atrocities.

To me is so funny to see those kind of people's developing white supremacist views, when the father's of aryanism themselves saw them under the same prejudice as they saw us Latin Americans

not just that, they have native and negro blood too. observe "white" americans and you'll notice a lot of them have round nostrils like shitskins

You spend way too much time on this site

What makes you say that

>An obesity rate of >80%
lmao nigga how the fuck would anybody even go to work if there were that many fat fucks on the verge of a heart attack

Look up the stats then.
The official numbers for 2012 was 74% of women were medically obese and 71% of men were medically obese

Read on Buffon's Degeneracy Theory, I think you'll quite like it.

Basically Americans are both mentally and physically unfit because they are not adapted to their environment and their ethnic composition does not respond to any evolutionary dialectic process, back in the S.XVIII naturalists noticed that cattle and similar stock brought to America would grow weaker and less able than their old world counterparts, and they predicted that Americans living in the US would also experience similar properties.

The founding fathers were really aware of this and Jefferson went as far as wiring publications in how Buffon's concerns where unfounded because humans had souls and vigorous resilience and that was the American nature. However they soon after our into place the first steps of the exceptionalist machine by Booking colonial contracts with bavarians and even considered introducing eugenics to get enough positive native American traits into American bloodlines as to fight degeneration

Fast forward 300 years and America is the sickest and most mentally derailed country in the world


Catholics unite

That is overweight and obese combine
still not good though

That must explain all the soya-sipping cucks

Sorry the autocorrect is fucking me over but I hope it's understandable.

I'm probably getting a couple of anachronisms in there but you can look it up it's all up there.


disgusting amount of papist dogs in this thread

Vatican will crumble like the High Places in Israel

Not only that but it also explains why America had to adopt the exceptionalist imports system, because their genepool is constantly decaying due to Degeneracy.

It explains so much once you start to realize what it actually implies.
BTW most American cattle breeds had to be selectively bred again from scratch in order to become resilient to the completely distinct inmunoclimatogical environment.

Or the dumb alt right sheep who blame a bean for all the bad things in society.

>alt right sheep
nice boogeyman. alt right doesn't exist

Are we just ignoring Jow Forums's existence?

Jow Forums is just politically incorrect. nothing more, nothing less

Actually Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans.

>t. peruANO