If you live in a green zone, yet complain about life, there's something wrong with you.
If you live in a green zone, yet complain about life, there's something wrong with you
>live in Beijing
>not allowed to complain about life
That's actually true, in a way.
Just the fact that USA is dark green proves that HDI should not be used to measure quality of life
You're forgetting that most green zones are full of wh*tes.
Otherwise I agree, wh*te cannot complain.
>Baja Sur
>high HDI
maybe if you're a tourist, but people there live like shit.
>Western Australia
>being higher than the rest of the country
HDI is a meme index made by a Pajeets. They made it especially to show both the USSR and the US in a postive light so academics on both sides began to use the index.
It was literally made to show the US and the USSR as equals.
I kek'd a bit.
what do u know, kid
>nafris are worst than northeastern brazil
wew lad.
>tfw Massachusetts
>South Carolina
Do you want to use GDP or some other relativistic shit to show human development?
>live on Novaya Zemlya
>not allowed to complain about life
This desu
This one is based on 44 factors
There is. They soon won't be green anymore.
What exactly is it measuring, though? Should I really trust these are accurate? Indian reservations are 4th world tier yet this map would have us believe they are "highly developed" due to limitations forcing it to go by regions. Some working class Russian gopnik doesn't have life on easy mode yet this map would have us think otherwise.
Some memes here.
>Cell phone subscriptions
>Gender equality
Some debatable factors as well.
>lemme tell you about your country
Reserves are honestly fine. Them choosing to be alcohols doesn't mean they live in bad conditions.
Shitty image lol
Most people here live from payday to payday. No savings, can't afford tourism and when they retire all the money will go for medicine and it will be even worse
Only rich people live in beijing
*this one fits my narrative
I suffer in my head.
>talks about nafris
>french flag fets defensive.
every sinlge time
The reason I don't put stock in these charts is because you can't measure the human condition. Well being is qualitative, not quantitative. some poor African minor who works hard, comes home with a smile on his face, spends time with his friends and family after work and has a great relationship with God and peace in his mind might very well be happier than a Western wagecuck working an office job to pay off a mortgage.
Things like access to electricity. I use electricity, don't plan on joining the amish anytime soon, but at the same time know that happiness doesn't actually derive from my access to electricity. It's not like people are miserable without out. I'm not a luddite saying electricity is evil, but i'm not a progressive worshiping technology either. Hell, maybe the guy with no electricity sleeps way better at night because there are no lights to keep him up.
And to clarify, i'm not saying the Western Wagie is less happy than the african miner, either. I'm just saying it has to be case by case.
You truly are obsessed
t. 70.6
who made this map? a retard?
So am I not allowed to complain?
I live in a green area