Israel is not a real country

It needs to be destroyed.

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Can't argue with those trips.

AS much as I hate muslims I wish they conquer this desert shithole.

Trips speak the truth.

They're gonna get btfo by Syria, Hezbollah and Iran.

You're just mad Hungary isn't winning any Nobel prizes anymore after all the Jews fucked off

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The poltard Dane is a confirmed sunni muslim by the way

Don't trust the flags.

butthurt kike

Hungary contributed more to science in the 20th century than most countries.


*Jews from Hungary. Not a single fucking Hungarian in the lot.
I'm a goy but I wish I wasn't. All the goyims are just so painfully dumb. And we've lost anyway. The Jewish people will create God and there is nothing any of you dumb arabs can do about it.

Ah yes, the fearsome Syrian military. Wonder how much territory they'll give to Israel this time.

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Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.
Israel is based, you cant deny that

redpilled post

>m-muh ancestors lived here 500 years ago, now let me genocide the Palestinians

imagine unironically defending israel

let's be honest, amerimutts must obey their overlords and they are responsible for destabilizing the whole region. how pathetic they still believe they are the good guys...

>pointing out the facts
>defending israel

Israel is just another Arab country, and no Arab country is real, they are all colonial constructs.

I bet you'll love it when Russia takes over again. Dumb fag. I'm sure Putin will do a lot of saving of the white race and family values then.



>look mom, im defending le BASED israel on le 4chins because an aussie shitposter told me to! aren't i just EPIC??

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Kill yourself

Nobody called you, Ahmed. Ryssa doesn't care about you and vice versa but polan definitely should.

>hating israel
>anti-Jow Forums memes
arab turd confirmed

>woah mom, i sure am BTF:GOing these fucking MUDSLIDES SUBHUMANS by defending BASED isREAL cus they like to fucking kill the stupod MUDSLIDES!!1

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>Jow Forumstards

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>kill the stupod MUDSLIDES


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Russia is based, you cant deny that

it's not Jow Forumsniggers, it's something much worse

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Trips of truth

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It's nice for people like Spaniards who have a whole continent of separation. You wouldn't be spouting this trash if they were next door. You cry over a few Arabs and the fucking Americans - you wouldn't last a year under the r*ssians.

>muh palestinian kids

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>haha mom arent i so COOL and EPIC (just like based ben "israel first" shapiro) for telling everyone how little i care about palestinian children? i say, haha YEAH KILLEM!1!!

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>Israel kills the muslims therefore it's also based when they kill Palestinian Christians and fund Islamist groups to destabilize countries with secular governments!

>waaah europe unite against ebil joos and muslims
>pls help conservative slavs
>oh yeah fuck off russia can take your clay
I am unironically enjoying the population replacement in the west.

>fund Islamist groups to destabilize countries with secular governments!
Some evidence would be nice.

i would disagree but you got trips.

please join an arab militant group so we can drone strike you
Israel funds and assists Islamist "rebel" groups in Syria such as Al-Nusra Front and Jaysh-al-Islam.
Islamist groups, including ISIS, occupied the Daraa region of Syria bordering Israel and the occupied Golan Heights. These groups never attacked Israeli forces and Israel gave medical assistance to Islamists crossing over the border.

Why shouldn't Israel let less organized goatfuckers kill the more organized and dangerous goatfuckers?

yea dude everyone does it.
you guys get it you're the masters of proxy warfare aren't you?