Why are Saudis like this?

Why are Saudis like this?

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they are a regime that is very protective of its status, altering the way of things imperils their standing in ways they can't plan against


How can they force anyone to leave Canada?

Will we go to war with Saudi Arabia?

They are allied with USA. Trump keeps sucking saudi cock all the time, just like every other US president before him.

The Royal family has ordered all Saudi students/workers/etc who are Saudi citizens to leave Canada. They have also thrown Canadians out of Saudi Arabia, as well as the ambassador, and the state has threatened 9/11 style terrorist attacks on Toronto.

I can't wait until their oil runs out in 20-30 years and they get absolutely fucked

you quite honestly deserve it for thinking you can shame them into being progressive

War implies your army would be ordered to defend Canada. But if you kill your enemy, they win

they're already running out of the easily accessible stuff

>the state has threatened 9/11 style terrorist attacks on Toronto
That was one tweet by "infographics_ksa". Calm your nose.

Canada isn't the USA. It seens strange I'm sure, but Canada can declare war all by ourselves (We just technically need permission from the Queen in England)

Says the country that literally invades others for """""""democracy""""""

You deserve to get 9/11d every week

You would never declare war on a US ally

might makes right
whining on twitter doesn't
simple as

That's a government approved account

based PMBS

>and the state has threatened 9/11 style terrorist attacks on Toronto
They deleted the tweet and explained that the plane was sending your ambassador back to Canada, not flying into a building.

I think it's good that saudis are calling the bluff, when Canada folds more people will realise that capitalism empowers dictatorships.

They could threaten them with actions such as removing their Saudi citizenship.

We would if they actually attacked us or our citizens/infrastructure overseas

>Trudeau single-handedly kicks out 16k Saudis without anyone batting an eye

B _ S E D

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It doesn't matter. Much like how Israel and Saudi Arabia are also allies thanks to their dependency on Uncle Sam, Canada will be forced to put up with the Saudis.

Good excuse

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That was obviously just to try saving face. Why do you defend them so much?

which the saudis will not

Doubt they would go that far, but they could threaten fines or something when they eventually do have to return because their visas expire.

Canada/U.S. relations aren't the best right now. I very much doubt we would make the first move (not because they are allied with the US but because we are Canada) but I doubt very much that we would fail to act on an attack of any kind by the Saudi state, whoever their allies are.
Remember that the Saudis are a US ally mostly because of oil, Canada has more oil and trades more oil with the yanks than anyone.

>WW3 will unironically be started over some intern posting social justice on twitter
Is there an alternate universe where the world hasn't gone insane?

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Then no war I assume

in all likelihood we would try to defuse things but inevitably join the side of whoever was attacked, most likely canada

How on earth are there so many of them studying in Canada? That's insane numbers.

>women to get MAPLED
>Children to get ASSMUTILATED
Based Trudeau.

SA is trying to reinvent its image abroad as being a more liberal state than it has been up to now. Canada is only exposing the hypocrisy of them saying "look everyone, we're making liberal reforms!" meanwhile imprisoning people for campaigning for human rights.

because he is a sandnig himself

>Why do you defend them so much?


>Don't participate in hysteria


Yep that is the expected response from a Mexican intellectual.

>condemning state-sponsored abductions and murders of women is sjwism

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The students are on Saudi government scholarships.

Things are pretty fucked in the U.S.A. when you consider protesting for very basic human rights to be far left SJW nonsense. They aren't dyeing their hair blue, piercing their septum, and screaming about the patriarchy btween classes at a world class university. They are trying not to be imprisoned for refusing to be physically and sexually abused, forced into arranged marriages, free speech rights, etc.

Average Jow Forums tard aka Trump voter is pretty envious of a society where their women aren't allowed to date black men.

This is Trudeau's 4-D chess to get rid of thousands of sandniggers in the name of progressiveness

Social justice is an accurate term for what they were doing. I didn't call them SJWs and I wasn't using it pejoratively.

Social Justice is not a negative term. He didn't write "SJW".

and guess where he's sending them
>Plans to relocate 7,000 students and their families in Canada to other countries, primarily the US and Britain, were already underway, education ministry official Jassem Al Harbash said.
>These students, many of whom are enrolled in graduate or medical school, are accompanied by more than 5,000 dependents.
>“The US and UK will get the lion’s share and we’ve begun coordinating with the missions there,” Harbash said.

It sounds suspicious but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

guess hanging around trump is starting to rub off on MBS

Why don't they like build a university themselves? They have infinite money but instead prefer to spend it all in the west.

their university wouldn't be as prestigious as one of the anglo unis. especially since they wouldn't be able to attract many western students given their repressive policies


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Haha nice. Somehow we are the only country to get another country to take back their Muslim immigrants. Fucking lol.

>only has 60 mbts and twelve 1970s era frigate with fucking shitty handme down RIM-162 essm from the us navy
Fuck no. This country aint ready for any war with any country.

I wish something exciting happens to me ;_;

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