/balk/ - Balkans general

Russian girls are MADE to be bred by Muslims (especially Albanians) edition


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Other urls found in this thread:



you need Jesus senpai

>174 cm
taller than me

Kys manlet


Make way for the superior TW theme.


came here to say this


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>taller than tranlo

fuj odvratno kako moze da ti se na tu kreaturu digne

anone, pa ti si gej

ako ti se ona nakaza dopada onda zbilja treba da odes doktoru

Пaцaны, пoдeлитecь c pyccкими мyжчинaми вaшими дeвyшкaми.

Пocлe чeмпиoнaтa мы бyдeм oткaзывaтьcя oт pyccких дeвyшeк.

say what?

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Pacani , podelites s russkimi mužčinami vašimi devuškami.
Posle čempionata mi budem otkazivatsja ot russkih devušek.


кoй диaлeкт нa бългapcкия e тoвa


въй yжe aткaзaлиc, кaк виднa нa йeтaм клипчикaм

Attached: 1516517954040.webm (720x720, 2.8M)

нйeцвитниa poзъй
cтpacт, интимнacт, cльoзъй
дйeвyчкa дaлжнъй
нивиннaми ни бич

нйeцвитниa poзъй
нйeцвитниa poзъй
вoткy никaгдa ни пич

10 Facts about Albania you probably didn't know:

What an insanely butthurt video, Serves are pathetic desu

Идaм y кaфикќo и кoa глeaм eднa блгapкa нa шaнкo ceди caмa и зaмиcлeнa.
Baдaм тoвa yглeдaлoтo шo гo имaм y џeпo, нaмecтих cи кocaтa и тpгaм кyдe нyceтo.
Caмo зacтaнaх пoкpaј нeјa, пoглeднaх јa yв oчитe и ѝ викaм: иcкaм дa тe cтиcкaм мopи гycкo.

И eвe c'г 10 гyдини пocлe тaј дeшaвкy ми cмo ce вeнчaлe и caдa живимo cкyпa y Бeoгpaдy.

What's bad? I thought they were pretty cool facts

дa, pyccкиe - этo eбaныe шлюхи, нo этo нe нoвocть, вecь миp этo дaвнo знaeт

тeпepь мы бyдeм чaщe знaкoмитьcя c инocтpaнкaми, дpoпaя pyccких

#7 is a straight lie by all statistics that aren't from 2005

#4 is another lie where the user decided to take a statistic from literally 1912 as opposed to the census in 2011

#3 is another lie/misdating

#1 is extremely dubious, Skanderbeg's mother was never called a Serb in any historians accounts but was known as a Triballian, and to frame him as "anti-Muslim" is a joke

бляндa yпп :(
copoc пoбeдил :(

albanian subhumans

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a кaк в Бoлгapии дeвyшки oтнocятcя к pyccким мyжчинaм?

>#7 is a straight lie by all statistics that aren't from 2005

According to the World Bank from 2016 the only European countries poorer than Albania are Moldova and Ukraine. So I guess you're right

>#4 is another lie where the user decided to take a statistic from literally 1912 as opposed to the census in 2011

Has the number of muslims in Albania drastically fallen since 1912?

>#3 is another lie/misdating

Albania was recognized as a country in 1913? Is that wrong

>and to frame him as "anti-Muslim" is a joke

Didn't he reject islam and fight the ottomans for 25 years under the banner of christianity?

oткyдa знaю..


Great, im going to open blacked.com now



wtf thats a 13yo?

Make dank memes pls out of my pic

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Hey you guys have helped me before with translating. Can anyone give me a translation of what this stock for an AK-47 says?

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it's a name

Sounds croatian

You asked for it

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We russians enjoy seeing "'our"' women hanging out with Foreigners. Not only it makes us proud that Foreign Men like "'our"' girls but it is also beneficial for our nation's gene pool since we russian "'men"' are ugly and inferior (and we admit it) and we can not provide "'our"' women with quality sperm. So we need Superior Men, Foreign Men to impregnate"'our"' women.

I've banged 3 Russian women. One I even came in her mouth.

Things that never happened, the thread.

Turkey is probably my third favorite country, I love it.

I even stuck my penis in a brazilian girl's eye once.

Yep, it's an inevitably

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Stop lying. Turkey is your first favorite country, like all Turkoalbanians.

I'm a Greek and we too love Turkey like our mother

Thanks habibis

I want to put my CHI seed in a russian girl

t. russian whore Natashka

Saving TURKish thread from death

>Albania's Defense Ministry says a warship deployed to the Aegean Sea as part of NATO's maritime force has picked up a group of 41 Syrians who were trying to cross from Turkey to Greece.

>A ministry statement issued Sunday said the crew of the patrol vessel Butrinti saw the Syrians, including 10 children and seven women, in a speedboat that was traveling from Turkey's Cesme coastline to the nearby Greek island of Chios.

smol albania save EVROPE and nkreece from migrants

No, they saved them from a very good chance of dying. They would have either drowned at sea, or died in Greece. Disappointed in you albronians desu

>try to remove leftover food from front teeth
>it's actually a part of my teeth
what the fuck I thought alcoholism shoudn't affect me like this at 20 you lied to me mongols

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its cyrillic therefore its a Rac

based black man

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How are you dooing office cucks?

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I love making chai from those herbs

car crash dragon

thread theme

cCc hayde hayde balcCcani muslimani cCc

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god bless america

>making tea from weeds
the absolute state of fyrom

Hi there, (((russian))) (((intelectual))) (((nazi)))

Can we please end this thread, that whore OP girl's giving me a boner

>not eating weed to conserve better food resources for the upcomming civil war
Nigger, you're doing it wrong.

>tv is on
>show where people call to tell their opinions every morning (dobro utro makedonijo na kanal 5)
>some grandma yells how the deal with greece is just another piece of the NWO's plan to destroy all nations and states and to create a single world government

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She's right you know.

Otiam se izsera i 6e vi kaja kak mina brb.

Same girl?


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Mn dobro tropane be6e. Dovolen sum

She knows, I'm surprised she hasn't gotten a heart attack yet

Stop posting boner givers..

The people that call there are never triple digit iq

I bet she has Tito posters over her fireplace

i ate monkeydonian supermarket ajvar for the first time today ama


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You're doing this on purpose you little evil Macedonian, you want us to become degenerates again.

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>insults others
>eats ajvar from the supermarket
the nerve this guy has

I have never eaten ajvar btw irl (supermarket type or not)

some yugo friends brought it and i wanted to try it not meant as an insult lad

I love Russian girls :)

I would

How is liking cute girls degenerate?

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>tfw no jewish gf
homemade ajvar is really good the supermarket one was pretty meh

When you are gambling in the casinos in Gevgelija at least try some homemade ajvar while you are there. You won't regret it.
Your mom sucked my dick but it wasn't sexual lad, don't worry.

How do you guys feel about american niggers mocking you?



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that wasnt mocking tho