What exactly constitutes a Jow Forums post? I do not want to mess up, could someone clarify for me please?
What exactly constitutes a Jow Forums post? I do not want to mess up, could someone clarify for me please?
I do not want to upset anyone or the mods. I really like this board. Please what topics are non grata?
shut the fuck up and leave this board already, jesus youre the worst poster
Please tell me how can I be better? I am sorry I upset you
Don't complain about immigrants 24/7 and you'll probably be alright. Don't worry too much bro, Mexicans are just eternally assblasted you'll be fine.
how new are you that you dont know who op is?
I mean, what do you do? How can I be more like you?
Please tell me who I am? And what opinions to avoid? I do not spam kara boga I do not race bait, I do not post gay threads, or whitoid or poo in loo, or mutts, or any of that...
if youre not that retarded guatemalan that makes the "anti white post are making me racist" threads, a "Jow Forums post" in any post that agrees with Jow Forums's opinions
You're a silver spooner who complains about immigrants in Europe while bragging about how openly corrupt your family and acquaintances are. Then when you get too much heat for that you start justifying it by kissing American ass and stating how white you are.
Jow Forumspost are whatever leftyanons don't like.
Ok thank you I will avoid that
The only vaguely pol opinion I have is that I think stronger borders can be a good thing. And yes sorry, I overreacted. I was just sick of seeing kara boga and race baiting threads every fucking day and I complained there were no better threads. Sorry. I will just ignore them from now on. I would also like to ask a favour, and ask how you personally interact with the board and people here. I genuinely want to be better and not make this a worse place.
Ok that absolutely is not me. Is that the guate guy in the generals that talks about guns a lot? I am mixed, not white and I never mention personal life. I post sandwich threads! Is there another guatemalan here?
>Is there another Guatemalan here?
Yes, there are several Guatemalan anons here but they don't post as often as you.
But to be fair, the leaf got some things right.
Here is a perfect example
But I do not post that often! Look I will admit I have more than most in this country, but I work in a call centre and go to uni. I might be pro american, but like culturally and stuff. And yes, I will admit it, I find it hard to sympathize with illegal immigrants. I had a visa denied and I guess I have a chip on my shoulder that I played by the rules and had to stay. I guess there are more guatemalans...I never see them I guess
Sorry I asked...
>Please tell me how can I be better
leave this board and kill yourself
post belly
also just relax famlam this is a nice bored
if you dont want to be a pol autist go on pol and see what they are like
literally any political opinion the poster disagrees with
Hey thanks man I appreciate it. Hope you have a good night