All 10.32 million Portuguese people relocate to your country tomorrow. What happens?

All 10.32 million Portuguese people relocate to your country tomorrow. What happens?

Attached: 7741608854_026c2445e5_b.jpg (998x556, 177K)

Other urls found in this thread:

favelas start popping up and bundas start growing


>Why are there so many Arabs outside?
t. every Dane

>national football team suddenly gets a lot better
>cuisine gets better
>everyone forgets about this in a year and half
10,000,000 people is just a drop in the ocean for America. Nothing would drastically change.

Literally nothing. The number of bakeries will skyrocket too.

All lithuanian chicks will try to resist PORTUGALIAN BVLLS

that's 3% of americans, meaning america would get 3% more non-white

Fuck off

Iberian's are white, have always been white, and will always be white.