All 10.32 million Portuguese people relocate to your country tomorrow. What happens?

All 10.32 million Portuguese people relocate to your country tomorrow. What happens?

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Other urls found in this thread:

favelas start popping up and bundas start growing


>Why are there so many Arabs outside?
t. every Dane

>national football team suddenly gets a lot better
>cuisine gets better
>everyone forgets about this in a year and half
10,000,000 people is just a drop in the ocean for America. Nothing would drastically change.

Literally nothing. The number of bakeries will skyrocket too.

All lithuanian chicks will try to resist PORTUGALIAN BVLLS

that's 3% of americans, meaning america would get 3% more non-white

Fuck off

Iberian's are white, have always been white, and will always be white.

polmark you're a fucking Arab

t. 53%


Based PIDF

probably would barely notice it to be honest

I get a Portuguese bf with a big iberian cock to make me his little Anglo bitchboi

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Fuck off paki


what if we replaced all the pakis and mudslimes in the greater london area with portubros?

Still have plenty of room.

come to new jersey

pristine med colony with an already established Portuguese community from the 60s

the qt stock market crashes and I can finally acquire a gf

people would unironically think those girls were Moroccans

I'm gonna learn the language. FAST

london would be saved

nothing would change. why? because there is no difference between pakis and portuguese

At least they arent mudslimes. Considering our shitty history, thats actually an improvement

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Pekcosa pekcosa pekcosa cлeд мeн щe ти тpябвa глюкoзa.

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>explaining the joke immediately after making it
fucking YIKES
making germans look funny

We get too busy laughing at their accent so the entire country crashes (even harder) since no one can work anymore

What does their accent sound like?

Kill the women, rape the men

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kinda gay

it's not a joke, just a fact

did the heat melt your brain

wouldn't you rather do the opposite

lol whatever retard, don't hurt yourself with your cheese slicer

I finally get my Irene gf

Attached: Irene from Portugal.webm (1920x1080, 729K)

I think he's Paki himself


>cries in moor

I'd start wondering where did all those Azeris and Armenians come from.
Though 10 mil isn't even that much if they are evenly spread throughout the country.




They freeze to death come fall and next years crop fertiliser is taken care of.

Rude,please be serious,you'd love to have us hahahahahahha

Based and redpilled.

Our cuisine would improve and we'd finally have some attractive women. Unfortunately, we'd also become a lot more C*tholic.

If they're portugals and not Brazilians, we'll get some cool european influence, but we'll become more dark so it's not so good, but whatever.
Our football team will become much more great tho.


No tears, only Gregorian chant now

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Portuguese-Americans are the fourth largest ethnic group in the state of Hawaii, fifth largest group in Rhode Island and the eighth largest group in Massachusetts.[14]

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No we would not, we would thrive in your sea of COD and WE WILL TAKE ALL YOUR COD!

I'd live with you :3

Yet massachussetts bread is shit

Irene is not even that qt

Attached: 1.jpg (2048x1152, 177K)

This is not modern angola or brazil you lil ape, yet.

Attached: colonial_mozam112-1-pt.jpg (1020x969, 405K)

I'd probably date one. I've got a serious thing for even mildly exotic women.

the burger, thinks portuguese women are 'exotic'
american education

Attached: portuguese_women 00phenotype_71lad2.png (973x987, 1.9M)

Quero-a tanto, mas ela ignorou o meu pedido no instagram

are you fucking blind

morr exotic than most of what I have around here in the Midwest

Meet me irl and tell that to my face even ONE TIME you cod eating surrender monkey, I'll fucking rearrange your jaw. First and final warning.

Also post more Irenes

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Iberian culture is pretty exotic though. flamenco and bullfighting and siestas and whatnot

>flamenco and bullfighting and siestas and whatnot

That's only part of andalucia- south spain, not all iberian peninsula.

I'll go to Iceland and I'll open a Portuguese salted codfish factory

Attached: 1508107985251.jpg (1024x768, 92K)

We would finally have a significant black population, like the US believes.

BASED. Never associate the brave Portuguese with wh*Te animals.


Ugly. No wonder she had to get a Belgian boyfriend, probably from Molembek

Attached: 2.jpg (2048x1152, 181K)

Nothing much

more like Egypt would go back to being a monarchy

Literally Brazil: Northern Edition




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Bullfighting is widespread, just not in the north.
Afternoon naps are a natural response to the extreme heat in Alentejo, too.

makes sense roll

Attached: rmy0_Portugal_portug24am.jpg (1242x828, 400K)

B-but I shouldn't user... T-That would be rude

>Bullfighting is widespread, just not in the north.

No, there is no bullfighting tradition in south portugal - algarve, but there is in the center (ribatejo) and in the azores, but not in madeira.

But you must. I'm too autistic to do anything other than look at her pictures anyway, I don't even have instagram myself.

You must do it for your autistic brother in his hour of need. I'm Irenes biggest fan, literally. PLS PLS PLS PLSSSSSSS


O-okay. Just for you cod brother. I'll also give her Facebook.
This is all you need

They put on podunk parades as if they’re important like the gays or Chinese.

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Thank you based and redpilled cod master race.

I can't get that link to work with Instagram though, am I doing it wrong?

Japanese people do this with us in Japan

or like the irish, or italians, or poles, or like usually all euro-americans that have bounds of blood with europa.

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She has a monkey face

Attached: 111.jpg (1276x2048, 211K)

STOP saying rude things about my waifu ;_;

My city experiences an improvement although the economy will go to shit.


Apparently she deleted it. Probably got too much requests




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She deleted it lad

Can't you just post the link if you have it? I'm too stupid to figure it out, you even say so yourself.

Oh no, the arabs invaded again


No she didn't

Actually she changed instagram nickname
See below

Attached: IMG_20180808_003330.png (720x1169, 203K)

I love you

The account is private, but whatever, I still love you

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