1. Chile
2. Below market return
How go your investments?
Plz respond
investment for stock? oil?
>less than 7% in 3 years and a half
that's a pretty shitty rate bro
22 percent return in three months
Value investing and I do risk netrueka positioning
I invested in Japan
idk how to invest and im a brainlet. Jow Forums just focuses on cryptomeme so they don't help
Also, the rate is pretty off for some reason. I am up $2.1k but I started at 3k then 5k then 8k. You know?
42% in 3 years, above OMX30, but not Nasdaq/Dow Jones
I invested in Eastern Poland and now I'm a multimillionaire.
Just putting that out there.
Youtube Warren Buffet, do exactly what he tells you and don't try to do anything fancy or smart
1. Get a bank account
2. investor.vanguard.com
3. investor.vanguard.com
4. Log into your account online and purchase shares. It will also protect you from overdrafts, dumb mistakes, and leveraged buys. You’ll need more money to get those special accounts (like 100,000) so don’t worry about them.
I started in late 2014 with $3k and am up $2500 since.
I've been doing well. If you trade burger stocks, research AMRS.
I’ll need proof
That’s not in dollars, sven
Percentages don't care about dollars, whatever you call Chileans
I invested in Japan and am poor
Argentinian stocks are up 300% since 2013. Now tell me why that is.
% gain annualized?
> lose all my money
> double down on the dip
> make it back and more
this shit is so easy
Inflation is all that matters in nominal %. Show me the dollar return
Wait were you asking about me or the stock? The latter is over 100%
I have six figures in cash.
We're currently near the peak of the business cycle with a lot of indicators that things will get bad soon. Not a good time to invest.
Annualized? How long you been investing?
You would have made triple if you bought all in at first. Stop trying to time. You’ll get burnt
Your overall investment since you started. How much are you up annualized? That means the % gain per year/number of years.
I only have BTC I've held for way too long. Once I get a job I'll start investing in VTSAX.
I've only been doing this for about a year.
Yes and the NASDAQ 2000 was a bubble and housing in 2006 was a bubble.
Oh wait... both are now 50% higher
Put some small money in stocks (400$), gambled a few times with with leverage, won, bought a car with part of the money and got liquidated on the rest.
Lol gonna be funny when the market corrects and you lose your money
Good luck
Why not now? Fees are only .05% (record low) versus the 2% trade fee on BTC
Yeah and I could've made made 100x return if I got lucky on some Jow Forums meme
Buying dips is so easy and it's safe because (((they))) will never let the market stay down too long
I need to wait for BTC to rise again so I'll make money. I would have if I had sold at 7.5k but I was lazy and didn't.
Got liquidated? Did the May crash fuck you?
i want in on this too
how do i do it
That was just bantz
You only see that shit once a century
It will never happen again
I bought two houses which should be between 5-10% increase each per year and I don't have to pay rent, plus renovations are a much more fun way to generate wealth than stressing over graphs
I don't know how to invest and wouldn't know what to invest in.
t. brainlet
just buy bitcoin easiest way to triple your money with no effort
I showed how
>muh guaranteed returns
Based. You should do it again
thanks buddy