Sweden was literally perfect before immigrants arrival

Sweden was literally perfect before immigrants arrival...

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diversity is our strength

sweden in 1800: poor alcoholic fucktards who kept trying to invade denmark
sweden in 2050: richest country with a majority muslim population and zero alcohol

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Yes for Swedes that is. For the Finnish minority there? Not so fun

If it was perfect, why did they allow so many immigrants in?

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they just wanted to help some poor shitskins

The entire world was literally perfect before 1980

sharing is caring

Why are Danish posters so based, it's crazy

California was 95% White just 60 years ago....jesus

swedes have gotten bored of being perfect.

we flew too close to the sun, we thought we could share paradise with southrons

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unironically this

nah it was full of swedes, totally fucked from the get go

butthurt for damn near a millenia


also this

Speaking of millenias Swedes will be extinct early on in this one

Fuck off, stop derailing literally every thread that so much as even mentions Sweden. You have nothing to do here, choo choo

>West Swede


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Nice meme niggerlover

Diversity is causes a breakdown in social trust, its what destroys community ties. While at a national level immigration and improve economic numbers, at the local level it just erodes the connections of people and their communities. The nation becomes more wealthy, but the people more isolated.

literally this
the "multiculti is ok" mentality sure as fucking hell wasn't brought in by foreigners

Shut your mouth. Finns shouldn't be there either.

Bet you think Swedish speakers should be in Finland. Anyway Finns have lived in Northern Sweden before Swedes.

Sweden in 2000: rich progressist country without a shariah police

No, that language (Swedish) or loyalty by some to Sweden shouldn't have any foothold in Finland

Swedes are what they are, ergo sweden is what it is today. The country was destined to bend over to foreign bulls because it's in the innate nature of a Swede to do so. Any past glories of Sweden are irrelevant and merely accidents of historical circumstance.

>it's in the innate nature of a Swede to do so.