Do Americans worship Trump?

I've heard Americans are faithful and worship trump since 2016.
Kill the mutant(Mexican), burn the heretic(muslim) and purge the unclean(faggot).

How often do you Americans worship emperor trump?

Attached: emperor of mankind Trump.jpg (646x720, 87K)

The ironic thing is that that trump serves others.

I only voted for him so he could appoint SCOTUS Justices.
If he does build the wall that will just be icing on the cake.

You love it don't you?

I don't even care about the man himself but his fangirls are making me want to leave the country more and more every day. They're a complete embarrassment to be associated with

he's unironically one of the greatest American presidents in history

t. not a Jow Forumsyp

Best American president since Washington

in order of importance its:

the ascension of his highness, the exalted god king and unifier of tribes TRUMP

the crucifixion

shark week

the birth of christ

Unironically, he is not the reason I voted for him. I voted for him for what he was about to indirectly bring, it's a new political wave and something (finally) is going to happen in our system.
The world's hypocritical hegemony will crumble down, lads.

t. Jow Forumsyp